Statistically speaking it is almost impossible for there to not be life on other planets

Statistically speaking it is almost impossible for there to not be life on other planets

>prove me wrong feggets

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I agree with you

I agree with you

What?! Cmon the universe is so vast man. There HAS to be life elsewhere.

>prove me wrong feggets

what kind of life is the question,we found these protozoa type little dudes on mars but sometimes i wonder about anything beyond that though something inside me leads me to believe there is something far greater inhabiting the cosmo's though most of that comes from hillbilly speculation and not being able to explain some things i have seen in the nights sky

no u



Weak Anthropic Principle bro

what sort of things have you seen?

You haven't searched enough of that planet.

Given that there are an infinite number of planets in the universe but only some of them could support life; therefore the effective population of the universe is zero.

>there are an infinite number of planets in the universe


just the kind of shit that would make some simple minded country folk like myself twist in their knickers and go full tin foil hat so not much really...and its not so much the sight its the feeling but i think that is just some good ol leftovers from the chimpanzee days tellin me to run and be afraid of things i cant immediately grasp

You don't know shit

i dont think this poor varmit here knows that the universe has laws......and an end

They don't teach statistics in middle school. You have not idea what you're talking about.

And I don't think either of you have ever read "Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy."

This sentiment is born of people having the ignorant opinion of there being no such thing as aliens.

It bothers you.

It bothers me too.

they always say that gut instincts are undervalued

inb4 this thread gets deleted like the Sup Forums and /x/ threads

yeah because the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy is a scientific text wtf

Sorry mate, didn't know you were quoting something

I guess you aren't aware of "Cosmic Disclosure", the NASA Secret Space Program, and Camp Hero. Those are just 3 of the major key things that prove alien life

...and statistically speaking it's almost impossible for intelligent life to visit our planet

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a few of the times i saw these things i felt pure terror i cant really put it any other way.i am a big strong boy and i dont scare easy but just the feeling of "otherworldly" fear is the best way i can put standing on end that buzz in the back of your mind and the feeling of your guts settin up shop where your heart should be is enough to make me NOOOOOOOOOPE!!!also an entertaining side note,this has never happened during a clear sky there was always clouds big ones around and it was usually windy

there is life on other planets that humans have found, but they were mostly bacteria--but given time the bacteria will most likely evolve.

Well one reason against it would be the Fermi paradox. Google it. I'm not saying there isn't "intelligent" life out there either, but if they have the capability to travel to us then they are far more advanced than us. Stephen Hawkins is right, we should stop looking and hope we're it

got me there,wanted too just never had the chance.

dubs im an alien

why would we hope we're it, jesus if we're it then the universe fucked up somewhere, we have the entire universe and earth but we're sitting at a computer, i hope we're not it

True, though alternatively it is highly unlikely that any life out there is as smart as us. Such level of consciousness isn't a common step in evolution.

Even if we are, we won't be for long

The universe is still in its infancy

what if we where not it but the first?silly little thought i have from time to time...but how would i explain the shit i have seen now?extra dimensional?i always thought that was a goofy idea anyway

There probably is life somewhere out there. We will probably never meet it due to the expansion of the universe


In a theoretically infinite universe, it is almost guaranteed that life exists somewhere else, whether it's bipedal or single celled

Impossible to say how statistically likely it is because no one knows exactly how rare the conditions are for life to exist.

You should totally read into Fermi paradox. He explains it the same way, we may be the first we may be attempt number 236633733632146

i sure as shit hope there is life on other the shit else are we going to have an inter galactic war and genocide?

i feel mankind's only validation and redemption is to meet several alien races and kill some of them in the pursuit of winning a war.... only thing to bring us back from all these liberals, trans gender tards, whiny feminists, and preachy gays...

The real universe isn't infinite though

It may be infinitely expanding (current rate of acceleration vs gravity suggests so), but the material inside isn't. This means stars will eventually stop forming

Dear MIB, come get some. Here ya go everyone, here are 2 photos.


>Secret Space Program
Then how do you know about it?

You are all retarded to even doubt life in other universes. Aliens are MILLIONS of years ahead of us, we are protected by them because we are merely their experiment to take care of earths resources for other aliens on their intergalactic space missions

Statistically speaking you can prove the universe has no life at all...
There are an infinite number of planets
The are a finite number with life
A finite number over an infinite number tends towards zero which is infinitesimally small so its zero
Therefore you don't exist

Not that in trying to add credence to his story but stuff does tend to get leaked. Though I doubt any secret space program. Not like any of us could just pop into space to check what they're really up to

Too many fallacies to single just one

It's funded by black budgeting. It's in the Clinton Email scam. In Cosmic Disclosure, Corey Goode exposes the truth about everything about our world, the moon, ect. He's essentially the Edward Snowden of NASA, but of course you won't hear about him because the media will remain silent about the existence of Aliens. Plus with NASA, how could they NOT have a secret side to them when they're constantly removing footage of UFO's leaving earth

You can find stuff on the deep web about underground lab experiments (Camp Hero) with Aliens and Humans working together and experimenting on humans

most certainly will.i love this type of shit.

cool! i love hearing stories about first hand experiences

i've never had anything like that but i live in a major city. i think you're more likely to see stuff out in the country where the sky is clear

oh shit the peak of intelligent life just jacked it to horse porn

You can find anything on the net. As a matter of fact pic related
Me too, I dont discount that they could exist I just tend to lean more towards how Mr Hawkins feels about it all

Yes, but since it is infinitely expanding and changing, there is a very good chance that some form of living organisms may be living and evolving in places we thought couldn't sustain life

yeah....more room for them to maneuver kek just kiddin.but like i said i am paranoid country folk but that sixth sense is there for a reason.lets you know when its time to get gone or swing first.

Did anyone see my 2 photos posted here?

it's kinda weird when you look at human evolution, homo sapiens haven't been around that long, but even within the species there was this short period where there was like a "snap" and humans suddenly became far more technologically and socially advanced. i think the theory was there was just suddenly some random mutation that just BAM SMRTed the species

Imagine Hawkin's career if he was on the Alien side though

Same here,i leave it open for discussion because at the end of the day.what does someone like me know about all that shit?ill tell you,not much....though sometimes i looove to extrapolate

Umm professor you just said statistically speaking... and then prove you wrong? Where's the claim we are supposed to be disputing? I think there's something wrong with this test I think the creator is retarded

Evolution was modified by 3 different types of Alien Species. Human's are in the process of what is called "Neo-Evolution", where you get to mod your child before it's born. Scientists have been working at this for more than a decade. Once it's fully operating, that'll spark new types of humans almost, sending us into the direction of becoming Aliens

It's a good point but to close to reptilian theory for me
Same here, we're all going to have different opinions and beliefs at the end of the day. But like you said someone might have a thought that fits with what I choose to believe or they may even be able to change my mind

what happens to all the "perceived" obsolete humans?


I don't know what to say, we are already aliens relative to any other life not on earth.

I pretend this is my daughter

We'd just eventually die haha. I don't know if the Neo Evolution is gonna be for everyone. Like if it's only gonna be for the wealthy, yah know what I mean?

Indeed,though there is one thing i know for sure.if there is intelligent life out there in the way hollywood likes to portray and they show up here looking for a fight well we are screwed to put it simply kek

Kinda of related. Do you think the human race, with some mutations will exist on earth, say a million years from now?

oh no,i had no illusions about a reboot for the whole race that kind of shit is always reserved for the "elites" or the soldiers whom did not read the fine print of their "deployment".better they figure out if it works or not than I if you ask me

Yea that's pretty much what I was saying earlier. If they can make it here from some other part of the universe then they are already far more advanced than we are and would be a threat to us. I'll see if i can find some links to him talking about it one minute


It is hard to say, but here is the evidence we have collected so far about their presence here on this planet.

that has always been my stance on it,if they can get here then they are indeed way only question would be why?as in for where we are in evolution right now.lets face it,we got some smart people vs the undulating mass of standard "thinkers" but philosophically speaking i bet if we let more of these truths out and stopped babying the population then we could actually get some critical thought going

Yep. Sure. Fun to read and junk. But we all know what really "happens" when we pass.

Yea we rot

Too many people would jump to mass hysteria. At least I think so, especially those flat earthers

nope. i think we're all going to kill each other :(
hopefully nature will prevail otherwise the whole planet might just be a total wasteland

related: theory
>mercury, then venus were both previously inhabited.
>as the sun grew larger and humans slowly destroyed another planet, they began to cultivate the next one. earth is the third tier down.
>we're currently working on creating sustainable life on mars
>plant the seeds, watch life grow (evolution n shit)
>eventually transplant the human race to mars as earth becomes uninhabitable

after mars we fucked tho

I believe that everything is energy. In a sense our spirit is the yoke in an egg that will never deteriorate. To me, the best evidence of life after death is purely sleeping. Sleep is the cousin of death. Reuniting with passed loved ones in your dreams is just a hint to the after life. That's just me and my personal experience's/beliefs

i think it's a nice idea. someone wrote a pretty story. that's about all i can say for it

Is this an ayy lmao thread yet?

oh i know,but i am at the point where i think that it would take something like that to further human consciousness beyond the half awake only living to live state that it is in.desperate measures and all that.but also a great order would come from that grand least i think so

I prefer that to what my dad explained to me what he saw after dying. (he had a heart attack and they brought him back after a few minutes) was complete and utter blackness. Then a ton of light as his eyes opened to the hospital room lights and people standing over him

>my dad tells me about how my great-grandma used to say this and talk about it a lot
>I do the same thing
>No one I know shares my interest
>she lived in another country
>last time I saw her I was too young to engage in meaningful discussion
>Was looking forward to next visit so I could talk to her about recent stuff I found online about it
>she had no internet access
>trip was a only a few weeks away
>Then she died
>Left me two small ceramic elephants in her will
>They look like a mother and child
>I have no idea what she meant by this

Feels bad man

That's crazy. Not trying to pity party, but my parents visit me from time to time in my dreams. My dad told me in my dreams that God is real and heaven does exist. That's just what he told me. Maybe because your dad didn't die and it wasn't his time to go, it put him in that black limbo. Just a thought. Glad he didn't die on you guys though

Didn't they find alien bacteria on one of the planets in our system?

Not yet, but there are a few moons and one dwarf planet (ceres) where they think there might be bacteria or other forms of life.

Sorry to hear that user

Hey, geniuses, OP was stating there is no chance of NOT having life on other planets. Mathematically speaking, the odds that humans on Earth are the only sentient species in the Universe are slim to none. There are plenty of Terran planets out there within the Goldilocks range of a star, of that I'm sure. There could very possibly be another planet filled with human beings.

Well, he is technically correct. If the universe is infinitely expanding then there is an infinite number of planets.

Such a level of conciousness? You mean a society of people stuck to dogital devices, worshipping realoty TV stars and even letting them become President? People actually look up to Justin Bieber and Kanye West. I should certainly hope this level of consciousness is among the least.

Whether or not the universe is infinite is still being debated. The problem with an infinite universe is that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed. If the universe is infinite then no matter how much energy or matter you create the total amount is still infinity, so it should be possible to create matter out of nothing, but it's not, therefor the universe is not infinite.

i love this idea
have you seen battlestar gallactica?
i'll say no more bc everyone should watch it and i don't want to giving away any spoilers

im maturbating to traps. i really hope i'm not the height of lifeform evolution

We can't gather proof of this, but we can keep exploring the solar system, the one fucking place that we can already reach.

Not gonna prove you wrong, I just think you might enjoy reading pic related

>we found these protozoa type little dudes on mars
No they haven't, you dumb son of a bitch

Hey. Believe whatever makes you feel better, and get through life. But don't dismiss the science that explains a lot. The brain is extremely complex.

We found fossils 20 years ago on a meteorite that was apparently identified as Martian.