Retards should be exterminated, they will only suck off of societies teet and waste resources

Retards should be exterminated, they will only suck off of societies teet and waste resources.

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kinda like immigrants

It depends how bad off they are.

True, if they can fend for themselves then they are fine.

instead of that, have a real life retard hunger games. the sole survivor gets a potato.

kinda like NEETs

THIS also
How come when illegal immigrants come over here and use our resources the US is ok with it, but in every other country that wouldn't even be a possibility?

Feeling suicidal tonight?


Go to bed Dylan

NEETs and immigrants can improve their condition but tards will forever be tards with meaningless lives.

There is a much larger group of welfare recipients with no desire to work. Why not exterminate them instead. They were at least born with the capability

That's what the Nazis thought.
Your not a Nazi, are you user?


its spelled TEAT and you mean SOCIETY'S not SOCIETIES you fucking retard.

at least they arent transgenders

I do think this.
Retards should be culled.
Same with rapists, murderers etc.
Only normal contributing people to society should be alive.

Start off with yourself, OP.

Everyone who wouldn't suck a log of shit from Bill Nye's asshole while referring to themselves as a different gender is a nazi by today's standards

We should exterminate illiterate morons who can't spell

People with Asperger's and borderline autism can have jobs and even be brilliant, on the other hand the really retarded ones should be euthanized.

>most other 1st world countries do take immigrants.. a LOT.
>non-citizen immigrants, documented or otherwise, still have to pay taxes, take no returns, and cannot reap benefits of government assistance when using services.

Immigrants actually have less of a negative financial effect on their local governments than working citizens of the same economic class.

How does one define contribution to society? On whose authority would this be decided?

i believe people who make posts like this need to be castrated then forced to eat there genitalia as an entree. so ya. start with your fucken self you stupid fuck.

Eugenics is not a bad thing.

At what point does someone become retarded enough that we should kill her?

What about statutory rape?

What constitutes normal?

At what level of (a lack of) contribution does someone deserve to die?

Things aren't that binary. Even if they were, you'd still be a little Hitler faggot. That being said, I don't wish death on you.

I get what your saying, but in this instance your argument is off its mark,and frankly retarded.


What if your brother or mum was retarded would you kill him/her?

Tard greentext thread?
Yeah. Let's make this a Tard greentext thread.

Using the word retarded is offensive you hateful nazi

I was forced to take care of my retarded cousin, it was not fun. I had to clean his shit off of the toilet after he SMEARED IT ALL OVER. Have you ever taken care of a retarded person? Not fun.

Nobody is exempt from their own philosophy.

the grammar and spelling of this post made me literally cringe

You must have never met a feminist who supports Islam

I've been saying this for years

Greentext a story, bitch.

>they will only suck off of societies teet and waste resources.

So does everyone on Sup Forums

Let me guess: too many tards dipping into your pretend-disability payouts?

>if my mom was retarded
Who in their right mind fucks a retard if they aren't retarded themselves? If both parties are retarded then who's taking care of the kid?


Big business should be taxed so heavily that everybody lives a comfortable life with no need to work, and retards live like kings.

I guess you have never heard of brain damage. They are still people and have memories and make new ones. most are loving and caring. you should probably kys.

great, i agree with you. How would you go about killing all of them without violating any laws and costing me money?

Sure, cumskin.

Well if we cull retards, we have to cull cats, dogs, and all the other pets too.

I am against this.

Do you guys consider personality disorders as "retarded"

Why? Dogs and cats are an invasive species. It'd be good riddance.

I think you're asking the wrong people. Sup Forumstards think autism is just "being weird".

> be 15
> aunt was going away for a few days
> she drops off milo the retard at my parents house
> everything seems normal for the first day
> but then, i walk into the bathroom in the morning to find crusty shit smeared all over the toilet
> milo is asleep on the couch, i walk over to him and notice he still has poop on his hands
> i go to my mom because i don't know what to do
> she forces me to clean the crusty shit
Fucking cunt could've at least helped.

Someone needs to work in the electronic recycling centers, user. These guys and gals are real troopers.

something something libtard
something something sjwcuck
something something kek

amidoinitrite guise?

Inb4 c-c-cuck confirmed

No, if it doesn't affect your IQ then your not retarded. There is shame in having a retarded bf/gf, but if they just have something like anxiety then it's fine.

i'm actually curious what these people think about this but alas it seems no one even cares

America gives illegal immigrants health care and housing.

A fair point, but if we take utility to mean "the ability to provide satisfaction," then even though they are invasive, they are a good thing. And i enjoy my dogs presence.

The again, i also pay for its existence, so if one cannot pay for their pet retard they should not be permitted to keep it.


You have a source on that?

Legal immigrants can qualify for housing and healthcare, because they're here legally. Illegals are deported.

Source: Am 3rd generation Mexican American, and have legal and illegal family.

they're still someones kid.. come on nigga

Of course he doesn't have a source, he's just parroting something he's heard from Alex Jones or some other shit disturber.

The sad thing is Alex Jones is right about a lot of things some of the time. But when he's off the mark, he's really out there.

Yeah that's a fair way of putting it.

>retarded kid I knew all throughout hs
>would constantly scream "wheres the coinslot" in reference to spongebob
>fat smelly fucking oaf
>tried to act cool and insult you
>fucking dumb tub of lard had gym classes pretty much all day
If I ever have a retarded child, Im aborting it straight away. Same goes for autisim, assburgers, or anything that makes my kid look like a fucking freak.

>at the point where they have one too many chromosomes
>thats different, so long as there's consent and its between two people of a relatively close age group
>normal as in a stable, functioning human being capable of not milking the government for "meh needs"
>at the point where you become a detriment to those around you and the government/society you live in
>the death penalty should be pushed so faggots like you that march for the right to kill babies but hold candlelight vigils for serial killers get the chair

Yeah wtf with adult retards that STILL need parental help and shit.
A 45 year old tard that still needs mommy and dadday, cant contribute anything to society and just drains resources and even more so because its handicapped

So do niggers and white trash and spics and probably all kinds of immigrants. There's probably like 1000 of EACH ONE of those for every 1 retard. Real waste of time IMO. Plus Id rather pay taxes to help retards than all the fucks I listed above.

Honestly, I work for a mall food court, and pretty much every day a gaggle of adult speds get paraded in. They're loud, obnoxious, unruly and they usually have their own lunches so they're basically just loitering. When they do decide to order food they're extremely difficult and uncooperative. One of them nearly had a panic attack because my co-worker gave her the wrong drink. They clearly make the entire staff and other paying customers uncomfortable when they're there. Most of them are checked out mentally, and can't have any real quality of life, and they obviously don't have family that cares about them or they wouldn't be living in a home.

So yeah, what is the point for them? Besides to say, "look how beneficent we are, that we prolong the lives of these tortured individuals with no quality of life, let's pat ourselves on the back."

True fact most tards don't cost very much to support. Nothing like say a hopeless alcoholic or some such.