Just a reminder

Just a reminder

nothing worse than white traitors

You can find white people that look like the person on the left...

:heart: Pewdiepie

No you can't because it's not white you fucking imbecile.

>one has been seperated the parent species for millions of years with little to no inbreeding
>one has only been sepearated for 40k years with extensive inbreeding
really makes you think

your head

Fucking bullshit
We're the human races not the human race it's just not politicly correct to say races. We have as much in common with an bonobo ape as we do with abbo's or darkies

those arent white people those are fucking inbred aborigines

back to school with this one, lol
dont let him out because he throws shoes this time

Your fucking clueless aren't you Mr smartass

Are you one of those dumb fucks who thinks every race is exactly the same genetically or something? I'm a scientist, and I can tell you that this is ENTIRELY wrong.

nope, i'm not
cause that's entirely wrong

Do people really believe this?

show as a unphotoshopped white person that looks like harambe
i'm waiting

Can we please stop using racial profiling?

And just call it color coding?


Can you show us an ATTRACTIVE abbo? Not half-abbo, but full blooded aboriginal. Good luck, because it doesnt exist.

Even with the fucked up teeth she is leagues better than that nigger creature

attractive to a white westerner or an aussie aboriginal?

Attractive to a human being. Theres no difference in the two, racist.

To be fair to the aboriginals, neither subspecies is less evolved than the other, we just evolved in different environments. Like, for example, abos are really good at getting free stuff from centrelink, and from the white man in general (churches, bus money, etc). So they can actually survive with very little effort, and have more time to do lots of drugs.

i am a scientist too , and i agree with this cunt!

lol really

i'm a scientist and i prefer cherry jam over peach

>implying that the human brain hasn't evolved to notice differences in humans so that it can identify it's parents, which care for it for the first dozen or so years from your life, and didn't have any evolutionary incentives to identify different birds.

Does it feel good to be a hypocrite? I'm only using your logic against you.

Genetics doesn't work like this.

Humans are mutts a billion times over. Visual characteristics are superficial.

Not when populations are extremely isolated for thousands of years, like abbos. Sexual selection also isolated many of the races as well, because there were a lot less race mixers 200 years ago and before.

you only believe you do. you seem confused.

Modern humans are known to have left Africa in a wave of migration around 50,000 years ago, but another, smaller group — possibly a different subspecies — left the continent 50,000 years earlier, suggests a new study.
While all humans today are related to the second “out of Africa” group, it’s likely that some populations native to Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia retain genetic vestiges of the earlier migrants, according to the paper’s author, Michael Schillaci.

>implying that the human brain hasn't evolved to notice differences in humans so that it can identify it's parents
Its not just a matter of perception. The picture on the woman on the left has objectively dramatic physical differences to the person on the right. If you measured the facial structures of both they would both be radically different, especially if you did the same for the birds, and then compared the proportionate differences.

Its fine, humans have different sub-species. We can't admit it because its un-PC. I will admit, however, that if we started categorizing people this way it could create some pretty ugly chaos. I don't know what social responsibilities science has, but at the same time speaking and knowing truth is perhaps the highest virtues.

If you believe that the two races are different enough to have different tastes in sexual partners, they are genetically different. So, it is also possible for them to differ in genes that have increased stealing and killing tendencies.

If aliens categorized humans the same way we categorize animals, they would easily categorize African Pygmies into their own subspecies. And I don't think it would stop there.

holy assumptions, batman!! XD

Do you understand how evolution works? We may be from the same starting populations, but after long periods of isolation, genes will become stable within that population, preserving many of the mutations occurring after the isolation. This is how evolution occurs. And although we can still reproduce with aboriginals, there are other species that can as well.

Polar bears and grizzley bears can sexually reproduce with fertile offspring, does this not make them the same species, or should they remain different? Humans are the same.