Hey Sup Forums, I have a deviated septum and it causes breathing issues...

Hey Sup Forums, I have a deviated septum and it causes breathing issues. I cannot afford the medical procedure to correct it. So, do you know how I can correct it at home? I really want to breathe easily again.

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Have u tried these to sleep


is that hereditary ?

Those are great for sleeping but impractical to wear throughout the day. Kinda sucks. Thanks for the suggestion, though.

I don't know. My sister had a nose job about 35 years ago to correct hers, but none of my parents or grandparents has this condition.

Go to canada and get that shit fixed for free, god damn

convert to islam
blow yourself up and take some infidels with you
breathe easily while fucking 72 virgins

Believe in hitler

Now that is a damn good idea. Does Canada give free medical care to undocumented aliens like we do here in the US? Because if so, I'm going.

my father had this. he joined the army and took up boxing. one of his sparring partners broke his nose and when they set it, the problem was fixed.

you just need someone to punch you in the face, OP.

If you figure out the shape you want your septum to be, you could make some sort of mold to insert in your nostrils. You might want to use 3d printing, idk. Then break your septum in all the places it curves, insert the mold and wait for it to heal in the new shape.

Wearily. Your nose was never set after it was broke originally.

Solution. Have nose broke again, set the nose properly.

I thought about doing this. Plus, I'll learn how to fight. I like this idea.

i didn't know i had a deviated septum until i was trying on sunglasses. i was getting pissed because none of them fit me right and they always tilted one way. i had one of my friends try on a couple of pairs to see if it was the sunglasses that were crooked. nope. my nose is. its also makes my singing sound nasally because i can't breathe correctly. i need to get my corrected soon.

I've never had my nose broken.

Same fucking thing happens to me. I can't use VR because the headsets block up my nose.

can you just go to any doctor and they can set your nose?
or is it some type of specialist

they only do that if your nose has been broken like within the last week. if its deviated from a past injury or from birth, you have to get plastic surgery.

so cant you just lie and say you got hit on the nose about a week ago and its crooked and BAM they set it back by breaking it

Probably not because there is no indication of trauma. When I was in the Marines 14 years ago, my nose was straight. I've never broken it. Shit's weird.


Canadian here, you just have to find someone who look like you on his medical insurance card.
Haitians do it all the time, one will get his citizenship and all of his fucking family will go to our hospital under his name.

Here is what it looks like from the bottom.

iv broken my nose a few times. last time was about a year ago from a street fight

What does a broken nose feel like? I've broken my ankle and it required surgery with 4 pins and a plate. That shit was super painful.

BEST ANSWER: youtube.com/watch?v=foHcZOdwsX8