Going to fap to my teacher before school..rate her

Going to fap to my teacher before school..rate her

8.5/10 start being a naughty boy


A solid boner out of penis.


Girl on right is beautiful. have moar of her?

That's my teacher

Anyone want to send her a dick pic?

She's hot

What's her age?
What's your age?
What country?

you got her number for dick pic?

She's 26 united states

Only fbook

whats her fb?


Shea probably getting ready for work now


Looks like Rocky Dennis!

Bf I believe

Alexis Erin Ijams
Derby High School
Wichita Kansas Enlgish Teacher 9&10
Bowling Coach

FB /allie.ijams
Insta ai_helloroto/
Twt peachyteach77
Phone 7033042327
Email Work [email protected]
Email Personal [email protected]
Address 318 N Crest Circle, Wichita, Kansas

Thats it for the archives so next time this thread happens we have all of this immediately

oy vey they are marked by the star

Let's send her some pizza!

Terrible idea

Fuq outta here Nigga. Kek has spoke
