Just bombed the fuck out of my calculus exam. AMA

Just bombed the fuck out of my calculus exam. AMA.

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Why didn't you take time to study?

why did you think anyone on here would care?

Wha happen homes?

Post what you got wrong

I fucked up and let shit pile up. One week before the exam I decided to pick up the book and read the tested lectures. I understood the theories, but not well enough to pass a test. Got a 60%.

Get smarter.

60% is not an F. Do you even go to school your worthless fuck?



better than me.... just got a 54% on the first exam of the semester.... fuck calculus bro

Stupid things like: what is d/dt of x^2. I knew it was 2x^1 but I wrote 6x^2

It's not as much of an issue of "smartness" than it is me being lazy as hell. I need to start caring more.

enjoy flipping burgers and then getting replaced by a burger flipping robot created by someone who isn't a fucking idiot

In high school it is

Well why the fuck did you do that?

1, 2, 3, or 4?

Well I failed algebra 1 and never bothered retaking it so, I don't know what the ^ sign means

Are you in the US?

In my high school D started at 60%.

^^Pic unrelated. You could have seen this if you had looked closer at where I didn't mention this.

theres always barber collage

wow enjoy underage b& kiddo and have fun in college

> went to 2 year tech school
> all we need to know is 2 + 2
> make 30/hr right out of school
> xd

How's it feel knowing you'll have to be homeless after you graduate?

>has a college degree
>gets paid hourly
>thinks he's winning
come on now

You ga to stan n delever essay

what the fuck is wrong with you

It was an exam covering derivatives. I knew the basic rundown but then it started getting out of hand with stuff like derivatives of inverse trig functions and I gave up. I just gotta study the material more and I got it.

>no school above HS
>mfw kids actually pay for college

> fafsa

Wait is calculus like something important
>I've only passed pre-algebra in 8th grade...I never was able to pass algebra 1....I'm good right?

I'm just trying to check a box. I'm going to school for free, so why not? I've had people talk me to death on how I can succeed without a degree but i dunno.

Enjoy your future career as a gardener to a rich Chinese person, OP

nope, you're actually stupid


Are you literally retarded ? I got a B easy in that class and would have gotten an A if I didn't slack off at the end when I truly kicks into gear with integeration which is calc 2 stuff.

fafsa and money that my rich, educated parents are able to toss around

Laziness is killing me. That's it. I'd hate to be that guy that's smart but who's laziness got them fucked.

WHAT!? Why? hahaha literally Laughed out Loud.

top kek another one except this one doesn't even have a degree. good shit m8 have fun working for an hourly wage the rest of your life you faggot. ANY wealthy person will tell you that if you're not making money while you sleep you're not getting rich

>le smart but lazy meme

Nah, you're just stupid.

My first exam was fucking awful. This second one was better. Looking forward to the third. If I do good on the final, it replaces the worst score. Hopefully I can get above a C- with that in mind so I can stay in Computer Science.

I'm scared if my mom dies...ill be alone, just a 35 year old guy who failed. 9th grade



Me too

nah bro

prepare to have your job automated faggot


Yep, you are. If you were smart you wouldn't waste time doing other shit instead of studying.

Someone do my homework plz.
Integral of e^(6x)cos(e^(3x))dx

I'm tired after I get out of work. Military sucks the energy out of me by the end of the day and staying up to do academics fucking sucks. Just need to find the inspiration I should already have.

for perfectionists anything below 90 is failing lol some ppl myself included have high standards

Well, technically d/dt means you differentiate with respect to t. If you differentiate x^2 with respect to t, you get 0. However, if you differentiate with respect to x, d/dx, you will get 2x.

Are you in English's calc II class that just ended around 7pm?

wolframalpha.com/ calc student bff

Just use the chain rule.

Nah I'm in Huang's class at UF.


Cool. Cause I just got back my first calc II exam... 65.

So here I am fucking up in Cal I, is is true Cal II is the hardest? I can't wait...

by calc 2 youll be doing derivations in your sleep. its integration where things get nasty. also once you get into parametric equations you'll be having one hell of a good time!

I actually heard cal 3 is the hardest

Cal 3 kind of actually made me drop out

Got solid B's in Cal 1 and 2 too and could've gotten A's but got lazy with homework

Sounds good. I'm gonna stop dropping the ball and hope it isn't too late to pass this class. Thanks, bro.

It signifies an exponent

I could have stopped at Cal 2 if I had went to FSU, but UF requires Calc 3 for the same major for whatever reason.

simplify you're fucking fractions dude holy shit are you 8 years old?


cal 3 isn't bad if cal 2 is under control. Taking the partial derivatives and dealing with del and cross products and shit doesn't screw you up too bad.

It's the surface integrals, line integrals and volume rotations that start getting out of hand.
That shit and Stokes/Green's theorem, I couldn't figure it out. Maybe now I could but back then I just couldn't get it straight how to massage the problem.

you got jokes. not bad.

It's obviously just some random pic he got off google for making the thread, fags

first test not too late to pass. just drill those rules. the inverse trig ones are just about memorizing them,. the better you get these derivation techniques down the easier integration is when you get there.

someone is ass mad that they are still paying off student debt

>it will be worth it when im making money for chicken tendies in my sleep when i'm 65 years old

I failed cal1 2x, taking it this semester. Got a 99.6 avg, I got some discipline flaws but I'm not gonna let em get me this time. Work smarter not harder op.