Do you think there is some correlation between beauty and intelligence?

Do you think there is some correlation between beauty and intelligence?

Anecdotally speaking, based on my experience and social interactions, a lot of ugly people I've met were objectively smart and a lot of beautiful people were objectively dumb. That can't be pure coincidence, right?

What do you think Sup Forums?
pic unrelated

> Anecdotally speaking
> based on my experience
> objectively
> That can't be pure coincidence

Pick a lane and stay in it you stupid faggot


I think it's just that higher levels of intelligence are rarer than what you're calling attractiveness.

I also have a hunch that you're a sperg that probably can't accurately judge a female's intelligence as well as a male's and probably have some stupid theory that men are "in general" smarter

>> Anecdotally speaking
>> based on my experience
Those are practically synonyms.

>> objectively
If you pay attention to my post you know that the objectivity is for the intelligence, not for the concept which I'm presenting (which is based on anecdotal evidence).

>> That can't be pure coincidence
You forgot the ",right?" part. It's a question.

You're the only faggot here, bitch.

>men are "in general" smarter
I do believe that. But that's a whole nother topic.


You seem like a beautiful person, OP.

Also, the saying "another pretty face" wouldn't exist in the first place if this weren't to some level true.

Thanks for confirming

"I think it comes from the fact that people who are more attractive tend to get help and affection much more easily, therefore satisfying them quicker and encouraging them to be more into situational context than informative context. People who are not as pretty on the other hand are more often ignored and left alone, which causes then to find more internal and self-reliant routs to personal fulfillment. This usually means reading and lots of self-reflection which are the cornerstone to complex analytic ideas." - Anonymous

What this person said.

Jesus you must be a real looker because you sound genuinely retarded

>name calling
>no counter arguments
You're the one who sounds retarded though.

My experience is the oppositte from yours. Most of the smartest person I know are also some of the smartest people around when they try.
Specially with women. It seens to me that the idea of dumb beautifful women are just things that ugly women say to feel better like fat is beautifull.
Some ugly people are very smart. But usually this seens bigger because its their only quality.

Oh shit, OP got BTFO

But wouldn't a smarter person eventually grow tired of getting more help and affection than their peers and start becoming more independent for their own satisfaction and development?

>Most of the smartest person I know are also some of the smartest people around

what the fuck

Interesting. I think what OP is saying could easily be proven/disproven by making a bunch of people take IQ tests. But that would be a very controversial thing to do.

Path of least resistance, shithead.

are you implying that ugly feminists are smart?


you are dumb.

Well, considering they get help and affection during a period of life when their brains are still developing, I assume in most cases that's how their personality ends up carved.

No, I didn't think of that at all. Good point!

>But that would be a very controversial thing to do.
....because it's a slippery slope to Eugenics being considered an actual science and people being genocided for not being "attractive" enough.

>Do you think there is some correlation between beauty and intelligence?

Sociologically, as in big data sets? Sure, the genetically deformed often have some sort of physical as well as mental defects.

Secondly, your income these days is dependent upon A) Who your daddy was and B) How fucking smart you are. The wealthy can afford the time to work out, eat right, and take care of themselves. Poor working class fuckers grab a cup-o-noodles between jobs. And the really poor pick out fleas.

>Anecdotally speaking, based on my experience...
>That can't be pure coincidence, right?
>What do you think Sup Forums?

I think you're a tard. And probably ugly.

So now you're drumming up some sort of ubiquitous personality trait too? I think that's too many layers of assumption to have any salvageable insight

What if you are stupid and ugly?

>I think you're a tard. And probably ugly.
English isn't my first language so I have a little difficulty eloquently saying what I think.

>wouldn't a smarter person eventually grow tired of getting more help and affection
As much as all those rich fuckers get tired of getting more money.

This guy gets it. Your attractiveness is mostly dependent on your wealth throughout life. Think braces, being able to afford a healthy diet, time to exercise, makeup, etc.

an hero


You can still have a rich fulfilling life. Not here in reality mind you, but I hear World of Warcraft needs raid leaders.

I don't see a connection tbh

Well, if you know a second language that puts you above most of the tards here.

But no, smart people aren't ugly. High functioning autistic fuckers known as "geeks" are often ugly as fuck and sometimes have decent paying jobs because they have a niche skillset that you honestly have to be a little autistic to develop. A lot of these people could be one of Eloi, but just don't give a fuck or are too socially retarded to know what to do. They're born into the Morlock caste.

But geekery isn't the end of the story when it comes to intelligence. Plenty of extroverted social butterflies that couldn't derive an equation to save their life are still intelligent. They just know different things and are geared for different mental work. They're not walking ANSI C compilers, but they can tell you who is going to get eaten first when the food runs low. And that shit is complicated in it's own right.


Okay, you ARE retarded.

Would the tard like me to walk them through it?

I agree, but that that is only part of it. Some smart people also don't get caught up in the latest trends and latest fads because they *are* busy acquiring more knowledge and are interested in those things more than socializing. Therefore they don't keep their appearances up or wear different clothes or don't dress like the "pretty people". Not because they are ugly, but they just don't really see that as important like others do. People who look different aren't necessarily ugly, but it's just not as noticeable since they don't bother doing the same things that others do.

Do I want you to actually expand on an idea so that another human can understand your reasoning process?

Actually no, but you probably should as a general rule going forward

Dont ask Sup Forums. This shit would be studied and answers will exist. Just check multiple sources because there will be different findings until its been tested on millions.

But ill take a stab since were discussing.

I do know IQ is part genetic(genes determine your max) and part environmental (how close you get to that cap due to development and education). Dems facts.

If youre right, my opinion/guess: more attractive people get more positive attention and need to work less at it.

Less attractive people need to do shit and have interests and skills for attention so better development.

Although on the topic of studies, pretty sure ive read quite often more attractive = smarter. Attractive people are generallly more successful and provide more experience and better education for their attractive offspring.

But dont quote me. Go research it. Could be a good experience for you.

>acquiring more knowledge
Knowledge isn't intellect. Ever met a retard that has some special interest or hobby? They'll explain every god damn detail of fucking yugioh.

Intellect is more like you ability to learn things.

I've also met some really smart people that were just stoners their whole lives. Now THAT'S fucking sad.

Intellect is worthless without some knowledge, and worthwhile knowledge is hard to get without intellect.

Yeah, it's just not worth it sometimes. Good luck with that whole communication thing.

As ive noticed especially with my gfs ignorant ass friends (who are sadly all very intelligent people).

There is no one more painfully ignorant than an uneducated smart person.

Good looking people focus their life on their face and body placing more interest on the outside. That's why the cure girl from high school waits around for the "right guy" which is usually the cute high school dude who is now a cop.

Now you see, that's just giving up. Sup Forums is where the masks can come off and you can speak you mind without the god-damn PC fascists fucking up your life.

Anyone incapable of straining out the bullshit on Sup Forums deserves to eat shit and die.

But yeah, I more or less agree with everything else.

Wow. Sorry about That.
Most of the smartest People i knew are beautifull, but they had trouble to apply their intelligence.

HAHAHAHA, oh no, a stock image of a woman being creeped out? That'll show me to hold the opinion that most women I've met were dumb as fuck. But I guess I'm just a "sperg" right?

A stock tumblerina image.

>Intellect is worthless without some knowledge, and worthwhile knowledge is hard to get without intellect.

it's from twin peaks you fucking philistine

And yet YOU got it from fucking Tumblr.


I don't think you know how filenames work