A little-known chapter in U.S.-Mexican history is that of El Batallón de los San Patricios or “St...

>A little-known chapter in U.S.-Mexican history is that of El Batallón de los San Patricios or “St. Patrick's Battalion.” In a nutshell, St. Patrick's Battalion was a group of immigrants, mostly of Irish descent, who fought alongside the Mexican Army during the Mexican-American War (1846-1848).

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>not hating us anyway

God Bless Ireland

Also of note, if it wasn't for Irishman Bernardo O'higgens Latam would still be under Spanish colonial rule.

not even a taig but that's quite based

>being this wrong

Why do Americans have such a big boner for Chile they feel like doing revisionism on a continent they know nothing about?

>americans dont know anything about america

>knowing anything

you see, most of the anglo world sees the Americas as two separate continents
meanwhile, on the hispanic world, given Spain's 15th century maps, the Americas are a single continent with north and south being just a subdivision
therefore since you claim South America y just "America", I conclude you're a CHI

>thinking they know more than Americans

>Americans knowing anything about america

We unironically helped you gain independence dikhead


god fucking damnit how do you mother fuckers figure that out from one post

Because your basic geography is wrong, migo'

He claims O'higgins liberated LatAm. Factually wrong. I'm not saying Ireland didn't help, genius. Besides, while Brown founded most of our Navy doctrine and there are still monuments, ships and roads named after him, he was just an admiral.
Claiming either he or O'higgins were liberators makes it obvious you don't know who Simón Bolivar or José San Martín where.

Ah yes, the Irish help you and this is how you repay us

Fuck off

Everyonce in a while you can see hispanic teenagers that are new to the internet and have recently interacted with Americans, getting butthurt the Americans call themselves Americans and not UnitedStatians because "muh america is the entire continent!!!!"
Of course, Americans don't know there are more than a single model for continent count, so they claim hispanics want to change the continent name to pretend they're of American nationality.

this is shitposting 101 on the hispanic-american web lad

I'm sure O'higgins and Brown legacies will survive a random latin american user on a taiwanese kayaking forum saying they were not as pivotal for the liberation of the region as a random chicano and irish claim to be.
I can't help but feel this is a "we wuz liberators and shiet" attempt to inflate your patriotic ego, mr. ireland

Fuck off you pathetic scum you need shot

Whats with the tiny As?

erin go bragh

Irish truly are white niggers.

Very eloquent Argie vs stupid Irishman

Its just the font I guess

Sorry for the argies behaviour obviously argentinian trash is too stuck up to be grateful for anything. Most of us really respect and are very grateful for Ireland.

thats just the way argies are

i have mad respect for the Irish for helping Mexico


American education, everybody.

How about going back Seamus O'Learley Mendoza.