You have 10 SECONDS to name the most criminal thing you have ever done

You have 10 SECONDS to name the most criminal thing you have ever done.

Grow weed

I posted a WWYD thread on Sup Forums.

Is this some kind of police ruse?

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Haha yes let us all smoke a weed and then share the personal information of each of our dealers right guys

I peed with the toilet seat down and flushed before the end to race the flush into submission with my alpha jet of superior gold.
Didn't even wipe the seat afterwards fuckin yolomadness

I would but I might get banned, or part v&

Urinating in public

I finished the orange juice by drinking from the bottle and then put it back empty inside the fridge

I shot jfk.

Fucking criminal scum
I hope you get raped in prison, asshole


Voting for Trump. I only did it for shits and giggles. Didn't think he'd actually win though. Oh well.

I've killed someone.

Me and the others respublicans backstabbed Caesar when he came back from his weekend
That guy was a fuckin asshole

Accidentally stole a bottle of water from starbucks

Oh yeah, I've also bought and smoked weed, but I was in Portugal at the time so I don't think it counts tbqh

I headpatted a girl once.

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Slept with underage. Law is 16 in uk.

Watch that edge kiddo.

Don't you have homework to be doing, kid?

Stole money from a church

Post in this thread


Get these dubs

I walked across an intersection diagonally.

Anally raped my ex-wife on several occasions. I used it as a punishment for her generally being a bitch.

drug trafficking

I accidentally stole a frapaccino from Starbucks once

I got pregnant with another man other than my husband, and had my husband pay for the abortion and told him it was his.

Well damn,
Show us some tits or GTFO!

That's not even how it works newfag, you only say that if she's using her gender to get attention.

You must be my ex

And typing in a thread about killing a kid is not a form of attention?

You dumb faggot, don't ever try and come after the big dick bandito himself.

I browsed's CYOS

Street racing, evading police.

steal a vodka from the bar of a pub


I kissed my dog

made these fuckin ridiculous batch of homosapiens

Feet or gtfo

I tore the tag off my mattress.

burnt an house + steeled cars

stolen tic tacs out of a store

Shut down router from restraunt