Whats wrong with my dick Sup Forums?

Whats wrong with my dick Sup Forums?

you're uncut

This isn't dick cheese

jews aren't allowed here

I wish i was uncut

You're a fag.


ebola, theres no cure kill yourself


Looks like herpes to me

not gunna lie man that looks like herpes. the lesions look to be in stage 2. give it like a weak and itll either burst or fade. either way theres a good chance of scaring.

OP you have that thing that my wife has won prizes for at the gardeners competition.

>her peas

FOURNIERS GANGERENE. Google image search and compare the pictures.

be isis somewhere else

That looks like little puss filled pimples. What an odd place to have em though.

bruised tits and hairy belly

youre spamming ads wrong mr robot

Why do I get the feeling that OP is sitting in his car?

this bot broken

>Stop fapping to snapchat
>instead fap to snapchat

I think you might be gay

i have a lot of them on my d.

dont worry!

Looks like you have molluscum, buddy.
