Deepest darkest secret

Deepest darkest secret

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Im gay with a wife and 1 child

I want to start fucking my best female friend but I am married. wat do?

OP's pic is me.

i sell my worn panties and pantyhose on craigslist

do it the regret will be crippling for a week or 2 then you start to forget about it then remember how much you love your wife then it will randomly pop in your head every now and then but then it comes to a point where you deal with it and glad it happen to make you realise how great it is to have your wife.

How about don't. Try if you want, but it'll fuck up you life.

bi-fag here, when I was in college, 18-19ish, I had a secret relationship with a 13-14yo boy

Im 16 M but love talking to older men (30+) on kik

I worry about what others things of me
I deny the fact that i am in fact "fat"

>used to be in really good shape and ripped in HS and College

you mean 18? if you meant 18 gibbe dick pics being as you like doing it so much

i fap at least 4-6 times every day without exception.

Want to try threesome with my gf
No way this will ever happen
Watch mmf and mff porn instead

I went with my family to see my father's cousine. He has really hot gf, so evening, when everyone was outside I sneaked into the bathroom, searched for clothes basket and sniffed her panties, later cummed on them.

18+ is fine but i prefer 30+

HI fatso


I like fucking older men

Listen to me. You do not understand how incredibly terrible and severe it is to do that to another human being. That would more than break the heart of your wife. That would possibly devastate them and ruin them for life. Every relationship after yours they would worry they'd get cheated on.

Think about this. You're choosing a casual fucking partner over somebody you're supposed to love deeply with all your heart and soul to the exclusion of everything else. Goddamn man.

If you're willing to throw away your whole marriage and everything you built up together over lasting 5 minutes in bed with this other girl then you shouldn't be with that wife in the first place. She doesn't deserve you. Break up with her and let her find the real man for her in her life. You're holding her back.

Come back to marriage when you've grown up and have a better idea of what kind of relationship you really need to have to marry in the first place. I'm not even saying this to be mean. It's tough love. If you don't you'll just marry again for bad superficial reasons and wind up in this situation all over again.

And no offense but I don't understand how all i've just said isn't immediately common sense to you or anybody else here. I guess that goes to show how important it is to be raised by parents who have high moral standards. You didn't think you were doing anything substantially bad at all by suggesting that. That's what happens when you have lower moral values. You're blind to how bad you're being.

You should change the friends you hang out with because they probably contributed to the worse moral standards you have. Find better friends. Make better moral standards for yourself. Take what i've said as an intervention and a growing experience and take my advice. You'll be happy you did. Take care user I wish you the best.

I don't feel like I'm my own identity. Every minute of every day I feel like I'm actually someone trapped in a body controlled by someone else. And we don't agree on moral issues to put it lightly. I haven't even told my psychologist this

i meant you be 18 because otherwise you will be banned

You're beautiful
No matter what they say
Words can't bring you down
Oh no
You're beautiful
In every single way
Yes words can't bring you down
Oh no
So don't you bring me down today

pontificate much??

I'm on Sup Forums

i lie to my psychologist in fears what i tell him get me threw in the loony bin

Threesome with your wife. It's the safest and best thing to do. Works for me.

Kinda defeats the purpose of having a psych, doesn't it???

Oh i get you

I want to fuck my coworker's pussy

i'm so racist

It's not that I don't want to tell him tho. It just simply doesn't happen. Like trying to breathe underwater

Yeah but i fear it will effect my job/future jobs

I love cannabis

I've killed someone, still haunts me.

I fucked my cousin, we're both dudes

A man named Justin Clum was shocked to find out one night that his girlfriend had cheated on him. The Maryland couple had drank quite a bit of vodka that night, and when she confessed that she had cheated on him, he went crazy. Justin took his girlfriend and drove to the man’s house she had been unfaithful with. He poured gasoline all over the front porch before setting it afire. He left but came back hours later and took a selfie with the burnt remains of the home behind him.
> i am Justin

Tell me user, this murder you committed, Give me the details

For a moment im thinking i showed up to a white knight convention until i see this thanks user

Are you a man?

Good job Justin

White Knight harder faggot. I'm going to cheat on my wife just because of you now.

You do realize that you have to literally have to
"pose an immediate risk of physical danger to yoursel or others"
in order for your psych to violate your confidentiality.

Nerd alert


Sounds like the movie enemy

i pick my nose and eat it

i sale weed to my mom still.....

That sounds hot

I fucked my 13 year old front door neighbor she lost her virginity to me and she blamed falling for her not being able to walk lmfao

Does she ever give you a hj or bj if she too broke?

a whole lot of people do that.
i have never been able to understand it, though.

How old are you?

When/if you get a gf, I am going to seduce her, and fuck her hard right in front of you, while you cry.

You're really not getting the part where I'm not actively trying to withhold information are you?
It's gotten to the point where I don't even know if I'm lying or telling the truth anymore. Could you in any way imagine how it feels to hear words coming out of your mouth and you're not even sure you can trust them yourself?

i shit in the in the bathtub and push it dwn the hole with my fingers

move to canada

this is normal there.

if you can't get to Canada, move to France, it is compulsory there.

OP is faggot , for sure


i just spilled a fuckton of tea all over my macbook

I sometimes wish i was born black because
black people age better

I like to huff computer duster, started off doing it orally but a friend suggested to do it through my nostrils so i wouldnt have to taste it, took several sinus infections for me to go back to huffing through my mouth again. One time my brother tried to give an intervention to our friend. We looked it up on our phones and realized it didnt sound that bad. Me and my girl and said friend ended up in my brothers car huffing several cans.that girl is now my wife

you just upgraded it.


cheers fam

you stupid fucker enjoy your ban fam

I stopped after i made a line leak into my downstairs neigbors apt

get sterilized so you don't have kids. thanks.

have a massive hijabi fetish

am working for islamic studies doctorate

see hijabis constantly and am nearly always hiding erection

is that pasta?

I'll never be banned bitch


Healthy 3 yo, wife is pretty basic tho drank a shit ton of energy drinks during pregnancy and even smoked a cig after one of our fights. Maybe more, who knows. Sometimes i trust her sometimes i dont. Kinda feels like im in an urban cowboy situation

Killed a kid during raid
Cried myself to sleep since
I see him daily in the street, hallways, doorways.
He's haunting me every moment of every day
I hear his mother scream
Haven't slept non medicated since

I have some sort of mental illness beyond what I am diagnosed with, that makes me sometimes feel like I want to sleep with other men - but after I masturbate I feel disgusted with myself.

I know it's a mental illness, and I know people must suffer a more severe form of it to become transgender. It's why I hate trannies, they are me, except they don't accept that they have a mental illness, and people just praise them while their suicide rates skyrocket from their mental illness and consequences of self mutilation.

Tuck it under a hijab diaper

give it a minute or 2

i gave my baby brother sleeping pills the next day he didnt wake up the cops reported it as a accident

Have you tried healing mushrooms? Or maybe lsd? Take those worries away my man

Unlikely anything will happen.

i never wash my hands after i use the toilet

Just so you know my dick is still dripping the cum of that 13 year old little white girl

Fuck. You do realize that you are white trash, and shouldn't procreate, right?

You blew it, faggot. You have to keep the shit halfway realistic to be believable.

Not a clue what you're on about, so you're a pedophile also?

My first born is with my first wife

Tried LSD three years after I got out. Didn't go well for me, cried alot, ruined it for the ppl around me. I stay pretty isolated nowadays

Iraq vet here.
Similar experience, bro.
Do not take this advice.
That user is a retard.

You killed a muslim GG user

I have been wanting to kidnap, beat and rape a girl that I knew. Sometimes the urges would get so strong that I would need to act it out with a pillow. Like eg: punching and kicking it to let out some steam and anger. And I would like to imagine her crying for help which pleases me. Also I think I might be a sociopath, I've never told anyone about it, not unless I want go to an insane asylum of course.

it was a joke but I did fuck her lol

Well get some dmt and bring weed go find somewhere you think would be nice to space out and just face your demons. Its a solo journey that you yourself must face, pray to your god/savior for forgivness

I don't get it, what's the problem? Are you sad that you only killed one and pretty much wasted your combo multiplier?

i'm a ape, trained to shitpost on Sup Forums 24/7

Have you tried xtc?

Family wedding in Matamoros in march of 2009. Came back to Dallas, became extremely ill, but did what I normally did since I normally wouldn't get picked up. So, I coughed on all the doorknobs and spat into my hands to run them on the handbars on the staircase to improve herd immunity. Got hospitalized 3 days later. Became patient zero for a community epidemic of swine flu that killed 3 people.

No ragrets. I'd do the same with HIV, tuberculosis and ebola any day.

Afghani's are a wonderful friendly people that don't hesitate putting them selves between you and the few extremists, don't judge the many by the few, what happens to him was horrible and my fault. I get to live with it for ever.

i fingered my little sister when i was 10 i didnt know what i was doing i thought it was game

Easy saying it but dont feel bad? he'd of grew up to be a terrorist with the brainwashing and propaganda agaisnt westerners, user you know you have probably saved a life? if not many lives? You're an hero

Was your uncle the referee?

In my younger days I've tried a lot of things.
Acid, xtc, mesc, shrooms, etc., etc..
Enough to know that ANY psychedelic drug is a very bad idea
when it comes to dealing with psychological trauma.