Other urls found in this thread:

Nigga knows you're supposed to workout all your body not just arms right?

Nigga be looking like Spongebob with anchor arms

hes a UFC guy

That sure's a good meme







keep'em coming, i'm almost an hero




you all lose

Yikes this guy got bullied for being a goofy looking fuck, got /fit/, put in mad work to be tough as shit, and is still a brutally cringey beta nerdy lookin bitch boy despite it all.

i'm almost cumming, dont stop now





I know, man. That's a fucking kick in the balls.

Holy shit.

Image strongly related.


shit, i think i'm love, dont stop or im offing myself





All right. Bullshit. No way he's that autismo






jesus, what a man... I woundt mind having a piece of that penis pizza






that actually made me sad



not cringy, just sad... i mean, kinda cringy, but mostly sad



god i wish that were me

what a bitch

What's going on with the little guy's boots?

he's gay right


that's fashion you dumb bitch

Figuratively? Absolutely.

wtf is this shit

This is unbelievable.


truest madest of mens


Old news - may be remembering incorrectly, but he got shit for it, making them lick shaving cream and stuff off his knees. It was clearly a pedophile thing, but the parents defended him, saying it was a 'fun' thing to teach them some religious thing or another.

don't you dare stop now


Jesus christ

WTF is wrong with you?

that's fucking hilarious



Fuck is the midget wearing on his feet?

holy kek

She looks like the problem.


She is so desperate that it's kind of hot.

Imagine, she is so fucking self conscious she will do anything. Make her work and live frugally, you do to. Now get her facial reconstruction surgery, because you want her to be happy.

Her body is skinny, so it's legit good enough, but maybe a boob job. Within 5 years you can turn that into your actually hot sex slave. In the meantime, treat her like a queen, so that way she will stay with you, because you gave her love when nobody else would. (Just don't take her outside with you for 5 years...)

Emily is a cunt man.

Even the dog looks sad


That is just too much.

Probably because it got raped 37 times.

Ouch....I wonder if it was her that leaked the camera footage.

where is the pic of the fat guy with an ice cream

Dunno. Have this instead

fucking disgusting jew to the left


not much

He isnt openly gay. However, one time this really hot drunk chick wanted to have sex with her and her turned her down. He has never had a gf and I am pretty sure a virgin. I went to hs with him .

Well fuck, this thread was kind of funny.


That must really hurt

i hoped she found someone desperated like her.



I'd fuck with her so hard.

"You're a disgusting human being."

(Freaks out)

"Not because of your looks or gender, you are my preferred gender, and actually quite cute, it's your beliefs that make you horrible."

(She's never been called cute, should she accept it or freak out because I said her opinions/beliefs suck?)

"Nah, just playing, you're an ugly cunt too."


This Is a you rage you lose thread now

Dude that is like no mercy man.


so, he has a fetish for feeding children with cream...?

game on

I didn't think you'd recognize me without my sandals.