Why do kids get so butthurt about the gender thing? I understood the hate for gays seeing as its a religion thing...

Why do kids get so butthurt about the gender thing? I understood the hate for gays seeing as its a religion thing, and we all know how hyped people get for religion, but the gender revolution hate doesn't really seem to come from anywhere... Who are they hurting? Who the fuck cares if it makes them happy. I know sex is indisputable, you're either male or female, but gender has always been a spectrum, and is different in all cultures. So why the hate?

>gender has always been a spectrum, and is different in all cultures.

Source for this claim is lacking.

because after the conservatives "lost" when gay marriage was adopted...they had to redirect their hate into something else

Your rights end where mine begin. Don't expect others to bend norms for your mentally ill tard-brain. No you don't get to claim to be a woman and go into the girls locker room.

There's two genders. period. Learn to see pussy like a man or kill yourself.

>triggered cuckservative detected

>gen·der, ˈjendər/ noun 1.the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones). "variables included age, income, and gender"

Kys fag. I honestly just don't get why people get so mad about it. I hear my friends talk about this shit like they're going to war, where does this even come from? Who gives a fuck if somebody wants to dress different or go by him or her. That retarded xim/xer stuff doesnt even really bother me...

Fuck off with your bait

Tbh I never thought trans people in the bathroom was a big deal until I talked to a father of 3 daughters. He was afraid of his girls being in the same bathroom as men by sex

I kind of get the argument now, but that goes both ways: what if creepy guys are in the same bathroom as your son? At some point you have to trust people to be decent enough

Because they have mental issues.

It's not going to do them any good if everyone just conforms to their delusions. These people need help.

No one's going to change their speech in order to make them feel "happy" by using made up words that they want to be called.
No one's going to think cutting off their body parts to satisfy their mental disorder is a good idea.
No one's going to see them as anything other than a fucked up, and mutilated version of their original biological gender.
No one wants biological men in women's sports.
No one wants biological women in a man's bathroom.
No "normal" person see's anything productive in any of this bullshit.

There are XX, and XY chromosomes. There is nothing in between unless you're some sort of hermaphrodite, which is a physical mutation. Everything else is a mental disorder, and they're deluded.

We shouldn't be playing along with their nonsense, and act like it's all natural. It's not.

If there was a mental disorder that made adults feel like they were children, should everyone else in the world just play along for that 0.5% of the population's sake?
Let them go to elementary school with real kids?
Let them play in a soccer tournament against 2nd graders?
Call them "Good little boys and girls" so that they feel better?
Give them penile and breast reduction surgery, or maybe even shorten their limbs so that they are as short as the age they feel?

No, no you fucking wouldn't. This is why it's a problem.

Based user is based

does that father also fear for his daughters when he sends them to school, or church, or camp, or a sporting event? cuz those kids are more likely to be abused by people they know in those situations

So, I guess no one ever taught you not to use the word your defining in the definition.

Dictionary my friend.

Sex = biological gender

Gender = cultural concept of male and female roles and behaviours.

Its always been around in subtle ways. In matriarchal societies and cultures or if you think of WWII russia who used female soldiers as much as male, they would have a different concept of gender but sex remains static.

The main reason it mostly goes to men is because tribal societies survived better with male hunters and warriors because if all but one of your men are wiped out you can still make a new generation. If all but one of your women are, youre in big trouble. Its said one of the neanderthals big downfalls was no gender roles.

So culture built around that.

I dont even have a problem with it, the way things go is the way things go.

What I do have a problem with is people hating on people they never met for their own life choices, as well as SJWs who just have to yell in everyones faces about it to feel all high and mighty.

Just focus on your own life ffs.

Because they're all treating this "gender fluidity" like a fad, just like how almost overnight suddenly there's a few million guys running around with fucking beards and thick rimmed glasses. You can always shave a beard and get normal glasses, can't easily reverse gender reassignment surgery.

*You're, if you wanna nitpick, and the gender part wasn't part of the definition, accidentally added it when copy-pasting it from google

Why don't you go Snapchat ( z ) .com and leak anyones nudes

I can partially agree with you.

Let them get the surgeries and shit, it's a free world. Let them do what they think they wanna do. It's not your choice. You don't have to socially accept them. You can turn your nose at them, I really don't care, but they deserve just as much freedom to live and be happy as anyone else.

If they choose to live an alternate lifestyle that is constantly btfo by society, that is on them. People don't have to live their life based on anyone's standards but their own.

This. Fucking this. Someone is not a fucktard.

>sex = biological gender

Until I have to foot the bill. Which is the case in america. Trans get free healthcare.

So i dont give a shit if people take dick in their ass or whatever. Couldnt give a shit. like making gay jokes etc.
The only thing that pisses me off about all the gender and other bs is that some people try to ram it down your throat like a dick and that its socially acceptable to do so.
There arent any straight pride marches or demonstrations.
Gays and other gender things arent illegal. they can even get married now.
In my mind they dont have shit to whine about not.

The Russian army didnt use female soldiers as much as male soldiers, they were very rarely used as foot soldiers at all because 95% of women arent cut out to be foot soldiers. They make good tankers and snipers though.

I mean we thought female orgasms were a mental disorder up until like the 60's. You sound just like the people who protested gay rights and protested blacks rights before that. Status quos change bra....

Sex = the category in which you fit based on biological reproductive function. Better?

Doesnt change that dictionary def of gender includes cultural perception and roles and behaviours.

Its conceptual.

Back to the russia comparison as its a good example. In our american heads men fight wars.

In their heads they think soldier and it could be either. It meant that long before everyone and their dog wanted to be snowflakes.

Reinforcement... If I were to "agree" with an anorexic and tell them they are "fat" and "need to lose weight"... that would be irresponsible and downright harmful. They self-identify as a fat person and are delusional. Why should I "go along" with a transgender's similar delusion? Isn't that similarly hurtful and counter-prodcutive?

Tru. Female russian snipers are make up like 3 of the top 10 snipers of all time.

It's simple
Some people base THEIR personalities off of them being "of morals and......serious....and.....standing up for what they believe is right''

that is their schtick.....yours is that you are open minded and accepting.

Actually, they will have to bend. People can do whatever they want. Men can dress like women. Men can use the woman's toilets if they 'feel' like it. Once you start going wherever you want based on feelings, no location is off limits.

I can actually argue this either way. I do think men take a bad wrap and live in a reverse-rape culture. I am always offended at the notion of me in the women's room equals anal rape of all others present. Wtf.

This is the big hypocracy I see during it out. Either men are rat bastards and should be kept out of the bathrooms, or they are sweet kind creatures who should be allowed into the ladies shithouse.

Which is it?

because people are trying to make laws about it. some places make it illegal to refer to them by the wrong pronoun.

there are thousands of types of mental disorders so what makes this particular one something to be rallied against so harshly?
answer the fucking question.

Now we are changing dictionary definitions?

Christ next we will be changing the English language to describe these....

No I get your point but gender relates to sexual biology. A female solider is still a human with a gaping hole and silmultaniously a solider. Cultural "grnder" roles do not explain this new phenomenon of trying to break the binary system.

Nature doesn't have gender fluidity because it is unnecessary. It is irrelevant.

Don't get me wrong. I don't give a fuck about who you want to fuck as long as it is consensual. But to declare your self neither of both or a dragon is insanity.

And really I don't care. I don't care if your a man who dresses like a women or vice versa. Just call it what it is. Your a fag who likes to play dress up.

>gender has always been a spectrum, and is different in all cultures
That's a contradiction. Is culture a spectrum? Is China on one side, India in the middle, and Saudi Arabia on the other side? Of course not, that would be silly. Cultures are just different. They're not distributed between two poles, and trying to define them in such a simplistic manner misses all the real differences.

If gender is a cultural construct, even though there are two poles based on biological sex, it can't be a spectrum because culture doesn't work that way. Different cultures treat genders differently and have different alternate depictions and ranges, but they don't and won't ever alignment neatly along a spectrum.

>nature doesnt have fluidity because it is unnecessary

nature also hasn't created civilizations with complex languages, technologies or societal structures comparable to human beings.

Or rallied FOR so vehemently?
I think it is because it is part of an agenda. Or more simply put, a required step in a plan.

Why do they care about the plan so much? The most innocent conclusion is people have so much time and so little to worry about, they have to have something. Save the whales and PETA just don't cut it anymore.

Maybe it is just a fad.

I feel bad when 20 somethings start taking hormones and become a guy

I'm in my mid 30's and made mistakes in my 20's I'm not implying regret on behalf of the sex changed I just sometimes......wonder if they will hurt later in life for a decision they regret

If some faggot wants to play dress-up, I don't care.

But I'm not playing, and he has no right to insist I do.

How about 12 year olds?

Child abuse?

I think we will see some big lawsuits here soon on this one. Our entire society is based on kids are incompetent to make big decisions, so how the fuck can they decide to take hormone suppressants at 13?!

I'm with the anti-tranny party on the bathroom situation, but for very different reasons.

It's not that I think that men and women shouldn't share bathrooms because it's "dangerous" or "inappropriate". It's not as if a rapist is gonna care either way which bathroom he's allowed in, that's stupid.

For me it's more about bathroom procedures. We do shit in different ways, and having both genders in the same bathroom is kind of distracting. Not to mention many people who have "shy bladder" probably won't be able to shit next to people of the opposite sex, it's not comfortable.

Women go to the bathroom in groups, they take their time, they sit at the sink for 15mins and do their makeup, they chit-chat etc.
Men just go, piss in the urinal real quick, wash their hands then dip out.

It just kind of fucks up the bathroom dynamics, IMO.

Because it's not a real thing and it's doing nothing but polluting the minds of the young. Just like the "you can be anything" mantra of the 90s and 00s, it's doing nothing but creating degenerate basket cases who do nothing but breed hate as they're too mentally deficient to be a part of society. It's nothing but a bunch of obnoxious dumbasses. No one would care if they weren't giant obnoxious cunts.

It's the same for everyone, gays, blacks, whatever. You act like an obnoxious ass hat and it pisses everyone off. If you'd just be gay behind closed doors no one would care, but it's this oh look at me I'm special shit that's doing nothing but creating cunts. If they'd just simply shut the fuck up no one would give them shit. I don't want your cross dressing freak self sharing a bathroom with my daughter. You're already a nut job and I sure as fuck wouldn't risk the safety of my children for you to pee where you want.

I seriously don't understand why all these dumbasses now can't grasp that wearing all your problems on your sleeve is your personality. No, personality and character are created by how you as a person approach and handle your fucking problems. Just a bunch of victim complex dumbasses like a tranny.

Tldr snowflake culture out of control, needs to fuck off and quit trying to be edgy faggots to feel they have a personality.

Enjoy your suicide in 10-15 years when you can't function because of your made up issues have dragged you down into your own hole.

I am not a girl inside but if I were.......

maybe I could just wear pink shirts and wear panties.

lots of guys have long hair.....

what do you need? breasts to make you feel like a woman?

a real woman doesnt NEED breasts. you sexist pig.

I'd be pissed if the sink were tied up for 5 minutes while somebody was fucking around with makeup.

Sometimes it is the simple things that are the core of the problem.

Wearing your problems on your sleeve isn't your personality*

if a transgender person really isnt hurting anyone and at least looks somewhat like the gender they think they are then I doubt most people are going to confront them in the bathroom about it. It's an unspoken rule that we dont talk in the bathroom, people shouldnt even notice each other in the bathroom. I dont see why people keep getting hopped up about this issue, it's a very small minority of the population who actually are transgender.

>unspoken rule you don't talk in the bathroom
I never really thought about that.
I'm gonna start so many awkward conversations with people now.

Did you just assume my gender dress up fag?

The participation trophy generation are becoming a huge pain in the ass to society, and this is just one manifestation.

...yes it has. Unless humans are not natural beings...

ah yes, it's the generation who received the participation trophy who is at fault

definitely not the generation who raised them. nope.

>men just go, piss in the urinal real quick, wash their hands then dip out.
nothing pisses me off more than when I see someone I know in the public bathroom and they start talking to me. If people could just accept that we dont talk in the mens room, transgenders could just use the mens room regardless of what gender they think they are.

If they aren't yet, they soon won't be.

you might get hit.

lol wow, can you not read? COMPARABLE TO HUMAN BEINGS

that means human beings.

You know what I mean.

Obvisouly you can justifiably blame the parents. ...and then blame their parents. The buck stops someplace tho. Where?

I never felt good about my work for a participation trophy. I can understand giving them out for young kids playing sports when most of them are just running around like retards anyway. Though really after like age 10 that shit should probably fuck off so people can have a goal to work toward.

The anger comes from the cultural marxist acceptance movement. If you don't consider these mentally ill degenerates 'normal' you are made a social pariah. I believe that these people should be equal in the eyes of the law, but don't expect me to consider them normal in any way. They aren't. Neither am I.

Idk man I think I'd just make people uncomfortable from confusion.

Which is why Trump won, imho. Call me a freak and immoral for something that is common fucking sense, and I will never vote for your candidate.

Add to that the trophy generation are super fucking lazy and didn't vote en masse, and you have a perfect Trump mix.

I would love to know how many anti Trump protestors didn't vote. I bet it is a metric fuckton.

Yeah meaning nature in comparison to humans. Separating humans from nature.
Either work on reading comprehension or communicating using english.

Because people's lives are devoid of substance, and they get angry with other people to fill the void. They have nothing better to do.

I'd say 70% didn't vote. It has nothing to do with anything other than a resentment for society and their lot in life. Trump is just the scapegoat. Perhaps for their parents. The parents that did the best they could with much of the wealth gone up to the 1%.

What the fuck did everybody think would happen?

Bonus: you know what will happen right? Hint:look at history.

I am prepared.

Same here, I'm 26, so I'm technically part of this shit generation, but I never kept "participation" trophies.

It's not even that my parents raised me that way, or maybe they did and I don't remember, but I felt like that shit was worthless on my own it seems.

When I played in soccer tournaments, and my team didn't win, I told my parents that I wanted to leave and skip the ceremony, we didn't deserve a trophy.
When I competed in martial arts tournaments, I kept the golds, silvers and bronze medals, and literally threw out any participation ribbons I got in the closest trash can on at the venue.

I remember my parent actually getting pissed at me because of it. I got 4th place in a national sparring tournament, and they gave me a bronze medal anyway, and wanted the 4 "winners" to take a picture together with their medals. I took mine and threw it in the garbage at the judge's table right in front of their face and walked off the mat.

My parents got pretty angry, but I didn't give a shit. Maybe I was a sore loser, I don't know. But you bet your ass I got gold the year after that, so fuck them and their participation bullshit. I earned all my awards.

jesus christ dude you really cannot be this dumb...

YOU separated humans from nature. I stated nature hasn't created anything comparable to human beings....which ties humans and nature together.

at this point you're either trolling or a legit retard

you earned all your awards, yet you are still a massive fucking faggot.

try harder

lol no.


Found the libtard

That is in the example sentence, dipshit


you are really dumb. Why would your rights be curtailed by a crossdresser?

I don't care about these fuckers, but they are not harming me. So why bother?

Dude I can't even anymore. Go back to highschool.

>gays r bad
>multiple genders r A ok diddly dun fun


I have the right to not be around people that make me uncomfortable. I dont like them, want nothing to do with them, so they should just go away and get out of my world.

says the person who cannot even comprehend a sentence.

top kek tard

>they are not harming me. So why bother?

Because some of us do have families you basement dwelling shithead.

The last thing i want is a pedo going into the girls/boys rooms because they feel like it.

nobody is talking about pedophiles, we're talking about transgender people.

I see a lot of justification for multiple genders Beyond just the basic to that site cultural and social acceptance. The individual wanting the cultural and social acceptance once it from the group. That's means as a group if we cannot agree to the gender, that gender does not exist.

Really people wouldnt care, except the that community of these people banding together trying to invent what doesnt exist and flip shit when not taken seriously.

These freaks attention whore and need to be accepted, which is why they cant handle the negative attention they bring ti themselves.

But op, you are welcome to believe all these big bad meanies actively seek out gays and genderwhatevers to hurt them.

Just to throw this out there, i see a purple haired spaz tattoo peircing sperglord faggot, i treat them like i treat bad art and find a spot in the building that prevents ny seeing them.

dont worry, your children are sending nudes and posting them online voluntarily.

>beyond the basic two

... Fucking typos

For me, I don't hate them. But there's a 40% suicide rate before and after transition, and there's no studies that show that, if everybody just accepted them, that would stop.

I just want them to get real help and not kill themselves.

> No one's going to change their speech in order to make them feel "happy" by using made up words that they want to be called.
Why not? culture is always changing, don't be such a comformist
>No one's going to think cutting off their body parts to satisfy their mental disorder is a good idea.
Why not? it helps for them
>No one's going to see them as anything other than a fucked up, and mutilated version of their original biological gender.
i wouldn't, and there will also be cases where you wouldn't even notice
>No one wants biological men in women's sports.
This might be tricky to overcome but honestly i don't give a fuck cause watching sports is about the gayest thing ever, and i do play sports myself
>No one wants biological women in a man's bathroom.
i wouldn't care less
>No "normal" person see's anything productive in any of this bullshit.
I think it's the "normies" who are more accepting and the basement dwelling Sup Forumsb/tards that can't coope with this stuff

The children analogy is totally of the point, it would not be practical for these people to have a normal live, with a sex change or whatever people will still to practically participate to society in a very normal way.

> wants, not once

Goddamn embarassing

I have absolutely no idea what that means.

Please find a grown-up and ask them to help you with your grammar.

Yea, like that one guy who tripped on too much acid and now he's permanently in the looney-bin because he thinks he's a glass of orange juice.

Why would my rights be curtailed by someone who thinks he's a glass of orange juice?

I don't care about him, but he's not harming me. So why bother?

I'll tell you why, it's because he's harming himself, and it's unhealthy. Should everyone have just treated him like a glass of orange juice, since he wasn't hurting anyone anyway? Of course not, people tried to help him, and probably still are.

Just because something "isn't harming anyone else" doesn't make it ok, and socially acceptable.

Euthanasia doesn't hurt anyone either. Heroine addiction doesn't hurt other people. Cutting yourself, suicide, prostitution etc.

They're not hurting anyone, right? Make it all socially acceptable.

Trans people are mentally ill. The condition is known as gender dysphoria. There's a reason why trans people commit suicide in dramatically disproportionate percentages. They need help. The only surgery that could help is lobotomy.

I think they said everything they needed to say in the movie, and except for three of four episodes the TV series didn't really contribute to the main theme except in the anti-Vietnam war sense. Most of it was just a cash cow for CBS to see commercials for laundry detergent. The last episode was a very well done series finale but it was still heavy handed with the whole war is bad message.

Not to mention, if a pedo is gonna rape a kid, I doubt very much he cares that rule of law says "no boys allowed". Kinda like how law says "no raping" but we still see it happen. Not as often as these snowflakes claim, but it does. A sign on a door isn't really gonna do much about that. Unless you wanna hire people to just stand outside bathrooms to check peoples pronouns. Kinda useless but it opens up a new job market I suppose.

such a cool guy i bet you dont over rate yourself at all.

>heroin addiction doesn't hurt other people

said by someone who has obviously never known a heroin addict.

What if I wanna be a cute trap and get fucked by pedos in the girls bathroom though?

>Who are they hurting?

Me. They think they can tell me what language to use, and act like I'm the problem if I don't want to do as I'm told. If you want to cosplay a woman, I'm cool with that. If you want to cosplay with the guy and call him "she", that's fine, have fun. When you tell me I have to call some guy "she" you've crossed a line.

Conservative logic 101.

Gun laws won't stop criminals from getting and using firearms so why should we pass them?

Bathroom laws will stop transgenders from molesting children in public bathrooms.

>Why would your rights be curtailed by a crossdresser?
Because we're already heading toward a path where this can happen. Logic and reason no longer have enough of a voice in the world anymore, so modern society will cave to these mental defects and we'll all be forced to conform to them.

they cant enforce those language rules though. at least not in the united states.

>Why not? culture is always changing, don't be such a comformist
Because if people can just make up a bunch of nonsense words and make people use them, then any real labels would become meaningless. You're basically inflating verbal currency. Words have real definitions and usages, shit like xim and xir are utterly useless.
>Why not? it helps for them
Is that why transgender suicide rates are virtually the same pre-op as they are post-op? It doesn't help, and it's irreversible. Would a doctor be okay with chopping my legs off if I thought I'd be happier as a paraplegic?
>i wouldn't, and there will also be cases where you wouldn't even notice
Until you find out that they're transgender. Strange looks and avoidance are natural reactions to things that are unnatural. Even people who aren't biased against them. If you allow people with mental disorders to mutilate themselves, they're only ostracizing themselves further.
>This might be tricky to overcome but honestly i don't give a fuck cause watching sports is about the gayest thing ever, and i do play sports myself
It can't be overcome. Men and women are biologically different. It will only result in one sided games and injuries. Female sports would be virtually obsolete if this continues because it will be dominated by biologically male trannies, making it a pseudo-men's league.
>i wouldn't care less
You may not mind, but most people would. A woman isn't going to want a room full of guys hearing her shit diarrhea, or see her throw out a tampon in the garbage. And a man isn't gonna whip out his dick at a urinal to piss when there's a group of 5 hot chicks doing their makeup 3 feet away from him.
>I think it's the "normies" who are more accepting and the basement dwelling Sup Forumsb/tards that can't coope with this stuff
I'm a "normie", so, no.

>a man isn't gonna whip out his dick at a urinal to piss when there's a group of 5 hot chicks doing their makeup 3 feet away from him.

I would if I had to piss and was in a bathroom.

People upset about other's open-mindedness :/
They see me dressin'
They hatin'...

i dont have a problem with people doing what they want, as long as they pay for it themselves and dont force me to call em ze.
Also did op call it a "gender revolution"? kek