Just found this fat neckbeard's youtube channel. Thoughts?

Just found this fat neckbeard's youtube channel. Thoughts?


Other urls found in this thread:


This is boogie you retard. He's famous.

don't talk shit about boogie faggot

I enjoy his content

Hey look, its Gaben the lord and savior of the basement dwelling PC virgin neckbeards. They love to jack off to my little pony, huuurr pc master race haha

btfo faggot

good one?

He's alright.

Boogie is the fucking man

hes like the white version of eatdatpussy 445.

does he just pretend to be a lisping asshole or is he really like that?

its a alter personality he calls francis i think. he makes videos where he doesnt do that act.

take a guess dumbfuck

thats why I asked... I watched both versions and got confused

This fat piece of shit supported Obama care and he's anti-trump. I hope his fat ass gets a heart attack and dies from it.

never watched a full video of his he is boring as shit

okay, you found boogie. But have you heard about the late Marcel Adams?


take a dumbfuck, guess

guess a dumbfuck, take.

Nice guy. Respectable. But too boring to be worth a sub.

Fuck you OP boogie is a cool guy

his head looks like a reverse colored egg

you are truly autistic

He is a pandering fuck

Too bad he's going to fie in the next 5 years because he's too fucking stupid and lazy to lose weight

holy shit who is this queen

>thinking someone should die because of their political views.

You are truly the embodiment of the American joke.

A buffoon incapable of empathy or reason.

Hang yourself.

Fuck, the way he rages it might be sooner

i like boogie i watch his twitch stream occassionally

suck my ass

is this your first day on a computer? honestly?
you're looking at a legend

boring as shit because i dont play video games. francis is funny tho

well since he's been on a diet and doing what he can to exercise, he's lost quite a bit of weight, m8

>describes every online personality ever

I've thought of this...I used to like him then he hit his real shit sob story at some point...parental abuse or his gf even (motherfucker had a gf wtf -.-)

I can't feel sorry for someone who gained all that notoriety and then cries like a bitch. By all definition, he's successful, and he doesn't even appreciate it.

Watching him trying to lose weight bares more drama than Oprah. If he didn't have youtube, he'd be your average pos on the street working at an EB. The guy is just a weak clown. At the rate he's going, a premature death is the only thing that would take him out of his misery.

> he's lost quite a bit of weight,

And rebounded to his initial corpulence (like the other "keto-low carb" fat ass Jimmy Moore)


hes married dumbass

>All the kids in this thread that actually like him
Maybe I'm getting too old for this shit.


He normally is just himself, but the lisping cringelord Francis is one of a couple recurring characters he plays in satiric vids. Quite convincingly. Francis' melodramatic rant about WoW a few years back launched his initial surge in popularity, as everyone thought he was serious.

boogie gets more pussy than OP