You are now breathing manually

You are now breathing manually.

No, I'm not.

This is not Sup Forums related MODS

>tfw i can meditate so I benefit from it
feels good man

me atm, lads

You are now swallowing manually.

It is very Sup Forums related because the cultures around the world breathe in different ways

For example Europeans breathe through their mouths because they're cavemen whilst Africans Asians breathe through their nose because they're subhuman animals, whilst we New Worlders combine the best of both aspects from the previous to become to supreme non-human

>tfw I can give myself a head with my palm now

technically all races do all
because true mouth breathers (as in almost all the time) have a physical attribute that is easily distinguished and is similar in all populations

Really makes me think

I saw a guy on TF2 with this name
nice quints by the by


You have nowhere to put your hands

>you now control your heartbeat manually

You are NOW gay

Hi! I'm Troy McClure, and you're reading this in my voice!

>you now think about the next tax form you will have to fill in


>mfw only humans have non-conscious breathing.
>mfw animals have to choose to breath or they die

fuck.. someone..

help m-

>be animal
>forget your mandatory breathing time
Fucking horrible.

Listen! Quick!
Breath in, breath out. Repeat and repeat!