Why do I need to get high off of something to be happy? I hate myself...

Why do I need to get high off of something to be happy? I hate myself, but I continue to buy weed/beer almost every day just to be in a better mood.

Even now I'm drinking beer, because without it I'd be a miserable fuck.

Any more Sup Forumsros currently drunk/high?

same boat since being 18
23 now

fuck, doesn't it get better? Just turned 20

why drink beer? it taste like piss upsets your stomach and is arguably a shittier drunk experience the hard alcohol i got 3 in the fridge i cant bring myself to drink because its so disguisting

drinking yes, I haven't been drunk in I don't even know how long though

I like to chill at my computer while sipping on beer. Also still living with my parents so can't really drink anything stronger than beer. What's your fav drink? Whiskey is the shit for me


that's just your opinion man, fuck hard liquor


Good for you man, don't start drinking again if you feel like you don't need it. It's quite expensive if you don't have a job

Water doesn't get you drunk nigga

You can water down down with a touch of weed, less internet and a daily exercise/no fast food diet and have a scientifically proven guarantee of having more endorphin more often, along with more balanced lows.

I never stopped and I have money so that's not a problem

i would have to say jack because of how smooth it is but i honestly will drink any hard liq aslong as its not cheap whiskey/bourbon that shit is disguisting

if you do not change, then no, it wont

do you honestly enjoy drinking it or the taste tho

>weed, all the time
>smoke like 2-3 very small one a day
>only if i have herbs
>only get it maybe like every month up to a gramm
thats it. people around me are fucks. dont feel loved. get pussy, but only stupid cunts.

same. i was able to quit smoking weed for awhile but then i got back into it

and what are you doing to make things better exactly? I used to hate myself and everything about me and what I do.
I didn't like it so instead I decided to find things I genuinely like and try to pursue that, even if its just some shit I can do at home like learn playing guitar and write songs or find other instruments to learn. I did a lot of art related shit too, mostly didn't work out but then I just moved onto something else.
I sit at home pretty much 24/7, its lonely as fuck but I've got shit to occupy myself with and I had a reason to clean up my act and stop drinking. I still smoke weed but not as much as I used to.

It doesn't 'just' get better, it never will unless you make it so...stop thinking the world owes you something and just reach out for it yourself, but that means getting up from your ass and actually going after it

just consumed about 18 grams of kratom. fuck this rapid tolerance shit. but I like the high and just alcohol and weed gets boring after a while so I enjoy mixing things up

27 same here, got a good job and good friends, but still bored at home and feel bored with lots of things. Drinking beers makes things less boring. Maybe it's cause I am a virgin. If i get laid i might get a wake up call? Dunno.

You mean Jack Daniels? That shit is disgusting

Have you tried joining the army? I'm gonna do that in a few months cause I don't really know what else to do tbh

Shit I wish I could get my hands on some kratom, shame it's not really possible where I'm at. Is it any better than weed?

I'm basically the same, but don't have a job. Still have money tho. The thing I don't get is how the fuck am I sad if my life is great? What the fuck?

It is very hard to stop unless you really want to.
Even then it is hard to do it yourself. You need help in order to stay stopped.

I went to an AA meeting and was pleasantly surprised. After a few meetings I decided to try being sober. It is now more than 8 years since I had a drink or a drug.

It may sound goofy at first, but it works. Would you rather sit in your house getting drunk every day?

booze makes everything better. been a drunk for almost 20 years.

Same. 21. Smoke only waxes daily. Drink beer nightly. (40s, malt, 8% nigger shit)

Had a shit low point when my parents found me passed out in the shower after puking.

Kinda want to just hang myself. Have no future ahead of me really. No world owes me bullshit, I fucked myself up and my own future, can't get out or "better". I've got no resources, I'm basically homeless when my folks die soon anyways..

I have been a regular smoker from my 18-19th year, I'm now 24. (and dutch) Now I have been smoking for almost every day the last 2 years. But I have also studied very hard to be a successful software developer and have been working now a full year. I can actually combine it very well, but you can get pretty tired after work- smoke- sleep a little, work- smoke sleep a little etc. But he party hard huh

correct answer

you can keep spiraling down and see if you eventually hit the bottom or you can change your lifestyle. It might not be easy at first but happiness would probably be more popular if it was as easy to achieve as buying a bag of weed.

That being said I love to drink and smoke but its not how I make myself feel happy

Dude, believe me, I tried getting better. A few months ago it felt like my life is getting a lot better. But then, out of nowhere, my best friend died. After his death, I started getting high/drunk a lot more than I used to. It's been two months and shit is not getting better. I'm currently waiting to join the army in a few months, so maybe the army will change my life for the better.

I wondering the same fucking thing man, I don't fucking get it

i did the same shit for 5 months and now that i ran out of money im just kind of sitting here sober wondering if theres more to life.
well of course there is, but being sober sucks.
i need to find myself a job.
being drunk/high for months loses its flavor.
i'm thinking of staying sober for the rest of my days.
only smoking/drinking on weekends or something like that.

I don't consider myself as an alcoholic, I drink just two, three beers like 4 times a week. If I don't drink, I smoke weed. If I wanted, I could stop getting drunk/high, but the thing is, I don't want to stop.

Have you tried talking to a psychiatrist?

I did, but for me it only helped for a week or so. After that I came back to my old self.

I suggest you try it too, man, it might make your life better, who knows.

Stop thinking its the answer to being depressed. It is an escape for a moment but much more a part of the problem than the answer.

Used to be like this. Started going to AA because family made me. I kept going because i wanted to be happy. I saw happy people there and they told me how they used to feel. Same story more or less. I dont care about getting loaded anymore. Sure, i still have my bad days, but life is all around much better now.

I'm tired of searching for the answer. Shit, I've tried multiple psychiatrists, I've tried all sorts of medication, but nothing truly made me happy. I might be happy for a week at best, but every time I eventually go back to my old, miserable self. It's far easier to just get drunk/high, at least I'm happy for a few hours that way.

good luck then

Are you happy?

That pic.... is that you pipne????

10 years straight i've been sober maybe one day.
i have alcohol withdrawal every morning which means when i wake up i immediately puke bile then have light tremors for an hour until i drink.
don't be like me. i'm just wasting money until i die. infact i'm broke now until neetbucks hit on the first.

I've been in and out of college for the past 3 years or so, its either money problems or I just didn't get to do what I applied for. Every time I felt like I;ve re-gained my sense of purpose I lost it immediately.
Out of options right now, its either working a shitty job forever for me or an hero. I don't really wanna go yet so I feel like right now is the right time to take risks and do shit with my life. Worst case scenario, it won't work and I'll be back to where I am now, so from a logical perspective whats there to stop me?

I don't want to tell you how to live your life but man, I get that your friend's death must suck but joining the army is never a good idea. I've spoken to a good few anons here and each one said that army was the right choice at first, but after they've experienced it they ALL said it was a bad idea and that they wish they never joined the army.

I'd say, get a job somewhere, or take a holiday, vent out, meet some new people, get that 'forever alone' feeling out of your system and get back on the right track. What do you have to lose? keep asking yourself that and it will make some decisions easier

Have you tried being sober longer than one day? If you feel like you're wasting money + your life away, why not try changing? Fuck, it's been 10 years and you don't want to change it up?

Happiness is a choice, take control

I'm not american, so the army here lasts only 9 months. I don't know, it just seems like the right choice right now, 9 months is not that long. Maybe I will find my passion while I'm there, who knows?

Thank you for the kind words and encouragement, it really means a lot. But I think I will stick to my decision. It's not an impulsive decision, I thought about this for a long time.

i'm stuck between my family which needs help maintaining an estate we inherited and a long distance gf 5 states away. i kind of just let them all run me into the ground until i take a vacation. no college. i just stopped caring one day. i'd like to be sober but i get bored quick. idle hands.i work out and eat healthy. i'm seeing a shrink. i just don't take joy in anything i guess.
>mfw i even have a gf and i don't deserve one
also inb4 kys. i already tried with a shit ton of pills then woke up and said "fuck" and then thought "well fuck them" and now i just drink and smoke. my problem lies within. it's her or the family. i have a few schemes to make money but i just won't move on it.

i haven't the problem of smoking too much weed,
mine is the tolerance, i'm building constantly