
floof and stuff

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Motherfucking furfaggots! >.>

>tfw even fags hate your thread and won't post


Tricky bastard.


Yeah, anthro sheep probably will be one of the first created.
Look, it has: Meat, tits, pussy, wool, milk.
Every part of them would be useful to humanity.
And if they be made smart enough then conversation and slavery too!
Future space colony ships would definitely have couple dozen of them packed in freezer, just in case.





Well this is something I didnt realise I was into until now







Nope, teh fags are here now.





what, you thought you were gay?

Just love the way she's using fur to hide herself you get me , never knew it was a thing, and who knows ;)




>Not just going after niggers
Have you ever left your cave long enough to know how bad livestock smell?

So , whats your opinion on borderlands 2? (Open question)





I played a lot of it, was pretty fun

anarchy mechromancer is the most fun build/class

starting my countdown to see how long it takes you to relize those are drawings.

it had a high level of badassitude, and the nigger died so there's that.

You should try self-burn physco , real fun trust me- Not viable- but fun.

He was a great guy though , shame

I wnjoyed it a lot, but I'm still confused as to why the borderlands 1 characters are no longer in the new-u system. I'm pretty sure it was also never said why in the game.

Thats true, The new-u system creates alot of plot holes , example if its made hyperion why dont they, yknow, shut it off so you just die?
Kinda doesnt make sense.

i was more sad for the bird

Yeah , bloodwing was a lovely bugger :(

I actually forgot to put a file with that , im such a mug



as someone who believes borderlands 1 is one of the best games he ever played, i have to tell you that i was quite disappointed in bl2. i don't find "bullet sponges" and "healthgate" to be fun gaming mechanics. it's just a lazy workaround if you can't come up with a reasonable AI, which Gearbox obviously can't.

all in all, this made BL2 much less fun than BL1; add the fact BL2's humour was... lacking compared to BL1 and yeah.

However, it's much better UI-wise, probably characterselection-wise, etc. It was fun, superfun, but I'd just rather have Borderlands 1.5 instead. (don't even fucking mention that BL:TPS bullshit)

Never played presequel I just stuck with bl2. I tried playing borderlands 1 and I couldnt really get around it , just felt very dated compared to 2 and not having a main story quest really put me off. I suppose its more like skyrim in that manner and I kind of prefer it that way but I can see how you like bl1 more.





>I tried playing borderlands 1 and I couldnt really get around it , just felt very dated compared to
because it sorta is. also the UI there sucks a lot. once you get used to, i dunno, having a fucking minimap, you wont be able to go back.

but it was so much better mechanics- and humour-wise... really.


Hate to say it but I loved handsome jack hence why I loved the humor overall.
Not saying its worse just saying I prefer the bl2 :)


So guys. Woman I like , pretty cute , pretty intelligent accepts me for who I am, should I just say your cute as hell or no? She would be the kind to appreciate it atleast.

I forgot to add a picture, again

Tannis is mai waifu.
although i'd have to teach her to appreciate music I guess.

oh btw, forgot to mention, Tannis absolutely sucks in BL2 compared to BL1. She's just an empty fucking shell there. Seriously...

its usually best to be open and honest with people about how you feel about them

anything less can turn into actual deception faster than you'd think


Wow that actually a really good point, I never thought of it that way. You've opened my eyes Sunshine , thanks :)
Yeah she is pretty dull in bl2, I really should play bl1 if anything just to get a backstory on all the characters.



>She would be the kind to appreciate it atleast
so... the cons are?

Sorry man I found it on another s/fur bread. You might have to reverse search it on the googs.


Shes a mate of a mate who hates me, so I could get ratted down by some of her friends if she mentions it, but I suppose thats barely a con. I guess I'll go for it :)





yes. you should.

the art is tsampikos, the gif idk


Anyone got some more inviting images?



Well I did it , Ill tell you guys how it goes down with her.



Great! now tell her you wank it to cartoon animals

Long story short
You're amazing
>Yeah no
No seriously your amazing
>Thanks :)
Am I fucked? I think that's a bad response.

Thats usually not a good idea surprisingly


So what is this?


then you'll never know if you've found your soul mate

I mean I feel kinda ashamed I love this stuff usually, Cant help myself though, normal stuff just doesnt get me turned on at all.

I think there is a ghost with me...



Say Hi for me :)
I actually used to date someone who was into this stuff , got cheated on and was left heartbroken for a few years so thats great. Barely over it now.

me too except we just kinda drifted apart, and she was getting kinda fat so i was all OK with it.

That must be freezing, jeez.

There used to be a nice hentai comic about a wolf guy visiting a bunch of sheep girls to eat them. Doeas anyone has the link for it?

I wish we drifted apart, would have made my life a lot easier, Emotional abuse and harassment is really fun to deal with honestly - sarcasm of course.



Vore or just intention?