LSD w/ high friends

LSD w/ high friends

yo Sup Forums

so in a couple of days my friends are gonna smoke a lot of weed, but i would rather drop lsd.
so i was wondering if it would be fun for me, or i would just be talking to lazy people who want pizza?

what do yall think? any advice? maybe some activities to do?


Get them to try lsd. Then drip woth them.

But if you cant then i thimk you should trip while they smoke. Glhf user.

fuck off robert.

Have you thought about dropping with them? LSD with friends is just awesome. But if they don't want to you can also drop alone, as long as they are cool and fun to hang around with and won't try to fuck with you during the trip.

Psychedelics aren't a toy, your not ready for them yet

Dr Timothy Leary demonstrated that LSD has amazing potential in the treatment of combat fatigue / shock and phobias. it's a shame stupid fuckholes use it as a fucking party drug and then wander out onto the freeway to be hit by trucks, because that makes it easier for the government to demonize it, making it illegal and impossible to research.

thanks a lot, OP. i hope you get ass-raped by the Checkered Demon when you're tripping.

whats wrong with doing acid with your freinds ?
dont get run over ofc.

When doing drugs socially everyone needs to take the same shit, not in the same quantities of course, you should go with what you can handle.
If you dont, people arent on the same page and it can get ankward/boring real quick.

There's a good chance that your trip will end up with with fits of terror and it will never end. Your perception of time will be stretched into a practical infinitum until the conventional idea of hell has become a permanent reality for you. You will be stuck in time inside your own brain.

Although I agree 100% I also believe that there is/can be a side of 'fun' with these things. Especially LSD. Unfortunately not everybody can see the bigger picture when it comes to taking these or even about life itself. All I hope is that you stay safe and don't make an example out of yourself. Just remember that

I call this Tuesday

That doesn't happen unless you are a weak minded fool in which case I doubt you should even be messing with things like this because it's out of their comprehension.

Yeah, this shit almost happened to me.
Fucking bad tripping for what felt like 2 weeks but really i was just 20 mins in, spooky stuff.

Look out everyone, ascended edgelord

Edgelord kek

Not the edgelord but he has a point. If you're in an iffy mental place or young it can alter your life permanently

Don't trip alone, it sucks. You will feel like they are judging you, anxiety will be high

Checkd and kekd

Also OP, either you take lsd with your friends, or just smonk the weedo. If you take the acid alone it will be a rather unpleasant experience.

I ate six hits the other night alone and watched Off The Air and Elite Dangerous gameplay for 12 hours. Helped me grieve for my dog that I put down on Monday.

Point being, dont do it alone unless you've done it before. I prefer tripping alone, but it gets really scary sometimes.

I took a bunch of lsd on a rattlesnake nest, there were snakes everywhere. After that I was a nervous wreck for 3 days and then I got my shit together.

but why

i just assume OP did some research before getting the lsd.

Is that the Radio Graffiti logo in the background?

Have someone else to trip with. I wouldn't trip alone, not necessarily because it won't be good but it's always nice to have someone on the same page as you. I guess as long as they are real friends; and won't fuck with you then go for it.

You need:

- Safe and comfortable environment. Best place is home for most people or at a friends you always hang out with. Always start the trip at the most comfortable place you can be.

- Again, make sure the people you are with or persons aren't retarded. Best bet is to have a friend you've known forever trip with you or be there; especially if they've already tripped.
- Don't smoke weed or anything with it the first time. I did 2 tabs and was feeling great and was full blown tripping. Always ask around about the strength, generally it was always 2 tabs where I am at.

I'm probably all over the place. Tired as hell but here's some more tips.

Also, if you're feeling good, go outside. A lot of people stay inside first time but I ended up going out with 3 good friends and had the best time.

If you start to feel shitty take a step back and ask yourself what's wrong. Sometimes things like lighting, music can influence your trip. I've had moments where my trip got some what of a dreary/depressing feeling, ended up just having to turn the lights on in our place and bam problem solved. Lots of weird little things can shift your mood, just be aware that you control the situation.

two unbreakable rules of LSD:
avoid mirrors
avoid taking a shit

Mirrors can be a little creepy but it's not so bad. having a shit is fun as fuck.

you've never done lsd in your life

this thread knows nothing

trip in a controlled environment for the first couple of times. music, visuals, etc... adventures come later.

mirrors lead to fucking with things on your face, though.

it's less the shitting and more of the wiping that is problematic

LSD is easily my all time favorite jam. locked up in a room with albums and colored lights all night or full-on physical exertion shit.

Stop spreading memetic hazard, ruining people's set fam

i looked at my face on a rather low dose of dmt. it was weird but not so bad.

Why hasn't anyone asked about dosage yet?

Ayo how much have you considered dropping?