We have potentially habitable planetes 40 light years away

We have potentially habitable planetes 40 light years away.
If we're optimistic we'll reach 1/10 of light speed in space which leads to 800 years of travel time.
(Starting at 0m/s constantly accellerating to the exact middle of the route and then constantly decellerating.)
If we assume that one generation of humans is 33 years old on average that's 24 generations that must not fuck up.
How would you make sure they don't develop some stupid cult or became vegan communist mid-flight?

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sex slaves and beer

Cryogenic stasis pods

Cryogenic technology only works on poikilothermic animals. Humans - like all mammals would just start shaking and waste precious calories till they'd eventually die of exhaustion.

24 generations that must not fuck up. I feel like because of the exponential expansion of technology, a new generation on earth would develop better technology and arrive before the first batch who left did.

>1/10th the speed of light
This is clearly a science fiction thread and should not be taken seriously.

But i was trying to be serious.
Fact 1: Due to the lack of friction in space we can theoretically speed up to these kinds of speeds.
Fact 2: If it's 24 generations of 50 doesn't really matter at the point. I just tossed a number in the room so we got a raw feeling of the situation. They're completely isolated from earth - well, they do have shitty communication, but the things they know from earth or living on planets are myths at some point. There's probably a high risk of them becoming totally detached from earth and humanity which could lead to all kinds of unwanted outcomes.

Why would they fly to some shitty planet then fly right back again?

"Oh yeah, we invented teleportation about ten years after you left."

Nigga, we have the tech since the 70's

What the fuck are you even talking about retard

This is the time needed for ONE flight.

So are you just bad at division?

This level of technology would enable you to convert Mars and Venus into a habitable planets in less then 800 years. So just stay home and do this.

We have a hard time getting off the ground as it is. As much as I really want those planets to be habitable, we won't have the technology to get there for probably 100 years or more.

Maybe i am, let me check.

Implying you wouldn't be able to modify your genes enough to get around that by the time you have a starship capable of carrying presumably 1000+ people.


1 generation

>Fact 1: Due to the lack of friction in space we can theoretically speed up to these kinds of speeds.
Fact 1: Due to relativity each increase in speed needs an exponential increase in energy. Any sort of high output power source that lasts 800 years is far in the future.
BTW... the lack of friction and weight doesn't cancel out the mass of the vehicle. The same physics still apply to accelerating a mass to relativistic speeds.

Actually no, i think i'm right.
If you were flying the whole time at 1/10 of light speed - the flight would take 400 years.
Now if you take into account that you'll have to accelerate and decellerate this halfes the average speed doubeling the average time.
Tell me if i'm wrong.

>What is project Orion.

We'll be lucky to colonize Mars before mass extinction.

If we're being optimistic, that is.

Its imposible, Mankind is not meant for space, no phisical way to get there with our tech, life spawn, and durability, the only way its to become synthetic to survive that much time un space

>This level of technology would enable you to convert Mars and Venus into a habitable planets in less then 800 years. So just stay home and do this.
Or just explore the sea bed here on Earth. 70% of our planet's surface is completely unknown.

The first generation would go crazy. The second generation would resent being couped up on a ship, knowing they'll never see their home planet or their destination. The fourth generation probably won't even believe half the stories their great grandparents tell them about earth. It's basically just a race to see which fails first: the life support equipment or the minds of the travellers. A limited number of people isolated with limited resources for 800 years in a relatively fragile environment is a recipe for inbreeding, insanity, and suicide.

I would be lying if i said i knew a whole lot about physics, maybe i assumed a little much.
Still: The problems appearing after 24 generations would even more be the case after even more generations.

So send sperm and eggs over there beeing monitored by an ai?

You send a group of vegan communists. That way it won't happen mid-flight.

Ummm that's like saying people can't survive on islands, there are tribes that have literally lived isolated from the rest of the world for centuries... Is not like they would lock you up in a white room alone retard, assuming this would happen they would have everything, movies, sport rooms, documentals, all human information gathered through history, and plenty of people to hang with

Why. why should we do this.

It makes no sense economically, scientifically or whatever.

We also can't solve our overpopulation with this or get them to send us valuable matter of any kind

It is just too far away.

There is literally zero benefit from this in any regard.

We could not even communicate with those colonists in a timely manner to get information of whatever they may encounter.

Do you really want the first extrasolar planet to be taken by humans to be a vegan communist colony?

Realistically we would send robots on this kind of mission. And maybe a small crew of human astronauts and frozen embryos if we really want to establish a human colony.

That doesn't mean some people won't go crazy or be weirdly deformed from being born in a zero gravity environment. How many experiments have so seen dealing with pregnancy in space? none is the right answer

For the glory of humanity or something?
Don't you want to make sure humanity survives the 5th world war or epedemy?

that video somewhat answers that question

Scientists have recently cam up with a theoretically possible solution of space travel upto half the speed of light by riding on he waves created by the explosion of nuclear bombs. Also a new theory had recently been proposed by a nasal scientist regarding warp speed and how it may be possible.

You are implying technology would have reached 1/10 of light speed, space ships able to travel for 800 years with self energy, ability to colonize a new planet right away, but no experiment would have been done about pregnancy in space


>nasal scientist

if i'm informed correctly we have 2 major problems in space:
a) zero g is bad for humans, in order to fix this you can spin your space ship and you have artificial gravity.
b) radiation is bad for humans, this is a somewhat unfixed problem as no radiation shield will hold for that long.

Haven't you seen battlestar Galactica? This is serious business

I'm saying there are steps. No one is just gonna shove a tube of people off into deep space without knowing what the fuck is gonna happen to them. We as humans can barely get politics right little lone deep space travel.

Why would acceleration and deceleration take 200 years each? That's a tiny acceleration of around 0.005 m/s^2. Is this based on some specific form of propulsion?

I'm not an expert or anything by the way. To be honest I hadn't considered acceleration until you mentioned it.

They are already here, they've been here and have been commiting terrible acts on our species, the UN has been working with them and certain interest groups have been given large monetary gain (not only financially) through this relationship with the aliens. Now they have no way of introducing aliens and saying they've been here all along and so they are going to manufacture a fake contact and act as though everyone is meeting for the first time and then cover up all the stuff that's been done, the agreements, the exchanges, none of it ever existed.

And in this scenario
c) You're driving into a load of shit at 67,000,000 mph.

Use genetic engineering to send perfect settlers

Brilliant. They might convert to carnivorous capitalists.

The blue plus the green parts represent the situation of going 1/10 of light speed the whole time which leads to 400 years travel time.
Assume that every blue and green pixel you summarize is equal to a certain amount of length covered.
Now if we take a constant acceleration and decelleration into the situation you'd cover half the range in the same time (only the green parts) - because the sum of the pixels that i summarize are half.
If i'd feel fany at the moment i'd write you a formula with tons of greek letters, but i assume this simple graph shows the basic idea.

>little lone

Except op mentioned decelleration...

What's a orion drive faggot ?

So your craft doesn't actually travel at 1/10 the speed of light for 99.99% of the journey?

What's the point of that?


>saying people can't survive on islands
Ever read Lord Of The Flies?
There's also a few VERY big differences between living on an island and living in a spacecraft:
First and foremost: isolation.
Yes, you're isolated on an island. But you're isolated on an island with a sky that goes as far as the eye can see. You're surrounded by an ocean you can swim in and explore, and it goes as far as the eye can see. In a spaceship traveling through interstellar space, you are in an enclosed environment with nothing in every direction but billions of miles of nothing in every direction.

Go outside of town tonight and find an unlit driveway next to a wide open field where you can lay on top of your car and look straight up without being able to see trees, buildings, or artificial light; only the black of night and the stars. When you remove the visual anchors you're used to seeing (the ground, the horizon, plants, etc) it's rather unsettling. Stare up long enough and you'll start to feel an actual need to look down or reach your hand up into your field of vision just to have something familiar in your field of vision. Not to mention what will happen to the first generation's mental health when the absolute reality sets in that they'll never see earth again, that no matter what happens they'll never get out of that ship alive. They are entombed.

The second generation will have it easier, never having seen earth. As you said, tribes have lived isolated for their whole lives. But a person going from New York or LA onto one of those islands to never see anyone again is a different matter than someone who's only known the island.

Secondly, and maybe more important in the long run: durability.
The island's ecosystem is not going to break down for thousands or millions of years. It has a whole planet supplying its oxygen, carbon dioxide, tidal cycles, fishing, etc, etc. Expecting any highly complex man-made system to function for eight centuries...

alright this is cancer now, I'm out

Cool idea, but futurama probably thought about this way before you did.

The point is to have a somewhat realistic reference value and to not crash into the planet we're trying to populate.


I don't watch futurama - was there any kind of notable input on the problem?

The concept is retarded because during the time it takes to get to those planets we achieve technology that makes it possible to get there before

Accessible fuel

with that logic we would never do it

Not sure I understand I am retard but instead of blasting off at 1/10 light and then stopping its more of like one quick boost at 1/10 light but since that is so much energy it takes a long ass time to power up to it and power down from it?

so comms to the planet would take 40 years, 80 round trip.
you will never visit there, none of them will make it back to earth either.
why do you care about them again?

Maybe there's something I'm missing, but I don't see the point. You could accelerate at 9.8 m/s^2, which is the acceleration caused by the Earth's gravity, and reach 0.1 c in 35 days.

Really? Maybe we are being selfish and greedy. Maybe we as humans suddenly having so much technology just want to focus on more more more more. Maybe it's not responsible to pursue this just because. Maybe we need to live in 2017 and not 2200. Maybe we are getting ahead of ourselves? Maybe we should focus on fixing this planet and learning to exist together happily, maybe it's irresponsible to pursue this without having the right technology. Maybe we have to grow up a bit and realize this will be for our future humans to achieve, not us.

Whatever you do, don't take niggers with you into space.

The constant acceleration has 2 good reasons:
1) the people inside the ship (and the ship itself) don't get mashed by g-forces because someone decided to speed up to 1/10 of the speed of light.
2) It makes shit easy for me to calculate - realistically you could say that you would try to reach cruising speed as soon as possible and stay that way as long as possible. On the other hand you don't know if that's close to 1/10 of light speed as it's only a model.

Yea and maybe people hundreds of years ago should have focused on improving Europe instead of moving to the New World. Where's your sense of adventure?

>inb4 alcubierre drive
>inb4 quantum morse
All y'all muthafukkas need science.

I didn't consider that, but as stated the assumption was done mostly due to ease of calculation.

Well, its a way to handle overpopulation , send people to space with promises of a new land wich u cant garantee to get rid of them, I prefer sending people to space and see what happens than to have pointless wars, we atleast trying to learn something new, not just hunger and dead between us

But if we don't do it long enough, we'll eventually develop the technology to be there already without going.

too late. they took over the ship!

Bring hella drugs into the ship. Beer, mdma, prescription pills, and weed to be exact.

>because someone decided to speed up to 1/10 of the speed of light *as fast as possible*

For that kind of acceleration we need an exotic engine or fuel in the form of propellant (and it would require copious amounts), not a low thrust but high delta-v engine like the ones proposed for interstellar flight.

For example, say existence is a book containing a story, specifically the story of humans in the universe. If you have two people, one who can see the book and see that it's 2000 pages, or he does experiments and gathers that the book is actually 2000 pages long, and one that can't see the whole book and how long it is, doesn't have insight into figuring out how long it is, only can see the pages. That knowledge doesn't help the first guy get through the story any faster. He still has to read every page, you can't skip to the end of the book read the last page and say you understand the story. Maybe us humans are on page 300, and we have figured out that the book is 2000pages long and we really really wanna Get to page 1200 and we dream and make movies about what page 1200 would be like, what will the situation be? How does the story go? Too bad cause we are still on page 300 and the only way to get to that is to read the next 900 pages

>Inb4 Orion project

That is such a terrible comparison for so many reasons I don't think it's even worthwhile pointing them out.

What is quantum entanglement

this is clearly not a thread about physics OP was just throwing out a random number

He wanted to discuss social problems that might come from multiple generations spending their entire lives on a space ship

or is everyone pretending to be retarded and I missed the joke?

We all know that's not how it'll pan out.

but they don't know how to use the controls

Something we don't really have a grip on yet, but by the time some rich asshole finds a way to build a liveship like the kind being described, I think we'll have enough of an understanding to at least send simple messages to and from Earth.

They unthaw and notice a massive, human space station orbiting the target world.

Even if we had the capabilities to travel that quickly, there's all sorts of small debris floating around in space. Mostly rock or ice fragments from asteroids and comets respectively. They're too small to be detected in time to avoid them, and hitting one of them at 1/10th the speed of light would obliterate the spacecraft. In fact at those speeds the craft could destroy an entire earth-sized planet rather easily. Look up "relativistic bombs" if you don't believe me.

Why would the refreeze?
How are they supposed to notice anything while frozen?

Nah, it would take more than 1 generation for things to go to shit. You have to assume they'd choose people who weren't horrible, so there'd be civility for a while.

I knew there was all kinds of shit floating arround planets and suns, but in open space?
Isn't open space supposed to be really really empty except for a few asteriods which according to all odds would miss the space craft?

Fuck off with that.

>sn't open space supposed to be really really empty except for a few asteriods which according to all odds would miss the space craft?

THis lends more merit that we are being simulated in our existence

We clearly will fuck up.. its guaranteed

Future /bros have simulated us to nip our fuckups in the bud which means we have a good chance at not fucking up

By leveraging outcomes in a multi verse we can essentially get to where we need to be by aggregating the results of this

Our minds have been wired to not comprehend alternative outcomes that don't have a beginning for an end

Hence why dmt will let you break down these limitations and be absorbed into the true reality

do you have any idea how much even one ship capable of lets say transporting 1000 people would cost?

Not to speak of the materials that get lost forever.

If you want to send of a million people that would be thousand ships and that would not even make a dent in the population problem

thats not how genetic manipulation works and what your talking about is a complete system rewrite of how our bodys would work

How exactly would "spaceships travelling really really fast" somehow bring back Mars' magnetosphere? Nothing about those two things is related to the other, and without it's magnetosphere Mars can't retain an atmosphere.

I guess if you're just talking giant biodomes or something that'd probably be doable but that's really not making Mars actually habitable.

I hadn't really thought of the sensation of acceleration. I wonder if there's any way to cancel it.

Enlighten me faggot, i asked a serious question.
Shit gets caught in the gravitational pull of planets or stars which is why there's relatively much arround them. Open space on the other hand is empty exept for occational debris which is extremely unlikely to get anywhere close. Am i wrong?

> the exponential expansion of technology

technology is limited by physics, fucko

I have no idea what sort of propulsion is available and what acceleration it can achieve tbh.

What sort of acceleration do you think is realistic (at least by the time we can build a ship that allows people to survive for multiple generations)?

There's still the collision problem, too.

To elaborate on this, a rock with a mass off 100g would have the kinetic energy of 1.1 Petajoules, ~55 MT of TNT