Why the hell is reddit and Sup Forums full of CTR/ Shareblue and what can be done about it?

Why the hell is reddit and Sup Forums full of CTR/ Shareblue and what can be done about it?

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scholar.google.com/scholar?q=endocrine disruptors in soil&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwih5trHiqjSAhUJ4yYKHcBNDU8QgQMIIzAA

Trump's just another fucking liar just like Hillary dude. Grow the fuck up.

>weed and opium are the same thing
>t. donald trump

Fuck Trump

What the hell does that even mean? And I don't remember Trump selling our enemies weapons.

It means he doesn't actually give a fuck about conservatism, individual liberty or state's rights. He just cares about muh private prisons and muh debt based wage slavery.

yeah, Hillary's been done for months.

something tells me you voted for trump

but only a retard didn't see him for what he was (a trashy conman)

and you don't strike me as a retard.

something's awry.

Oh, i see. He doesn't have any foreign connections and hes not poor enough to be bribed, but im sure with all hes done so far that's all he cares about.

I did. I guess deep down I just wanted to believe things would change and someone was here to change it. Trump is like a white Obama. Candidate representing change but just another liar defending the status quo bullshit of the people getting fucked over.
Clinton is a fucking awful criminal though.

All god damn puppets, but I'm just too trusting and wanted something to believe in I guess.

>implying he has any actual money and not just investments and bullshit companies
>implying he doesn't have tons of business deals outside of the country
>implying marijuana and opium are the same thing
Wake up sleepyhead. No President will ever save us. This country is doomed until it finally falls apart and then maybe something good can be born from that.

Fuck yourself in the eye.

The CTR agenda so far has been
1. Make trump seem like a NAZI/racist
2. Make trump seem really bad despite contradicting
3. Make Hillary seam like she is irreverent to get her off the radar, even though she sold our enemies weapons/Held a private server and lied about it under oath.

Also, Why is CTR(Correct the record), And Shareblue all over reddit and Sup Forums?

What has he lied about so far that makes him a white obama?

Also Why is CTR, Shareblue all over Sup Forums?

I hate that Trump thinks opium and weed are the same thing and is planning on continuing this nation's failed war on drugs.

You're retarded if you support a dude who thinks weed and opium are the same thing.

Thats an interesting thought, but last i recall weed just received a HUGE boost last election. He even said he would leave it up to the states, which is what he is doing.

Hah thats not what his press secretary said you fucking shill.

Im going to make sure I post every day about CTR and Shareblue and their effort to undermine our current president. The shills on politics were all for Hillary, and now they are 100% anti trump. We all know Hillary was a criminal and since they are supporting criminals, trump cant be one.

So it was his press secretary and not trump you say? Why the changing answers?

Trump's administration is continuing the retarded process of keeping a plant illegal.
Fuck off dude. Trump's just a fucking puppet like the rest of them. This country is dead.

>>my country is dead because I can't smoke weed
This isn't your country anymore.

I don't even smoke weed anymore dude.
This is about individual liberty.
Not all of us want a daddy you fucking queer.

This thread is about CTR and SHAREBLUE. They are a hired organization meant to spam social media, Sup Forums, twitter and especially reddit to make it look like trump is bad.

Why would I care?
Trump's just going to continue keeping weed illegal, ruining lives like mine was ruined for a harmless fucking plant.
He's going to keep the college debt and wage slave system running.
Going to keep the prison industrial complex alive.

Seriously fuck him. Fuck hillary. Fuck all your puppets.

exactly, no daddy to make you faggots men. Youve proved the point, thanks

Sup Forums has way more alt right fuckbois accusing everyone and thier mother of being a shill.

I wish you faggots would keep your faggotry on Sup Forums.

Wow you're such a manly man, afraid of a plant.

>He doesn't have any foreign connections
Strong business ties in Saudi Arabia, for one.

Bad how?

What exactly do you think the ALT RIGHT is?

Bunch of self-conscious unhappy deluded morons who think marijuana and opium are the same thing.

Here are some examples of the shills.

Im sorry, no one actually thinks that, so there must be no alt right.

The Trump administration thinks that. Or are they lying about thinking that. hmm how is that different from Hillary's public and private positions?
Wait is Donald Trump a liar too?

So I guess that explains why you still buy into the meme that trump cannot be bought by special interests.

I wonder how many Alex Jones(TM) brand name water filters he's bought

Lol, right. These people actually believe the globalists who run youtube would leave the "anti-globalist" infowars up.

You should buy a water filter too mate. Info wars may not be real 100 percent, but much of their information is. Yes, fluoride is in the water. Yes it is horrible for you and a cancer-causing compound.

Chem-trails are also real.
The pesticides and other chemicals are also causing huge negative effects including warped sexuality. (endocrine disruptors affect your hormones)

Plus the huge amount of radiation leaking from sources like fukushima and all the cell and wifi frying our mitochondrial dna.

The simplest answer is that the powers that be allow idiots to fight over idiotic nonsense in two directions as a form of misdirection. There's no need to hide the truth because the truth is wholly beyond our comprehension. Were so far below them theres no point in trying to understand their plans.

Don't be stupid and accuse me of being a snake person. This is just the way things are. If theres some force running the world its probably better to let things go as they are. Its a little like when you were a child and your parents would take you driving and you would beg for mcdonalds. You can't have mcdonalds even though you think you know best. Because you don't and you won't for a long time.

But one day you will

I do own a water filter but not because of any of your conspiracy nonsense. I live in the Fort Detrick cancer zone.

I'm always wary of these "it causes cancer" things because people tend to leave out key variables like the concentration & consistency required to cause cancer.
Chem-trails are not real you blasted faggot.

Biomagnification and bioaccumulation tend to increase concentration you ignorant turd.
And yes chemtrails are real, do a soil test and check for yourself.

I know all their plans and their plans will fail.

And what, pray tell, should I test the soil for?


Those are all found in the soil.

What concentrations set off alarms. Do you know what a base level sample is?

I think you know what concentration would be larger than normal, since you seem to be an expert on soil tests.

So I need to test soil for lead and...soil?

Yes that's what you test for in a soil test.

scholar.google.com/scholar?q=endocrine disruptors in soil&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwih5trHiqjSAhUJ4yYKHcBNDU8QgQMIIzAA

Start reading some of this shit is really interesting.
Yes the pesticides and chemicals (waste not included) are having tremendous detrimental effects on our health!
Yes the hormones inside of our food are also having horrible effects on our bodies.

To deny this is simply retarded.

Don't smoke weed and your life won't get ruined. Simple

cheesy old buscuits

So what you're telling me that I'll know chemtrails are real if I test dirt and see that it's full of dirt?

If there's excessive levels of metals within the dirt that points to an outside source being responsible for those levels.


390 ppb


1,000 ppb


100 ppb


1300 ppb


50 ppb


100 ppb


40 ppb


72 ppb


400 ppb


40 ppb

>you seem to be an expert on soil tests.

I actually am mother fucker

Are all these people lying? Or is your area just not hit as hard?

That's actually pretty cool to know. What's your profression that you know all this stuff, or is it some stuff you just know?

Then why would that be chem-trails? It could just as easily be a deficiency in other components as a result of overburdening the land.


Watch the videos I linked, if you still deny you are a shill and should be ashamed of yourself. Know you will pay in the next life for your heinous crimes against humanity.

They're not lying, just stupid.

Small scale spill clean up. Every time a semi carrying any kind of chemical or fuel theres a huge clean up process is making sure the soil is clean from bullshit like the above so it doesn't end up in your drinking water.

Or, I could not do any of that because those videos are long as shit, and I have other things to do.

100s of scientists are stupid.

You're supporting the genocide of your own countrymen.

I really hope you do. Nothing else is more important than the fact we are being killed off by our government.

I think its hilarious how I never said your chem trails weren't true so to speak. I gave you the perimeters many different groups have found works to determine when a substance is out of whack with the general make up of the soil.

You can go and test it yourself right now but we both know you'd find nothing. So you fall back on calling me a shill and telling me I'll go to hell.

You're worse than christfags.

100s of (((scientists))) are also young earth creationists. Of course 100s of scientists can be stupid.

You know he could just not do his job then you could literally drink toxic chemicals. It'd probably do the world better.

>100s of "scientists" are stupid.


>You're supporting the genocide of your own countrymen.

Nope, I spend all day cleaning up actual harmful chemicals, helping my country men.

>implying aluminum doesn't cause Alzheimers
>implying endocrine disruptors don't cause sexual reproductive issues
Implying he isn't a shilly covering this up.
You even pretend to be doing any good while rates of Alzheimer and autism skyrocket thanks to assholes like you refusing to blow the whistle on this. There is something after death and you will die. You should be afraid for what will happen to you.

We both agree heavy metals are not great for your body.

You think the government is spraying them on you while Im telling you the government is paying my employer to clean them up

Thousands of scientists world wide believe this. Hundreds have given testimonials. It's nice that you have a job cleaning this up, but it'd be nicer if you could admit what the source is.

John Brennan talking openly about "chemtrails"
This kind of thing goes on all over the world. it is common technology and hardly a secret.

If this was going on, and these chemicals were causing these things they would be much more prominent in the population. We would expect to see a higher correlation I.e. when there was lead in the gas and how we could see it's direct correlation with the average iqs and crime rates.

I don't understand why people still deny it. The cat's out of the bag. They're only proving to the world that they are lying scumbags.

>implying rates of autism haven't skyrocketed
>implying rates of alzheimers haven't skyrocketed
>implying rates of ADD/ADHD haven't skyrocketed
wow man is this denial or shilling I can't even tell any more.

The source is just that people are sloppy and lazy. Accidents, dumping, spills and leaks are impossible to prevent.

Our way of life is very taxing on the environment. It demands we move billions upon billions of tons of harmful chemicals all around the world at every second of every day.

Theres no evil cabal raining down chemicals on you. There's fucking shit everywhere because your computer and microwave and even your sneakers are full of literal poison. Literally every 5 years you throw all of those things out and they wind up in a land fill where they rot into the ground and are released into the soil and water.

The reason the world is poisoned is because we love cars and hot pockets and plastic. We were too short sighted to see the harm we were doing and its going to take a long time to fix it.

Right has nothing to do with the military's openly admitted plans to try to control the weather and agenda 21 to depopulate the Earth.

Now they're moving to the next tactic: induce guilt onto the people you're victimizing.

You're a fucking moron


Though there are a lot of conspiracies surrounding cloud seeding, weather modification, and chemtrails (usually everything is just lumped under the umbrella of chemtrails and dismissed) this kind of thing is easy to find info on and can cause serious problems.

The floods in Tasmania for example.

Just do some basic level research, I don't think they are spraying arsenic or any of that nonsense, but they are putting certain chemicals in the atmosphere. Some of that, I'm sure, is proprietary.

The research on this has been around for over 50 years... Doesn't make sense to deny the basics

Why would they depopulate the earth when overpopulation is a far more effective way to control a population?

In a depopulated society people have plenty of resources and theres low competition. People grow physically very strong and healthy. A large, wealthy, well educated middle class usually grows and then the society is ripe for revolution if a government is unpopular. Its why plagues were usually followed by rebellions and civil wars.

An over populated world is a world where the masses are sick, weak, poorly educated, divided between each other for resources, and too desperate to fight back.

Am I a moron?
Did you just say to me "we were too short sighted to see the harm we were doing"?
Sorry, buddy I had nothing to do with any of that. Furthermore it is openly admitted that the military has tried to control the weather. It is openly admitted that Nasa uses aluminum compounds in their fuel. It is openly admitted and written about by the UN of a plan to depopulate the Earth.
You are a moron or morally bankrupt.

I thought this was fucking done
didn't Trump win, and hillary quit politics forever?

>implying that doesn't have more to do with our enhanced ability to detect these illnesses
Maybe I didn't state my point clearly. If contrails were causing these things, damn near everyone would suffer from autism, Alzheimer's, and add/adhd.

Thats not me buddy but Im the spill clean up guy, not that dude.

Overpopulation was necessary for control for a while. Now that we can use robotics as labor why have a large population.

We are past our carrying capacity and a destroyed Earth can't be controlled at all.

Well you're either a moron or morally bankrupt if you can't admit the facts about chemtrails/cloud-seeding.

>agenda 21
Holy shit, I guess we're going all in on this one.

Here's why: because you're making believe. Stop. It's gay. And no girl will ever touch your cock for drumming up conspiracies.


This isn't a joke.

Well then we have three choices.

1. Allow things to continue as they are until the planet is a empty, used up wasteland devoid of life.

2. Allow the vast majority of people to live happy, full, peaceful lives while birth rates are reduced and race mixing is encouraged to ensure genetic diversity. Humanities numbers are brought within manageable numbers over the next 100 years while the technology for a truly sustainable space ship earth is developed.

3. Over throw humanities shepherds, follow out option 1. but feel really smug about it as you choke to death on smog.

Which seems like the best option to you?

Then why do I have this smug grin on my face?

If you have to say it isn't a joke, its probably a joke.

Agenda 21 doesn't even apply to the west due. Its a hand book for shit hole third world garbage heaps that basically boils down to "roads and schools are good, do something about the rovering gangs of rape bandits that control the country side"

Race mixing doesn't ensure genetic diversity it just destroys genetic diversity by eliminating recessive genes.

You forget option 4. Tell people the truth and implement a one child per family law instead of reducing birth rates by encouraging faggotry and destroying the diversity of life and the white race.

if you think you could implement a one child policy in a country like the US where dumb ass mother fuckers pop out 12 kids you're dumber than you think scientist are.

I don't mean in the US. I mean everywhere else.

We all know Hillary did it, but listen - those maps point to two different places. That isn't the smoking gun you think it is.

Uh, recessive genes are the things that cause sickle cell and make the amish all fucked up.

If we're going to make it through the next genetic bottle neck things are going to need to be shook up a little bit.

>implying a population with high risk for cardiovascular disease, AIDS, and increased propensity for violence is more likely to survive than the tried and true white race

If the US won't implement it how do you think you'll get the rest of the west to implement it? if you can't get the west to implement it I can promise you Africa and south america will just implement it. If india was ever going to implement it they would have around the same time China did.

Then you're just left with east asia and easterm europe (where population growth is already negative or stable) and the middle east where near constant warfare keeps population fairly stable already