Why are you drinking tonight?

Why are you drinking tonight?

Failed my chem test with a 68% girlfriend is mad i should be studdying but drinkinkg my sorrows away.

pic not related but i love space

Bf slept with someone else. The someone else is way hotter than I am. I'm pretty attractive and have never felt insecure but I feel like shmegul in comparison. Drinking shitty black ice and rum because it's strong and cheap.

sounds like something i can drink too

so i guess we are the only two drinking tonight well salud

I'm drinking to celebrate a new job. I've not decided on what to drink yet, any recommendations?

congrats cheap or a bit more expensive? and fruity or bitter?

high test beer. how do you feel about the jews?

Thanks. Since its a celebration let go a bit fancy.

dude jews allowed to jew if gays are allowed to gay

Also fruity

no jews are much worse than gays.

im thinking caribou lou. drop a few on some bottles if you want alot if not. Just a few for yourself. 1501 rum and malibu + pinapple juice to your taste.

i mean if they arent hurting anyone who cares?

lost 1000 dollars gambling. Drinking my pain

they hurt jesus.

Thanks fam, ima go to the shops now.


>implying im more than one person

cant relate but can drink
so you arent drinking why are you here?

I disdain all of your type. therefore plural


why arent your drinking then

I said am drinking my pain, what the fuck are you talking about

yes are you stupid gambling is for idiots. its a jewish trick.

I drink to spread joy.

you're autistic

you ever heard of the house advantage?

sorry replied to the wrong one. but i feel your pain

No way that's why you're drinking.
What's the real story ?

Tfw did great in chem but have absolutely zero friends and I love space
What a cruel world op

do you think science i mutually exclusive to having faith?

Absolutely not
I have zero faith

did you know tesla was a devout christian?

Did you know it so doesn't matter

Still doesn't*

conversely that dirty thief edison was a atheist.

yes it does, it the difference from being a dirty thief and a genius,

It fucking does not!
Why the fuck are your morals based on religion you dumbass


did you know that edison was a hack that had a far inferior product dc current?

tesla was a christian kiddo.