Scaruffi on "Medulla"

>it is an insult to all the experimental musicians in the world to claim that there is even a bit of experimentation in this album

What did he mean by this?

No one knows who and/or what "Scaruffi" is. Sorry!


Had a powerful wank over this album cover a couple of times back in the day.

Yes, we get it, Scaruffi doesn't like stuff.
Go fucking figure.

He gave the album a 6.5/10 yet spent 95% of the review talking about how it's not actually experimental (which it objectively is, whether he likes it or not) instead of reviewing the music. How pathetic. Who even said Bjork wanted to make a highly avant-garde album a la Meredith Monk? Maybe she just wanted to have fun trying out new stuff.

Clearly he has a problem with pop musicians being experimental (Radiohead, Beatles, etc.).

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What's your point?

He claims that this album was a "sell out", which makes no sense considering very little of the music on this album has no commercial appeal. It's a common example of Scaruffi talking out of his ass and being purposely contradicting and being a dickhead to get attention.

You should read his reviews of Bjork albums pre Oscars and Vespertine, where he claimed her to be one of the best Avant singers of her generation, and rated her #9 on the "Greatest female rock singers of all times". Then Vespertine and after, he said that Bjork's music is trivial and obnoxious, and how he never liked her voice. It's transparent

Scaruffi doesn't like female artists who refuse to whine about rape and patriarchy.

Why would we care? He was never important. I mean, why would anyone ever read the guy?

>The Knife, Shaking The Habitual (2013), 7.5/10
Try again

>It's a common example of Scaruffi talking out of his ass and being purposely contradicting and being a dickhead to get attention.

His Bjork reviews are ridiculous. I think he once compared her career to Madonna's, but said Madonna represented the counterculture while Bjork represented mainstream values.
I wonder what society he lives in.

Björk is the only artist i violently disagree with Scaruffi on

You missed his point

Of course he's not important, but he presents himself like he's the greatest music reviewer of all time. It's bullshit, but I want to see what he has to say, since there is always comedic value or obvious faults in what he says.

That album does whine about rape and patriarchy, not to mention it has a 20 minute drone passage, so of course it's deep to Scaruffi.

Why? It's like following Chris-chan, it's futile. You're smarter than the mongoloid, well done.

It's purely because she became popular, hence he used her as a vehicle for his other shoehorned rants like the Beatles, Madonna, "white artist who took exploited black music and dumbed it down", etc...

Not rape, but there are pro feminist and anti patriarchy themes and lyrics within the music. I still consider it a modern classic, and is one of my favourite albums.

That's not bad. I mean, Bjork is the arty Madonna, there's no question about that, and Madonna is foolishly regarded as subversive by people who were the right age to get taken in, so he's putting two true things together to get an outrageous statement, it could be sillier.

Bjork never represented mainstream values

Honestly don't see much of a comparison.
I would say Bowie is the arty Madonna, but of course it's considered a sin to compare females with males.

Pre 1983 he was the "arty Madonna". He sold out and appealed to mainstream appeal on Let's Dance and beyond