I always see musicians come out in support of social causes, but never for free and open source software. Why is that?

I always see musicians come out in support of social causes, but never for free and open source software. Why is that?

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free software is an antisocial cause

It is the opposite.

its not important.

Internet freedom isn't important?

They haven't been redpilled by Stallman

We already have internet freedom, what are you talking about?

"ITIF’s declaration comes 17 years to the day after Grateful Dead lyricist and Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF) board member John Perry Barlow released his Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace. Despite its age, the earlier declaration remains an almost sacred text of the numerous anti-government voices on the Internet, from extreme groups like Anonymous to other Internet policy organizations like EFF and the Free Software Foundation"

But we don't

what exactly we dont have
(i always superficial read those thing about linux..?)

free and opensource daws are comparative garbage

Freedom is a spook

Then move to North Korea.

There aren't any good FOSS DAWs for starters.

Besides, musicians with a platform for social causes tend to be on major labels. Their "causes" of choice are those that are marketable. Telling all your fans who have their lives run by Apple/Google/Microsoft that they're wrong isn't gonna do much for your image, but making vague uncontroversial proclamations about feminism and black lives matter can only do you good. Not to mention that a large chunk of their income is from sales or streams via Apple and Google.

>There aren't any good FOSS DAWs for starters.
That's why the movement is important.

It's not the question that was asked, though. Musicians don't support it because it presently doesn't exist to any usable scale, and going FOSS would significantly impact their income.

Why is it important for them, anyway? Most of them are pretty content as it is (again, we're talking about major artists with platforms to speak about these things). You're freedom isn't their concern, their money is.

Neoliberals are cancer

What does neoliberal actually mean to you? Because I've always understood it to refer to the current lot of global capitalists and their supporters.

>he current lot of global capitalists and their supporters.
not him, but do you really not see how that fits in here?

Analog is pure freedom. Analog tapes and vinyl are open formats

this is kind of an interesting point, could you expand on it a little?

I'm not trying to guess at what he means, that's why I asked what he means.

the idea of closed source software is inherently digital...

Analogue media is still stored in ROM.

You can't encrypt a record like you can a CD. Digital formats can be designed so that you need closed source to decode them. The software can employ techniques to make it very difficult to reverse engineer in order to write your own decoder. So companies end up forcing you to use their products. This was the state of CDs for a quite while until the decode/encode stuff was hacked and now you can listen to CDs on more than just a SONY wankman.

It's much harder for records to pull that kind of shit cause it's just *needle goes into the groove, reads a really simple signal, sends the signal to the next step on the path to your ears.* It would be really hard to make the grove on the record so completely fucked up that no one else could reverse engineer how it works and make their own record player. Without getting too deep into crypto, this is because crypto requires the rigor and certainty of digital. If analog reads slightly different one playback to the next, the whole decryption will get fucked.

Andy moirin Called out soundcloud and all anti-info systems... So at least we've got flatlander.


Public image.

FOSS is important, but most people just don't care about it. You could be all about that, or you could pick other social issues that your audience actually cares about and make yourself look like a big fucking hero because of it.

>you can care about FOSS along with those other issues
Why waste the effort?

thank you for explaining this so clearly, much love :)

Because they believe Protools, FL Studio and Cubase are the only pieces of software even worth a fuck. And those aren't free.
TL;DR: Musicians are usually retarded.