ITT post your favorite murderer

ITT post your favorite murderer

Other urls found in this thread:'s_massacre#Chain_of_events








So good, he fooled the Nobel committee





HH Holmes! There is a good book on him it's called Devil in the white city. After reading that book I'm pretty sure they got some of the ideas for the Saw movies from some of the shit he did


I would say Hitler but he has done nothing wrong and was a model leader to the German armed forces.


and he could never be flim-flammed

Here's two hours of him. ''My favourite''


Did nothing wrong except lose the war to save the world. If it wasn't for him losing we wouldn't be overrun with liberal sjw cucks and multi-gendered nigger-loving feminists


he ate ass, underage ass....literally

and wrote letters to family of children he ate telling how tasty they were, what a douche

See OP? this guy knows whats up

>Simo Häyhä, also known as “The White Death” is widely regarded as the most skilled and successful sniper there ever was, with over 500 kills to his name. He helped defend Finland from the Soviets during World War II.

Ooo I'd say Genghis Khan. He killed so many ppl. Stacked pyramids of skulls too. Didnt give a shit if it was a man, woman or child

he's full of shit




He was a master of his craft.


The Original HHH



Damn you beat me to it


We have different criteria for "douche" applying to humans, obviously.


Holmes was a master of death. Bought a hotel and turned every room in to a death trap for his victims. Fucker even had a crematorium built in the basement to take care of the bodies

im surprised no one has mentioned this creepy fuck

mai nigga

I'm amazed nobody's picked up on how much of a serial killer Barack is... NOBODY has such a shitty "unintentional wrong drone target kill" rate fucking ACCIDENTALLY...


James Huberty. Read the chain of events on wikepedia for the san ysidro shooting. Guy was a damn savage.'s_massacre#Chain_of_events

He showed up in a recent episode of Timeless.

But he's a liberal, he's our champion!
> just ignore the stack of dead bodies

underrated serial killer, i find him fascinating because he would kill someone then go back home to his family and go on with his life like nothing happened

Barack Obama.