Remember dvds?

remember dvds?

vhs was more fun
dvd is just shitty blurays

Yes...i still have a literal mountain of them and only like 3 blue rays

not a single good movie on that shelf


>Miami vice


I remember VHS, nigga.
I remember browsing the rental store on friday night for a NES game to try. Just cuz of the cool looking box. It turns out to be absolute unbeatable dogshit. Still good times tho.


Harrison Ford's Firewall is brilliant

A history of violence

Yeah, my town only lost its rental store last year.

Remember them? I've got fucking HUNDREDS of the cunts!!!

I hate that this is essentially the situation at all video resale stores. Theymre so shit they're not even asking you to give a fuck, but there they are, the ugly little cunts

I'm surprised they stayed afloat this long

I remember my local store that stocked Nintendi 64 games and PS1 games. I remember renting Vigilante 8. Such a fun game.

Back like 8 years ago someone else bought the store and all N64/PS1 games disappeared ;_; and now the store has fully closed down.

I still buy DVDs whenever I'm at the local Goodwill or Value Village since they have a ton of them, it's also weird seeing VHS tapes there.

I watch them on my computer along with my torrents. I don't use Netflix or any streaming site at all.

Yeah, I suppose it is a bit surprising. Always felt normal to me. When I say "lost", by the way, I mean it was burnt down, not closed.

I've started selling my old dvds that I never knew were rare. I have a bunch of one print foreign dvds I bought in the mid 00s that I've ended up selling for $50-$100 each on ebay to collectors. People really like their wacky Japanese comedy horror movies.

>remember dvds?
Yeah, because they still exist and are being made today, fagget.

You misspelled faggot,faggot.


Hello, summerfriend faquette

I can't see anybody is buying this.



>Better quality movies, easier pirating
>Nobody to watch them with anymore
We need to go back.

so true. . .