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Got the one of a white person biting a smelly nigger?




Nope sorry, got this tho


lame, I thought I saved it!
Yeah that's a classic

















nice double dubs


kek they aren't even responding to the right person


dat chris chan?




sauce on the girl

Not him, but that is kind of impossible

Rago extra chunky

The inspiration to evolve spiritually is already a manifestation of the presence of God within, and it’s certainly indicative of good karma. Just to want to know truth, to evolve, to improve oneself, to become a better person, to fulfill one’s potential – those are all inspirations. And the person doesn’t make them up; they just come to them. It’s like an innate desire to fulfill your potential. That potential as one evolves becomes more and more identified in spirituality – the capacity to love, to forgive, to appreciate, to see the beauty in all that exists, to live in peace and harmony instead of discord and strife […] The only requirement is to do whatever you do to the best of your capacity and leave the rest up to God


Desire is fueled by the illusion of lack and that the source of happiness is outside oneself and therefore has to be pursued or acquired. The importance of the object of desire is thereby inflated and overvalued by its symbolism and mystique. The pleasure of the sense of Self is blocked by desire. When that desire is fulfilled, the ego ascribes the resultant sense of joy to the acquisition of an external. However, this is a clever illusion because the actual source of the pleasure is that the block to experiencing the joy of the Self has been temporarily removed. The source of the experienced happiness is the radiance of the Self that shines forth when it is not shut off by an ego distress.

People hate me” stems from one’s own inner hatreds. “People don’t care about me” stems from one’s narcissistic absorption with one’s happiness and gain instead of others. “I don’t get enough love” stems from not giving love to others

In the spiritual world, the basic dictum is "there are no justified resentments". This statement is abhorred by the ego. "Oh yeah," it says, "but what about so and so?". It then goes through its laundry list and litany of horrors, violations or 'rights', injustices, presumptive arguements of 'ethics', 'morality', etc. Every councelor, sponsor, or professional is familiar with such recitations. To recover, the question one has to face is whether one wishes to cling to it (and thereby get the 'juice') or give it up. This is the point of decision, without which healing cannot occur

Everyone gets a secret pleasure from resentments, from being the martyr or the victim, and from feeling misunderstood, unappreciated, etc.[...]To undo the ego, one must be willing to abandon this payoff game, with its grandstanding of emotions and repetitive rehashing of data and stories to justify its positions.[...] When the ‘inner juice’ is abandoned, it is replaced by inner peace.


What are these called? More of these.

A useful approach is to let the love for God replace the willfulness that is driving the seeking. One can release all desire to seek and realize that the thought that there is anything else but God is a baseless vanity. […] Out of an unrestricted love for God arises the willingness to surrender all motives except to serve God completely. To be the servant of God becomes one’s goal rather than enlightenment. To be a perfect channel for God’s love is to surrender completely and to eliminate the goal seeking of spiritual ego. Joy itself becomes the initiator of further spiritual work.


You've had your fun boys


You guys should also spam drawthreads. Those threads suck.

A common spiritual error is made by holding God as the author of human suffering, which is actually the collective negative impact of the ego itself. This understandable error often results in atheism which refuses to believe in a God who is the source of evil. It is a mistake that is easily transcended by simply seeing that suffering is the consequence of the ego’s ignorance (falsehood) and misunderstanding of the true nature of Divinity. In other terminology, suffering is the consequence of linearity. Divinity is nonlinear and detectible as Universal Energy, the subjective essence of consciousness itself, and the primordial Source of existence.


With humility comes the willingness to stop trying to control or change other people or life situations or events ostensibly ‘for their own good’. To be a committed spiritual seeker, it is necessary to relinquish the desire to be ‘right’ or of imaginary value to society. In fact, nobody’s ego or belief systems are of any value to society at all. The world is neither good nor bad nor defective, nor is it in need of help or modification because its appearance is only a projection of one’s own mind. No such world exists.

Most of the time yes. No thread is safe from the Sup Forumsanana.


Write down all your faults. Write down all the faults others think you have, even if you think they’re liars. You take responsibility for it all. If you own it all, nobody has any way to attack you. If others attack you, it’s because you’re not owning something. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with being stupid and ugly. (Laughter). So we admit our faults, and we stop labeling them faults. We have to get over narcissistic sensitivity. All negative reactions are not caused from outside; it’s how we choose. The way to become bulletproof is to own anything that seems a fault. The way to overcome the ego’s reaction to that is to say, “I’m stupid and ugly. It doesn’t matter; God loves me



took me a minute, but lol

Supplication is an act of humility. To lower levels of consciousness, prayer is an attempt to get something for self or others, such as a new car, a job, recovery from an illness, or special favors. With progress, this intention to control God is given up and the act of supplication becomes a dedication instead of a request. In war, both sides pray to win. With progression of consciousness from selfishness to selflessness, the quality of prayer shifts to the willingness to be a servant of the Lord and a channel of His Will without trying to specify the what or the how it is to be done.

“Don’t call it anything, don’t label it anything. Keep your mind silent. You stay in touch with whatever you are experiencing, and you let go of resisting it. You are going to experience it, you are going to decompress it. You can do that with pain and any kind of suffering. The suffering is due to the resistance. If you keep surrendering to it you will undo it.
You let go of resisting the depression. You got to sit down and go through it. You’re holding a baggage of it. The way to let go of a thing is to sit down and completely surrender to the energy of it. Don’t label it depression. You don’t have depression. Don’t label it lower feelings or any euphemism. Go into the phenomena itself. Don’t resist the phenomena, because there is only so much of it. Its like a compressed energy thing. And as you stay in touch with it and experience it out, it will come to an end. Because it is not unlimited.

i got this captcha the other day. i was ecstatic.

In its broadest and most basic sense, renunciation means the discarding of illusion and the obstruction to the realization of truth and the Reality of God. Thus, all pathways to God renounce falsity and are devoted to that which radiates love, peace, holiness, compassion, forgiveness, mercy and charity. It also means the choice of renouncing ignorance for Truth, darkness for Light, and the temptations of the ego, such as hatred, anger, pride, malice, greed and selfishness. Renunciation also means freedom from the dualistic trap of denunciation


This is the only one I get anymore





this makes me jealous. shit!



Lost at the headline



That kid has such a punchable face. I wish someday, I'd find him squatting in a nook between buildings in my find city. I'd make him pull my dick out and accept the urine


>Are you convinced that teen obesity is a problem now?


> accompany friend to con
> get separated
> see a fucking cute girl
> muster up, ask if she wants to look around together
> "sorry I'm with friends"


Imagine her without all that fat.
Just look at that face.

I am not really into animal sex, but she could look pretty good, I mean her face could be 10/10 easily.

Lol it says he continues to follow her and ask for number. But obviously this story never happened lol, what women will say

This makes me fucking cringe.
It was a fuckup, slavers are dead, slaves are dead. Get a bag of fucking crisps and put one on the opposite shoulder to balance out your fucking chip mate.

not a feels thread man

his chin is trying to hide behind his cheeks

You're a special kind of idiot aren't you?

fuckin' weak ass firefighters couldn't accept the challenge. if real firefighters were called to the scene she'd still be alive


That thing takes out the fun of everything



















that last sentence...

jesus christ you psycho

You can't help someone if they don't want to help themselves