Why is this website filled up with little kids now

Why is this website filled up with little kids now.

it was better in the past

rip Sup Forums

Yeah....no more gore threads and (real life) loli porn.

Sup Forums became mainstream

Funny because i read this for tle last 12 years every fucking day

But u know Sup Forums was always shit, but the shit changes from fageration to fageration

only supreme newfags refer to /b as Sup Forums
stop trying to hide your disgusting newfag stench

>implying you're the oldest of fags

Maybe "better", but remember: Sup Forums was never "good".

i remember you being the little annoying kid when you first came here

/b was never good

Butthurt faggots can't handle that some fags are longer on Sup Forums than the last 2 month

I'm an adult, I Am 18 years old. MY WORDS MATTER!

itt crying fags

I've only been coming here a couple of years and I still class myself as a total newfag, but even I know that /b is never referred to as Sup Forums unless its literally your first week.

You know it's a newfag thread when people are claiming Sup Forums used to be full of CP.

I got here in 2005. Yes it happens. No it doesn't stay up for more than ten seconds. Yes it always gets the poster banned.

Lol im 21 ive known Sup Forums for 10 maybe 12 ....i see no child porn and no gore threads....all i see is fb ig fap and trannies....this place is going down hill

Lol not true! Threads like CP and Gore were full and good with some funs and rekts now its full of bullshit

I think I've been coming here about 3-4 years, and while I have never seen actual CP on here, I'm still a newfag and even I have noticed a change in the content on here. Way less raid threads, way less "hardcore" gore stuff, way less fucking shit up just for the keks, while a massive increase in traps, get threads, and YLYL type stuff. Definitely not trying to claim I'm some sort of oldfag -- as I said, I'm still a massive newfag -- but even in the last 3 years or so, I've noticed pretty big shifts.

You do realize there's more than one board, right? And that there's a lot of overlap/spillage between boards.

Of course, but /b is definitely regarded as quite different from the rest of Sup Forums.

i came here around the time of the fappening and i have noticed a massive drop in the general quality of content on here since then

Oh yeah, absoluty.
Rekt threads are calming down a lot, especially over the last year. Ylyl has been going strong since it started, but Sup Forums's humour is far less edge than it used to be.
People more or less gave up on raiding. It went from fun, high-priority targets to "lol raid this nobody on twitch", mostly because of schoolkids trying to heckle their classmates.
Sup Forums was truly never good, but at this point it's simply the saturday morning cartoon villain that imgur/9gag/whatever-meme-aggregator imagines it to be.

i genuienly don't think this place is much better than 9gag these days, its essentially with 9gag with low grade porn pics people have taken of people they know
the only cool thing to have happened that i can remember in the last few years was that brad dude shaving his balls and getting busted for fucking one of his students

I think, honestly, the softening trends go hand in hand with the target demographic of Sup Forums spending more time on the internet than the previous generation. Sup Forums used to be a haven for ignorant white boys to shout at each other, but the more common the internet becomes the more we see a diverse userbase and more culturally educated posters.

Lol, forgot about that. What a legend. Honestly I've never even been to 9gag, but I can't imagine it being much different. It's still a haven for white kids, mostly
