How come I can't get a good job Sup Forums?

How come I can't get a good job Sup Forums?

I desperately need a job to afford where I'm living, and I need one soon. I am desperately willing to work, have great work ethic, and have a variety of skills that I display on my resume. I also have past general experience without leaving early at previous jobs. I CAN'T GET HIRED.

I do what everyone says... I tailor my resume the right way, I feel like I do well in interviews, dress nicely, display confidence, ask questions, explain how I can fit into their system instead of talking about myself...

I fucking hate applying online for jobs. HATE IT. I've applied to over 50 jobs since this year started, and have only gotten 4 responses, all rejections. Not a single interview. This was my New Year's resolution, and it still hasn't been answered yet... Plus I heard that some of these applications don't even get seen by a person, because they get weeded out through a computer. WTF???

TL;DR I am desperately willing to work and do the best I can at offering my abilities, but I can't get hired. This shit is fucked up.

You will get a job OP. Keep trying man.

One piece of advice...On Indeed you can have it send you email alerts related to certain keywords or professions. I have multiple alerts from them that email me daily with different jobs. Some I am qualified for, most I'm not. Some are local to me, some are too far of a commute.

This has really helped me, even though i am currently employed, because the jobs come to me on a daily basis and I don't necessarily have to seek them out.

I know how fucking tough it is to find employment, and how pressure filled it can be. Good luck man.

heh.... wageslaves...

Also....Sometimes the key to getting hired is being one of the first people to apply. Try to apply to jobs on the day they are posted, which is why those email alerts help.

Additionally - you may want to consider lying more on your resume if you are desperate to be hired. Obviously this isn't advisable, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

Do you have any specific education?
Are you creative?

I know the feel bro/sis

Keep trying, don't give up.

Post you're resume user. Without the presonal info of course.
I willing to bet you're one of those idiots incapable of writing a coherent resume and then wonder why no one hires them.

It's your personality probably. Unless you're a genius there will be a lot of people with the same quals and skills you have, so what they look for next is personality. Kinda sad, but that's the way it is.

My friend said the best way is to go to them in person or have family/connections who know people. that's probably the other way you could do it. Otherwise you're just a name on paper. They won't know how keen you are or if you're struggling or not, the kind of people who get hired for recruitment positions always look for characteristics that would fit in with their company culture..

Hope it helps bro.

Temp agency dude. Temp. Agency. Its a great way to get a job that isnt total garbage and make some income while you look for something more permanent. It worked for me.

Thanks for the advice man. I'm on Indeed right now and have uploaded my resume a while back, so I've been getting alerts for a while. And your point about applying immediately is huge, I think it does play to your advantage. Still, the tough part is not only getting an interview, but actually getting the job!

Sure thing, here you go.

Totally agree with this. Also, although "what you know" is important, "who you know" is even more important. Yeah, it's sad... sometimes the better candidate loses out to a family friend, but hey, that's the way life is, even outside of work. Getting a hook through a family member or a close friend worked for me.

dont give up, you gotta keep trying op

With your CV you should give examples in a descriptive way and elaborate on KEY points whilst generalizing other things that are not as noteworthy but that may be relevant.

Example: "I studied at harvard university law school which I attended for 3 years, well there I gained such and such skills and it influenced me to do etc etc etc, the course covered:
- blah blah
- blah blah
- blah blah

Everything in your cv is way too bullet pointed. also where is what you like, your hobbies interests outside of work? what about your career objective, where you want to go. make it more personalized rather than generic robot typing.

Also the layout of your CV needs work. Experience always comes first, the layout makes your CV an eyesore as well, lay it out better. Spacing is your friend. Include refrences on your CV aswell. either their phone number or mention they're available on request

obviously for Sup Forums you left out that part of your CV (hope your phone number email etc is at the top or bottom) but the part you've shown looks bad... basically your CV looks bad but not terrible

Wait are you being serious?

You've never had a job in aviation and you expect to magically get one? Jesus dude.

First off, experience is ALWAYS job experience. Nothing else.

The leadership section is garbage too, unless you're applying for some super high-end job that's not needed ever.

And what the fuck is your skills section dude.

"effective team member"
"customer service"
"strong verbal communication"

No wonder you never get calls back, I'd be too afraid you're an autist or something.

What a weird fucking resume dude.

Get a fucking internship like a normal person.

you don't need to be SUCH a fucking dick.

You should mention your past job history, people like that.

Ha, it's funny that you say this because I literally just had a CV like the one you are talking about, with the other person saying similar stuff that you are. They really like the way my resume looks now compared to what it used to. And I still wasn't getting jack shit with what it used to look like. I don't know, to each his or her own. Everyone's different. We all have different ideas on what a good resume looks like. Some people may look at it and think "impressive" while most might think otherwise. Or vice versa. I guess it all depends on what the hiring manager thinks when looking at my resume, whether it looks good to them or not.

Enjoy being the offspring that didn't reproduce

I'm willing to bet all of his friends and family told him "yeah this is great! Good job on the resume" without giving him any sort of constructive criticism.

It's fucking sad that this dude had to resort to posting on Sup Forums about his resume.

ALSO I forgot.

What the fuck have you been doing for 4-5 years?

Like you just went to school and gave up?

This is the kind of shit that makes employers go "yeeeeeeahhhhh nah".

Go to your city's workforce center, they have lots of jobs there.
Form relationships with people who might know people who work in HR and see if they will put in a good word at their company for you.
Join ISIS they will take anyone

OP, seriously.

What the fuck have you been doing for the past 4-5 years.

Fuck this guy OP. He's the garbage here. He made me laugh with how much of a negative asshole he sounded. like.

Keep at it man. I actually like your resume, it looks alright. Maybe you can elaborate a little on what you know specifically. And don't give up. I've got faith in you Sup Forumsro. Quitting is never an option!

hows the basement looking faggot

>idiot who can't write coherent resume

kind of an eyesore to look at

use this layout as an example man, your current one doesn't look good, trust me

Economy sucks, you need a referral. People will tell you all sorts of made up garbage, like you could just go to the job store or w/e retarded shit they'll spew. Just gotta know the right people, network more.

>temp and data entry
>attempting to give advice

Don't come to Sup Forums and expect to get anything sugarcoated. This is where you come to get brutally honest feedback, because you want to actually succeed, not just get pats on the back.

Where do you live? I know work if you live in the right country and area. And if you are not a dirty nigger.

Sup Forums is now a safe space apparently.

But the little sally can't answer basic questions as to why he's been out of work for 4-5 years.

Wonders why he didn't get a interview.

OP, I hate the idea of sending my resume out into a vast sea of other resumes. Yours is just a needle in a haystack. Why the fuck should a piece of paper show your traits and abilities when you could show them to people YOURSELF? I dunno about everyone else, but fuck what society thinks. Get out into the world and show people what you're made of. And forget about trying to work for someone else, have you ever thought about working for YOURSELF? The caps are just emphasis on what I believe works in the real world. Fuck a stupid piece of paper.

thats my old cv and not all of it, just giving OP an idea of how to space his CV and how to be direct and to the point yet descriptive. you leave your personality "writing" style for your career objective, hobbies and cover letter.. but try to sell yourself whilst being informative..

ive had a lot of success in getting interviews way beyond my actual skill level just because of the way i type. it works OP.

this guy knows what hes talking about, fuck stupid resumes. go meet people and network... works way better than just applying and sending out a sheet of paper with no value... you have the value, not this resume thingy

>I have a natural interest

How do you fuck it up so badly in the first line?

um, how is "I have a natural interest" fucked up... seems like something I would say...

Nepotism is the only answer. I got a job at a large company from an internal recommendation by my uncle.

If you don't have any family who can do this for you, find someone else. Befriend an older person who has respect wherever they work. Or bribe them. It doesn't matter. Just bypass the normal application process and go straight to a guaranteed interview, if not a guaranteed position.

If you can't manage to do this, or find some other similarly creative way to dodge the normie highway into employment, you probably don't deserve a job.

Google "susi air" they got lots of jobs for pilots

As opposed to an artificial interest?

Drop the 10% of the class, the GPA also can be droped, you look kind of like a asshole whos bragging. If they want to know they will ask
Drop the "effective team member, determined, hard-worker, and relationship building" this makes you sound desperat, and you puting it in dose not mean you can

Dude I can relate to OP if he really did quit college. Fuck that shit. I hated college. It didn't teach me anything. It just gets you a piece of paper. And that piece of paper does not measure the intelligence of someone. All it does is show that you spent a lot of money and went through 2-8 unnecessary years just to qualify for something that pays a lot of money. I fucking hate how our system works. It's so stupid.

yeah, that does kinda seem like bragging, but i would leave the GPA in there. some companies like seeing that. and yes to dropping the bullet points at the bottom

okay, one more thing. Drop the whole leadership+skills thing. Replace it with interests, put the tenis and all-conference here, as well as the board part. Drop everything about the skills, replace it with a word or two about your hobbys and if you have any certificates connected with them. Company like a dude who is not all work, and having something to show out of your hobbys means you are someone who is worth investing in because if something interests you, you will work on it in your free time