Dear Sup Forums users!

Dear Sup Forums users!

I am a tumblr user, genderfluid and otherkin (also proud vegan)
Your site generates a lot of hatred. Stop the hateful speech, the sexism and racism, islamophobia or else we will protest to remove Sup Forums.

This is a real threat, take it seriously!
You have been warned!

Ps don't bother to try and hack me because I just purchased mcafee 2017 edition with maximum protection!

Other urls found in this thread:


oh look its this thread again

great b8 m8

You're disgusting op

el baito


you gotta improve your b8 m8

die faggot

know your genders period!!!!!!!!

afab: assigned female at birth
allosexual: someone who experiences sexual attraction; someone who is not on the asexual spectrum
alloromantic: someone who experiences romantic attraction; someone who is not on the aromantic spectrum
amab: assigned male at birth
asexual: someone who does not experience sexual attraction; sometimes abbreviated as ace
asexophobia / acephobia: direct negative attitudes and behaviors towards asexual and aromantic people.
aromantic: does not experience romantic attraction; sometimes abbreviated as “aro”
biflux: a term which may be used by bi-identifying people who experience attraction exclusively or almost exclusively to people of one gender during a period of time, then shift to feeling attraction exclusively or almost exclusively to people of another gender. not all bi people who experience attraction in this way identify as biflux; many identify solely as bisexual.
bisexual: the (sexual) attraction to two or more genders. sometimes defined as the attraction to same + different genders; however, this is not true of all bisexuals.
biromantic: the romantic attraction to two or more genders.
biphobia: direct negative attitudes and behaviors towards bisexuals and other MAS spectrum people; distinct from homophobia
cisgender: a person who identifies as the gender they were assigned at birth.
cissexism: the structural privileging of cisgender people and identities; the institutionalized oppression of trans people.
demisexual: sexual attraction only after bonding emotionally. note: not the same thing as only wanting to have sex with a person after bonding emotionally.

cont. ?

There is only 1 gender. Man and objects.

no cont
You should be embarrassed enough already, faggot

Wish this was real.At the same time I don't.

you forgot one!
cloversexual: Sexual attraction to shutting the fuck up and not baiting


so cont. ok
demiromantic: feeling romantic attraction only after bonding emotionally.
dyadic: someone who is not intersex; their collective biological attributes fit into socially constructed ideas of ‘male’ and ‘female’ biology
gray-asexual: rarely experiences sexual attraction, or only experiences it under certain circumstances; sometimes abbreviated as “gray ace”.
gray-aromantic: rarely experiences romantic attraction, or only experiences it under certain circumstances.
heteropatriarchy: the social culmination of values, morals, behaviors, etc. that make heterosexuality and maleness the ideal. sometimes extended to cisheteropatriarchy, to emphasize the role that cissexism plays in this construction
heterosexual: (sexual) attraction to a different gender. colloquially used to refer to a woman who is attracted to men or a man who is attracted to women.
heterosexism: the structural privileging of heterosexual identities and behaviors; the oppression of non-heterosexuals and non-heteroromantics.
heteroromantic: romantic attraction to a different gender. colloquially used to refer to a woman who is attracted to men or a man who is attracted to women.
homosexual: (sexual) attraction to the same gender; should not be used to refer to someone unless they have specified that they are okay with that.
homoromantic: romantic attraction to the same gender.
homophobia: direct negative attitudes and behaviors towards people attracted to the same gender; may affect bisexual and biromantic people as well as homosexual and homoromantic people
intersex: someone whose collective biological attributes do not fit into socially constructed ideas of ‘male’ and ‘female’ biology
lesbophobia: the intersection of misogyny with homophobia, used to describe the unique oppression of non-heterosexual women because of both their gender and their sexual orientation.

do you know your role yet?

A little voice in my head is beginning to tell me my role

What was that gender again in which you fuck little girls?

there are only three genders male, female and trap.

now get off my website reeeeee


On Sup Forums: female = trap


I'll help that voice pig

MGA: multiple gender attraction; someone who is romantically and/or sexually attracted to more than one gender; their attraction may vary in strength or form from gender to gender. sometimes used in place of multisexual to be more inclusive of people who experience romantic attraction to people of multiple genders, but experiences sexual attraction to people of fewer than two genders (ex, a biromantic homosexual). see also MAS, multisexual.
mogai: marginalized orientations, gender alignments, and intersex. basically a less bulky way of saying lgbtqiap+
multisexual: attracted to multiple genders. this can include bisexuals, pansexuals, polysexuals, omnisexuals, etc. their attraction may vary in strength or form from gender to gender. see also MGA, MAS.
non-binary person: someone who does not identify as a man or a woman. includes people who are agender, bigender, genderfluid, etc. as well as those who identify solely as non-binary.
pansexuality: (sexual) attraction to all genders
panromantic: romantic attraction to all genders
polyamory: consensual, ethical non-monogamy; different from polysexuality. sometimes shortened to polya.
polysexual: (sexual) attraction to two or more genders. this is the same definition as bisexual; polysexuals generally prefer to use the term polysexual to call attention to the existence of a multitude of genders. sometimes shortened to ply.
queer: a non-straight identity; may be used by anyone under the lgbtqiap+ umbrella. because it is a reclaimed slur, it is generally inappropriate to refer to all lgbtqiap+ people as queer.
SGA: same gender attracted; lgbqp+ identified people who experience attraction to people of the same gender
SWERF: sex worker exterminatory radical feminist. feminists who exclude sex workers from the movement. basically the scum of the earth.

This is obvioualy a shill.
If not, please honor the fact that you were born, because obviously you were an afterthought. PS, send screenshot of your account or else get hackt.

don't you dare forget

TERF / TWERF: trans / trans woman exterminatory radical feminists. feminists who exclude trans women from the movement. basically the scum of the earth. transgender person: a person who does not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth.
transmisogyny: the intersection of misogyny and cissexism in regards trans women; used to describe the unique oppression of trans women because of both their gender and their gender alignment
transphobia: direct negative attitudes and behaviors against trans people.




Mental illness

Mantle illness but kek

Ancient pasta is ancient. Yet all these newfags believe you're serious.

wut in starvation

Remember what happend las time. Forums-raids

op is literally a faggot


friendly reminder xD

are you fucking 8 years old?
how else could someone be so faggy as to post such lame and old COPYPASTA?
just because a few super-retarded faggots might fall for it?
such lame and old COPYPASTA?
just because a few super-retarded faggots might fall for it?
such lame and old COPYPASTA?
just because a few super-retarded faggots might fall for it?
such lame and old COPYPASTA?
just because a few super-retarded faggots might fall for it?
even if they did, you're still a massive UNORIGINAL FAGGOT
for posting shit that is so trite and jaded,
99% of fags on Sup Forums know it
such lame and old COPYPASTA?
just because a few super-retarded faggots might fall for it?
such lame and old COPYPASTA?
just because a few super-retarded faggots might fall for it?
because you're a massive unoriginal faggot

fuck off with this faggy bait, FAGGOT.
what's more hilarious, even gullible newfags aren't falling for your faggotry,
that's how pathetic you are

but u took the b8

beta detected

no I didn't, you pathetic faggot,
ever heard of SAGE?
you're too much of a pathetic faggot to understand how it works,
but keep trying, faggot,
and i'll keep SAGEing your faggoty ass
and nobody fell for your bait, too bad for you.


lmao I love when faggots get aids


you still trying to ressurect your faggy bait thread, OP?


Even though it's definitely low quality bait, it's interesting how much the concept of just being a decent person triggers Sup Forums


so let me get this, you fail with the old tumblr faggotry, so you try the interracial pix to trigger racist Sup Forumstards, check.
what an unoriginal faggot.


wow, what an unoriginal faggot, can't even use IR as bait,
you suck, faggot.




obvious bait is obvious

keep trying, you might arouse a few of the many cucks in Sup Forums... iirc this shit was drawn by a cuck.




I'm not a hateful bigot; I would fuck all of those kids.

Though most of these people are keyboard warriors and would cower instantly if it was face to face i believe.

OP, you're so desperate to get a rise, you're digging everywhere!
ha ha, and you still fail!
which is pretty hard, given how easily triggered some genuine cuckolds are on Sup Forums

please give me more attention

How are you guys actually falling for this bait?



I actually like how this distinguishes between sex and romance

Like, I would suck a guy's dick, but I wouldn't date a guy

Oh shit, am I tumblrsexual?

a totally real gender that has been oppressed for decades

gullible faggot falls for old pasta

such kek lol the only reason we hate tumblr fags is because YOU ARE THE PROBLEM
also good bait user good bait

idgaf about this bullshit niggergender you made up now show tits faggot


fake and gay

>idgaf about this bullshit niggergender you made up now show tits faggot
4 year old GULLIBLE FAGGOT, GTFO, especially after falling for pasta

o boy, you sure fell for it now

keep trying, OP
your failure to make this thread work is fucking hilarious!


Says faggot
Same sentence says show tits

user wants some good ol man tits


every time you try with some bait, you fail, faggot OP.
but keep trying, once in a while, a single loser might respond,
but the other 99% of us are LAUGHING AT YOUR FAGGOTY BAIT!!!


keep posting such unoriginal bait, faggot

Fuck off faggot nigger.

wow, you going to unload your entire BAIT folder?
keep trying, faggot OP,
give us more to laugh at how pathetic you are!


I'm hungry.
Anons, give me ideas what to order/eat

keep trying to get gullible faggots to fall for your FAGGY BAIT.

Worst bait i have seen



OP, now that you've tried tumblr bait
and tried racism bait,
and failed,
why not try
it might be a little more original than your
unoriginal BAIT.

wow, can't even get a rise with racism BAIT?
you're pathetic, OP.

Lmao kys you nigger tier faggot.
I'll rip your boipussy apart, gtfo



Is that so? Then name all 178 genders or else you're a racist!

OP, so now you want to try mgtow bait?
fuck, you're quite pathetic if you can't get a rise from this shit...


>Is that so? Then name all 178 genders or else you're a racist!
gullible faggot, GTFO
