I'm curious, how do you people imagine death? Is there something afterwards? How would you imagine a reaper...

I'm curious, how do you people imagine death? Is there something afterwards? How would you imagine a reaper? Or say that death were an entity, what would they be like?
Call me edgy or whatever, but I would love to see some other people's thoughts on the matter.
Also general meaning of life or whatever

how do you imagine your life before birth
it would be just as similar
and may be life again ( if you belive in re-incarnation as i do)

Reincarnation is a silly concept considering when you take all life forms on earth, there's never a constant number of them.
So how many 'souls' are in queue waiting for their turn?

I always look at it from a descartes-esque perspective myself: it doesn't even matter whether the world exists or not if you're not there to witness it.
I do think that there is surprisingly little after death. Maybe some sort of energy would be left over?

what makes you think reincarnation is only here on earth? think big

>how do you people imagine death?
I can't.
It's like trying to imagine what it's like to be unconscious. Some people like to think that it will be like dreaming, or that some sky wizard will take them to the happy place or the torture room, or that you'll just wake up from this life in a more "real" world the same way you wake up in this world from a dream.

There's no way to be sure what (if anything) happens, and utterly no point to worrying about it. You cannot stop it. 4.5 billion years of life on earth and the death rate is still 100%. You can either live your life in fear of death and make yourself miserable your whole life, or you can ignore it and enjoy the time you have while you're here.
Your choice.

Maybe some are so damaged from their stay here that they fracture into more shards?

>implying my argument isn't exactly the same in that scenario, only on a larger scale

population growth here could be explained by dying planets elsewhere.

I imagine it as a 'blindness' of sorts. Imagine a greyish hue that makes you feel like you're not seeing anything at all the more you stare at it.

Death is merely cessation of your physical vehicle. Conciousness lives forever, and depending how much light you attained in your last incarnation should you either repeat the 'cycle' or move onto the next density of light.

reincarnation is not limited to just human form
you could be a chicken in your next life for all you know and i`d be the fox that rapes you

>reincarnation is not limited to just human form
Yes, it is.
>you could be a chicken in your next life
That's called "transmigration", it's like reincarnation, but with a procession of higher and higher life forms as you evolve (or lower life forms if you fuck up).

So you envision the human consciousness as a mass of energy if I may put it bluntly?

i imagine death as an acceleration towards an entropic crucible that tries to pull your soul apart, which I will attempt to withstand or counter with the sum of my life experiences and fortitude. I do not believe in heaven or hell and if I am successful I hope to travel the galaxies as some kind of ghostly ben kenobi. If i am unsuccessful my soul and sentience will be destroyed by entropy

I believe in reaper

spiderman it

Myself I do believe there is some sort of hell, but not the conventional kind really. I'd figure there'd be some sort of 'hungry ghost realm' kind of thing, where you'd experience all the negative impacts your existance has made from all possible angles for as long as there's a shred left of you.

whether there is or not, aren`t you the least bit excited to find out?
i mean sure you think of death as a negative final solution as others do and some find it depressing but isn`t it at the same time fucking exciting.. its the most sought out question and you, just like many out there that have experienced it, you will be experiencing it and whether there is life after death, reincarnation or nothing just a complete void .. does it even matter? you`d be dead to even care at that point.. just live your life to fullest now and embrace whatever is coming at the end of this ride

When you die, you brain release all stored hormones and neurotransmiters as a last attempt to reanimate your sorry ass.
I dont know if theres anything beyond death but i know im gonna be high as fuck when i go.

"Death is lying down and holding your breath forever." - Dudley Moore

doesnt your pineal gland realse high doses of dmt when you die
you essentially get a massive trip as a freebie when you die

Actually i don't even think of it as negative. I figure it'd be mostly nothing, except for maybe several 'hells' and 'heavens' which would be nothing like what you'd expect such things to be. Maybe if there is a thing like a soul that it would align itself to a certain domain of relief or torment more easily depending on how you've lived and shaped yourself?


You probably trip out on DMT before reincarnating into a new flora/fauna.

Either that or eternal sleep.

Personally I believe in reincarnation.
Story in pic is interesting though

I like to keep my options open

I think of it like this, I've been dead for Billions of years, then I was born, then I'll die and it'll be like before I was born.

go spidey

>mfw you die and it's revealed you were an .exe in an OS

I just imagine you see black as soon as your life cuts, then you're reborn. Of course you lose all knowledge due to your undeveloped brain.

>MFW I am a trojan

Nice digits. I was just about to post
>EXE corrupted or infected.

I personally think life is just The Universe experiencing and observing itself.

Sweet, got trips. I'm actually surprised by how many legit responses thread is getting rather than people trying to derail the shit out of it.

This is a fact

This is true no matter how you try to recute it. Your atoms were fused in a core of a star long ago, regurtitaded by a supernova, only to condense into dust, then a planet and eventually life.

There is no ghost in the machine, merely the machine itself.

That's beautiful, and seems both pointless and overwhelming simultaneously...


I know this isn't reddit I'm just drunk.

No new posts? You faggots.

But of course we have trap and fur threads.

Fuck you.

Sorry, I'm contemplating I find it a very compelling point of view and am having trouble finding something that I can't ft in there.

But then I do wonder, how would you envision death as an entity? As a cold hand? As a kindly old man? I know, falling into old tropes here, but may people do abide by them

I think death is impermanent.

You started as atoms, then chemistry.

When you die you merely dissolve into atoms in a chemical process.

It's a never endimg cycle. There is no individual self, merely I.
I think it's all a delicate clockwork we do not yet fully grasp.
>inb4 science hurr durr
What is the universally agreed upon definition of gravity?

I think death is impermanent.

You started as atoms, then chemistry.

When you die you merely dissolve into atoms in a chemical process.

It's a never ending cycle. There is no individual self, merely I.
I think it's all a delicate clockwork we do not yet fully grasp.
>inb4 science hurr durr
What is the universally agreed upon definition of gravity?

Good way of putting it. That's how I feel

Sorry. I think I may have misproperly typed the captcha.

Isn't science actually as baseless as religion though?
We merely agree on things we believe to be true, trying to exclude the things we cannot fit in or will not blend in with the things we've already established. Let's face it, we can't actually provide true evidence for anything science would produce, if only because it is based on *our* experiences and findings which might be very flawed.

That's dark though; I dislike that concept because it by default would paint existence in a negative light.

Every experience is entirely subjective.
Despite living on the same planet, your perception of reality is so far removed from a mantis shrimp's, you may as well be worlds apart.
Your perception relies solely on your senses which are more often than not unique in species.
There is no base reality; only the wavelengths evolution has provided us tools to detect.

Dunno, what would you define as the individual self?

Isn't it?

When your dead your dead there is nothing else but oblivion.

The I would be emotion. Everything feels and perceives, seldom think.
Thought is the entropy of time taking it's toll on an occupied processor.

While everything feels happy and sad. Except arguably plants and theropods.

I personally believe existence to be more of a void if anything, and to myself I consider this world a challenge. If only because it makes it easier to cope with things and face things head-on.

We are just wetware calculators made to design Matrioshka Brains and Shkadov Thrusters to further us into godhood

Dunno, I myself spent most of my time thinking, whether I like it or not. Wouldn't the thought be more linked to perception?

But it is exactly what you say it is. A coping mechanism.

It's not a void. It's either predetermined to happen or random roll of the dice.

Both of which are beautiful in their own right.

I feel like I'm not entirely understanding what you mean.

I find thought to be detrimental. Eventually you sink and lose your identity.

Thoughts are the root cause behind depression and the like.

I think emotion is much more imperative, despite being more of an introverted/spective type.

You always doubt your thoughts, but you will always trust that gut feeling.

That's why chads and nigs get women. Their IQ might be shit but their EQ is twice of ours.

But isn't it a void until you give meaning to it? Even if it were beautiful there wouldn't be anything to it unless there was a consciousness of sorts to perceive it. It being predetermined would only strengthen that because it would imply that even 'independent thought' wouldn't actually matter. I actually believe that to be the case though, but please, do elaborate why you believe it to not be a void. Might as well play devil's advocate?

Not sure man. I like to to keep an open mind though. I'd like my conscience to carry on after death and not be bound to my body but honestly, I'm preparing for the same thing as before birth. I hope none of the popular religions are true though because I'm so far beyond fucked if that's the case.

>Work hard
>Like I'm told
>Study hard
>Like I'm told
>If I do
>I'll be successful
>Go to college
>Work hard at college
>Doing great
>4.0 gpa
>Make friends
>Don't do drugs
>Don't drink often (or much when I do)
>Wake up one day
>Out of nowhere
>Want to die
>Grades start slipping
>Go to doctor like I'm told
>Take medications like I'm told
>40 + different medications
>None of them make me feel better
>"Exercise you will feel better"
>Already exercised every day, helpful
>Grades start slipping
>Start losing friends
>Most family dies in the next 4 years
>Flunk out
>Student loan debt
>Too much to ever pay off
>Lose all friends
>26 years old
>Very successful in the negative
>At least there's that

Determinism = No free will

You can either believe it or not. It's your choice. Either enter the void or steer clear of it.

Everything you know and love is just the universe manifesting itself in every way possible. The universe itself is a self aware mass of infinite energy and love that wants to know itself in every way possible. We're all just actors in a big play, our true identity is just the one conciousness, the universe. We are helping the universe experience itself by starting as the most basic form of conciousness and gradually attaining more light through incarnations of which you experience based on how much light and awareness you've obtained.

We were all plants and animals at one point until your conciousness became self aware, enabling you to have the human experience. Now you must choose how to use your self awareness in how you view and treat everything and everyone, who in reality are just mirrors or yourself. That is the key to the next experience or "reality."

Are you me?
I'm 23 though.

Rational thought has 'saved' me on more than one occasion, where I believe sheer emotion would have only dragged me further down those depths.
I'm pretty sure that due to humanities survival instinct we tend to look at things more negatively while telling ourselves that things will be fine, as such emotion wouldn't by default prove to be the way out. That's my take on it at least.

You're still pretty fucking stupid if you think ANYTHING happens. Nothing happens. You cease to exist. Just like everything else. Life goes on. There's no "experience" of death. Death is where your "experience" ends. The only afterlife someone has is in the minds of the people that remember you. That is why it is said you really only die when the last person who knew you dies. Also it's why some people are so obsessed with notoriety - the want for remembrance because it's really the only afterlife there is.

>Lose interest in everything
>Old family member leaves piano behind
>Natural gift
>Quickly grows
>Get in car accident
>Lose thumb, index, and pinky finger
>No more piano

Life is a tossup: Either a meaningless existence or an amazing experience if you are born lucky

oww wow, that sucks... seriously, all the good i can spare to you guys.
You might be closer to true despair than i am

Well, as we are human, neither are mutually exclusive, of course.

In my case it was
>nah man you suck why would she be into you
>kiss her

I always followed the former :(

Maybe prosthetics?
Dunno how good those are these days, but it might actually help? If it's possible that is.

Wake up! Nothing matters. I've been feeling terrible for my entire life, but the cynicism you feel should allow you to realize you can do whatever you want. I woke up one day and said "If I don't care if I live or die, or I want to die, and I feel my life has no value then how can I ever really fuck anything up? I can make all the good or bad decisions I want and it doesn't matter." If it doesn't matter anyway you're free to do whatever the fuck you want and not worry about it.

That's OG non self diagnosed clinical depression for you, user


>I no longer have wool over my eyes
Think of it as endogenous nihilsm as opposed to stereotypical sadness.

Of course I'm not sure, but I got the suspicion that the meaning of human life is our search for meaning. As we find enough meaning we feel alive and content and when we are without meaning it is as if we're dead. Real death is the end of your individual quest for meaning, which doesn't mean that your legacy can no longer be part of other people's search for meaning. In that sense we can stay alive through others notion of how meaningful or ideas were. If you're depressed you're depraved of meaning which is hell, and if you're content you have enough meaning which is heaven. Heaven is spread onto earth but men do not see it. No these are not my ideas, but praise be the Jordan Peterson messiah of kek for his wisdom.

Of course I'm not sure, but I got the suspicion that the meaning of human life is our search for meaning. As we find enough meaning we feel alive and content and when we are without meaning it is as if we're dead. Real death is the end of your individual quest for meaning, which doesn't mean that your legacy can no longer be part of other people's search for meaning. In that sense we can stay alive through others notion of how meaningful or ideas were. If you're depressed you're depraved of meaning which is hell, and if you're content you have enough meaning which is heaven. Heaven is spread onto earth but men do not see it. No these are not my ideas, but praise be Jordan Peterson messiah of kek for his wisdom.

Of course I'm not sure, but I got the suspicion that the meaning of human life is our search for meaning. As we find enough meaning we feel alive and content and when we are without meaning it is as if we're dead. Real death is the end of your individual quest for meaning, which doesn't mean that your legacy can no longer be part of other people's search for meaning. In that sense we can stay alive through others notion of how meaningful or ideas were. If you're depressed you're depraved of meaning which is hell, and if you're content you have enough meaning which is heaven. Heaven is spread onto earth but men do not see it. No these are not my ideas, but praise be Jordan Peterson messiah of kek for his wisdom.

Get a tool assisted instrument.

Def Leppard's drummer lost his dominant arm during their peak. By arm I mean nothing below the collar bone.
He's still toted as one of the best percussionists in the world, unironically.

So you went postal?
I jest. But really, now I want to know what you changed in how you went about your business. It sounds beautiful from my point of view.

u get hot dog

If I went full on nuts I would go rape and shoot people. Maybe pelt them with molotovs.

But what if there is? Purely hypothetically even, let's presume your emotions persist, your energy manifests elsewhere, anything of the sort.
What would it be and do?

It would be Earthworm Jim and occupied by earing your corpse.

That is a thought experiment called religion my friend

>social experiment
It's a prank bro

Actually perfectly sums it up.

I imagine how one perceives death is a lot like how you would perceive a dreamless sleep. You simply don't perceive anything. It's impossible for the conscious mind to visualize.

I can't even argue it...

I think that there is nothing after death. Lights out. Therefore the meaning of life is to pass on your genes so that at least a part of you can live on.