Anyone here try Kratom...

Anyone here try Kratom? I just took some and I am very impressed by the effects- my pain (which was killing me on the drive home from work) is gone and I feel like I took 30mg of hydrocodone.

I know its not something you want to get carried away with but its legal natural and safe I could definitely see myself keeping some on hand.

Aside from opiate like withdrawals from overuse, is there anything bad about this stuff?

Doesn't give that much of a high. Much less than a few Beers will give you.
Does kill the pain though. It's another feeling. Painkilling is nice, high is meh. You also need to take shitloads of that disgusting stuff for a proper effect. Maybe 20-40g would actually give a proper high but its too disgusting to try.

One thing about this stuff is that you do not realise you are on it if you are concentrating on something.
Smoking cigs while on kratom can easily make you puke on half-decent doses.

tl;dr good painkiller, bad high, disgusting, huge amounts necessary, side effects
Probably safer in the long term as getting addicted on normal over-the-counter or prescription painkillers

just the taste. How did you take it

very opiate like side effects, you may need a laxative

Be very careful. Despite what people tell you, it can be highly addictive.

Only do it every two days or so. I'm up to taking about 14 grams a day now.

Adding to my Post:
First I tried it "dissolved" in water. Was manageable, but only 5g. Proper doses would be extremely disgusting that way.

Then I switched to properly dissolving in sweeeet cocoa. You first need to drip small amounts of water to your kratom and stir until you have a paste, then it will dissolve cleanly.
However, even this was eww with proper doses. Had to drink 1 liter cocoa. That sugar dose... That was about 20 way overfull tea spoons of sugary sweet fucking cocoa.

Best Method: make a paste like I described. Should be formable. Then out a ball of that in your mouth each time and gulp it down with water, rinse and repeat.

I usually either put it into 0.5 gram capsules (bought a capsule machine on ebay + capsules for like 15 bucks), or do a toss and wash with powder. I never have minded the taste for some reason. I have fear factor resiliency when it comes to taking drugs as far as taste goes.

Do capsules honestly

Thats a medium dose for a proper effect, even with no tolerance. Strong doses start from there and go 25g+
Although some people are more sensitive. I always need larger doses of painkillers than most.

I've had 2 back surgeries and my doctor was loading me up with Percocet. I had to stop taking it because I would have totally been addicted to it. Found Kratom 6 months later and have been almost completely without pain ever since. I buy online from kratom crazy. Plus I get a lot of shit done around the house when taking it.

I'm tossing and washing. Basically no taste and I can get to multiples of .5g in one go.
Honestly, I'd need up to 40 capsules that way, minimum 20, for one fucking dose.

The thing is, when I started taking it, I would get great euphoria off of just 7 grams (Happy Hippo or Mmmspeciosa kratom), or like 14 grams to an ounce of headshop shit. After daily use for about 6 months now, the euphoria is pretty much gone, but the sedation and painkilling capabilities have kept me on it, not to mention withdrawls are like quitting cigarettes.

any of you niggers ever tried phenylpiracetam?

No, should I?

That looks like matcha powder. Matcha tea is delicious. Highly recommend it

If only it would taste like matcha

yo Sup Forums what the fuck is kratom on my college campus theres some "bush did 9/11" liberal store selling it for studying reasons.. please enlighten

>Aside from opiate like withdrawals from overuse, is there anything bad about this stuff?

The withdrawals aren't as bad as opiates. It's not pleasant, but you won't feel like your body is turning inside out.

It gets expensive when you get addicted to it. I guess like any drug really. Plus choking down that nasty shit never gets easy. You'll be able to tolerate it better, but that taste will always be horrid. Then there's the fact that this stuff hasn't really been studied clinically all that well. It may be completely harmless, and it could be fucking your health up. You won't know until it's too late.

Do you have any melatonin? Take some at bedtime, and turn the lights out. It produces a psychedelic effect, or at least did when I first started doing kratom. It'll work even hours after you last took kratom. I always found it very pleasant, but I've told others about it who didn't, so I guess this could double as a warning if you take melatonin regularly.

go for it, i bought a gram for like 6 dollars on amazon. it gives a sort of stimulant feeling high

Seems like a meme drug. Kind of like phenibut.

Every time i take it its like i ate 18 percs and i puke for a good 20-30 min but after that its all good. Also it taste like complete shit.

Its sort of like opiates, or if done in small doses a stimulant. Its cheap, legal, you can buy 2lbs of it for around $70 ive had the same bag for around 6 months. if you like it, id recommend buying a capsule filler and capsules because its super hard to down, and gets in your mouth and it doesn't taste pleasant at all

Has anyone got any experience using Kava instead?

OP got me interested in this Kratom business but research tells me it ain't for me. Kava sounds more promising though..

Very wishy washy with its potency. Some sites sell dirt, some sell insane leaf.

KAVA is fucking disgusting, try going outside and putting dirt in water and drinking it, that im sure taste better than kava. id send you like 35 grams of it if i had your address. FUCKING SICK

Kratom doesn't exactly sound like it tastes like rainbows either

Im thinking more about the effects. Because of random tests at my job I can't enjoy the herb so I've been looking for another, legal, undetectable way to chill and Kava sounds like it could be it. Kratom sounds too strong/addictive/traceable

its better. phenibut is pure shit though

kava had little effect

happy hippo kratom is bomb