It never gets old

it never gets old

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Your butt gets old.


everyone's butt gets old since people age

Cartoons don't. 2D 4 LIFE!

that made me sad

how do neets get this much money



hi nef


it's going nicely
who is that cat

Protagonist from a game I backed

I submitted the pumpkin head character in this screenshot

it's insanely radical

it is nice to hear that

To be fair, that is one of the best g/fur pics ever created.

i like the art style of the characters

it's true
the coolness is unmatched

the fuck

thanks bae

It's an alright game

Not a challenge - I wouldn't get it for gameplay - but a nice story.

i probably wouldn't play it, but i think it's got a nice style and looks cute

Can't escape the pain. Can't even sleep. Contemplating becoming an hero at this point.

hey badj
what happened? are you still sick?

Recovered from one sickness, contracted another. I wish I was still sick with the flu and not this hellish torture.

fuck man that sounds awful, i'm sorry to hear that.
what are your symptoms?

Norovirus, I'm sure you know what that means. And to top that off, due to being unable to eat, I've got a migraine that's lasted for a day now. Painkillers don't do anything at this point.

>Nef the game

oh yeah that's nasty shit. i really wish i could help.
i'm assuming you're doing what you already can to help get over it?
how do you keep contracting these illnesses

I'm doing everything I can, but I can only consume so many pills without making it worse.
I have no idea, maybe it's not being properly sick for a long time coming back to me.

ein volk ein reich

You will be okay, badj. The spirits watch over you.

thanks nibi

I think I'll try to get some more sleep.


i don't even see what i did there, was it the nasty shit part?
i'm not talking just pills. do you feel like you're really out of energy since you can't eat? if so then drink gatorade or something like it, that usually helped when i was too sick and couldn't eat.
yeah i can believe that, it happens to me too.

you made me think about spirit walkers from warcraft 3

>mother earth guide you


good luck friendo

Sleeps and water.

>Grew up in the city
>Will never be one with the land and at peace with the spirits

become a druid, that would fix your problem.


the belt was pretty good if you were leveling as feral back in the day

I wish I could invest points in were-bear form.


i didn't play much druid in diablo 2, i played frost orb sorc, javazon, spoopy necro and trap assassin.
didn't see many druids either tbh

I didnt like the whole, "Turn into a kitty cat" thing.

fair enough. i was alright with it since you were pretty much a rogue while leveling when you had it, plus you could spam heal yourself
wow druids had so much utility now that i think about it

I liked rogue better since they could always beat the cat even if the cat got an opening first.
The smart ones would turn into the gay bear mid fight so they didnt get ripped apart.

I liked the Druid, but he wasn't that good.

a good druid had a chance against a rogue if their levels were close but the rogue usually takes it since most druids were SHIT
form swapping in wpvp worked well from my experience

yeah he was pretty bad

Having good binds and a 5 button mouse helped a lot.

for most classes it helped but it was most beneficial on druids i found

pretty dead tonight

mike pence



what are you guys up to

Playing a game

Also, I found a Action Replay MK3 for a reasonable price right after I bought my MK2

that sounds like it's kind of shitty, what's the difference? i'm assuming that MK3 is just newer?

Trying to get a harness off the dog, because my brother-in-law put it on wrong and now she's tangled in it.

More support for games, built in memory for games etc etc.

I am thinking of getting it and selling the one I just got. It's pretty rare for the USA.

that's silly of them. what kind of dog is it?

oh that's pretty neat.

you could probably get how much you paid for the MK2 back, at least i'm assuming you can. if so and you're in a position where you can buy the MK3 i'd say go for it.

It was like $30 the MK2, the MK3 is going to be around $60.

double the price?
that's kind of interesting, is it because of the rarity?


if you feel like you want to go for it and have the cash, go for it. you could sell the MK2 for the $30 i'm assuming, and get that back at least

Wow I'm so glad I can read that.

Chihuahua-Dachshund-Pomeranian mix.

sounds like a cutie

Hello people, how are you?

sleepy, kinda

She's hiding under the bed, right now. I squished her when trying to remove her harness, and she's now hiding.

okay but not amazing, apparently I have vertigo which explains why I keep waiting up dizzy and naseous for the past few days.

i'm sure that you'll be able to get it off of her soon enough

oh that's kinda shitty, does it affect you a lot when you wake up?

well it was enough this morning that I felt it wasn't safe for me to drive. Other mornings it isn't as bad but I still feel iffy about the drive.

i can imagine how it feels, especially if you've got to go to work or something
everyone's getting sick, a bunch of people i know in person, badj, and now you

I shouldn't have listened to this with a head ache.

yea tis the season I guess. My sister had a bad cold a few weeks ago I guess too.

Well, now that I've vomited and shat out blood, I feel not so terrible. I'll just not eat anything and drink lots of water. If the situation doesn't get better, I'll seek medical attention.

Too much pain to sleep, lying down might've made it actually worse.

Druid was fun, but kinda bad.

i'm half-expecting to get sick soon too, i wouldn't be surprised.

so many (You)s
maybe try to eat a very small amount? or does that just come up before anything happens to it regardless of what or how much you have?

how do i take the pain away

yeah he was pretty awful, i'd rather play pretty much anything else

I'll (You) you.

>vomited and shat out blood
Jesus Christ dude, that is not normal. See a doctor.
well I guess just try to keep a healthy diet or something and get a lot of vitamin D and zinc. I think those are the ones that help with colds.

That doesn't come up, I think, but it does create other kinds of pain, regardless of how little I eat.

A bullet to the head might work. At this point I'm open to pretty much anything.

He was fun though, even if he was useless.

I'll wait one more day so they'll actually take it seriously. It wasn't 100% blood, just stuff mixed with blood.

A false statement.

i'm good with vitamin D since it's getting nicer out but i've got an awful diet/eating habits.

damn, that's awful. maybe see the doc sometime soon just to be safe?

that's just the illness talking, and i couldn't kill you.

fun but so bad they may as well not exist.


i fucked that one up

oh my

yea you might want to work on that then, I even started eating salads for it.





Is that Kyra the dinosaur?


I dont save furry porn, scales posted the link at me it is nowhere on my computer checkmate furfags

Is this some tv show older than dragon tails?

Yea who would ever do something as unscrupulous as that am I right?

OverWaifu is having issues

A webcomic. Clerk used to post her in the old threads.

i think i should sleep longer, i feel like i'm sleep deprived after only 12 hours of being awake every day

i've been meaning to work on it for a long time now but never really get around to it, whenever i do end up eating it's normally shitty stuff but i have salad one or two times a week