Anyone want to go to Habbo for Shits and Giggles?

Anyone want to go to Habbo for Shits and Giggles?

count me in

im down

inb4 newfags post nypa

wtf is that the new update? literally looks like shit

I know but we must make do

where we meetin?

yah op give us a location

garden and pool

just got banned from there by saying this pool is closed

idiot, you get banned for wearing the skin too lol

i can't even find the pool on the list anymore, or the old garden

now house party, don't think there is a pool though

I modified it to not look like the skin completly

yeah i did the same

meet at picnic, everything else is dead

i am standing all alone at picnic like a fucking loser come on over or give a dif meeting place

whats ur guys name


need more people bump

lets go people we're at picnic

ShannoDoffing reporting in

we see ya, welcome aboard partner

green guy is a weirdo

lmao shes getting cucked

I feel like making a swastica

we're moving out of picnic soon

add rempaolo or blackmansam1776 for invtes