My roommate, who is a vegetarian...

My roommate, who is a vegetarian, says that meat eaters cannot call themselves "animal lovers" because thats hypocritical. He isnt one of those "i choose to eat this and therefore im better than you" type of guys either. He aint trying to convert me. But one of his triggers is meat eaters calling themselves "animal lovers".

What do you think, folks? Can you say you love animals while you eat that chicken fillet burger?

Pic kind of related(?)

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technically you do not love the animals you eat. So I may love my puppy but I dont love chickens.

I am a dog lover. Dont give a shit about birds yo

No, he's right. If you call yourself an "animal lover," that implies that you love living animals, not the ones you decide to eat.

If you call yourself an animal lover and you eat animals in your hypocrite.

I grew up in Korea where they ate dogs just like we eat chicken and at some point I realized that there's no difference between the two it's just a cultural thing.

He's right

You can call yourself a pet lover, if you only love animals that are people's pets.

The term "Animal Lover", as everyone else has pointed out, is too broad in definition. Just call yourself a Cat/Dog lover.

Just ask him why he doesn't love plants.

If we where to apply our ethics extremely consistently then the roommate is correct.

But is being right worth sounding like a pretentious faggot that no one likes?

There is a difference between livestock and domesticated animals.

I did. And he says its totally different.

He compared it to going to a Buddhist temple and explaining why Atheism is the right way to go

And I am like, "wow you regard yourself in such a high position?"

Silence follows

I talk to my pot plant

I still have lettuce on my burger

ask him if he loves trees while he's gorging on salad

Do you can't love upset if you eat pussy I guess.....

Just drop it then. It's obviously going to cause some friction and there's few things worse than friction between roommates.
There are other things to worry about anyway.

Wtf is my phone doing! So you can't say you love pussy if you eat it

Im a vegetarian, and i say this all the time

I mean logically he's correct. I eat meat but we can't pretend we have a logical backing. You know that's a stupid argument as I do. It just tastes good and it's easy.

Harvesting grain kills animals too. Our entire existence as a species harms animals. He's just decided on a lower, albeit not the lowest, impact to animals. If he really wanted to save them, he'd grow his own wheat and vegetables.

So where does he draw the line? At what level of animals-being-harmed is one able to call themselves animal lovers? Can anyone credibly say that? Even him?

And don't even get me started on lab testing. If he's ever taken a pharmaceutical in his life, he's allowed all crazy kinds of animal cruelty to support his lifestyle.

just say you're an animal lover because you like putting dead animals in your mouth

makes no sense at all

the guy is stupid

Only because you were brought up to believe so.

As a person who lives in the country and kills animals to feed myself I can assure you I love animals and have the highest respect for all creatures. Most people don't kill animals for fun. I have pets and I don't kill innocent animals unless I'm in the need for food.

You're roommate is very wrong.

Easy answer: I love animals, they are delicious.

Hard answer: The animals I keep as friends and companions (dogs, cats, horses, etc) are not the same species of animals I eat.

Actually, everything would be balanced if we didnt force breed animals. We could actually end world hunger.

>love animals
>eat their dead carcass, although there is other food options around.

says the fag raised by hippies and decided for everyone whats right after his first visit to the petting zoo

Balanced? What do you even mean by that?

Even if we stopped the entire livestock industry, our existence harms animals. Whether by destruction of habitat, lab testing, introducing imbalances into the ecosystem... doesn't matter. We still do it.

I consider myself to be a human lover, and I eat them, too.

Eating animals has no influence on not liking animals. Vegans are hard headed people.
You don't see people eating meat kill animals for fun.

they can't feel my teeth when they're dead

Specific. I personally think we're beyond needing to slaughter animals so I don't eat chicken. Couldn't give a fuck about them either.

If it wasn't for eating red meat, we would still be chimps.

He is right! I dare you watch atleast one video on veganism by gary e and animal torture that happens in non veg industry.. Its completely inhumane.. All the blood and gore. Its too sad.. Do plants bleed or show love and compassion like animals do? No.. The answer is clear, also we are damaging our body and environment due to genetic breeding and animal farming. The animal goes through an entire life of torture and pain before it reaches your plate. So please watch these videos to know how bad meat really it. We create a hell for these animals just to satiate our taste bud.. Please watch conspiracy once and if you still feel the urge to eat meat, you can proudly go ahead..

I love animals because they taste delicious.

Actually there aren't as much eatable plants wear I live. Also, eating an animal doesn't mean I don't love them. Wild animals eat other wild animals to survive. It's the way of life and it's called the good chain. That's what I do. I give my respect to the animals spirit for giving me food. I don't kill animals for fun.

What if we stopped doing those things?


your morally uplifting salad however contributed to the slaughter of hundreds of animals

harvesting kills animals
transport kills animals
pest control at storage sites kills animals

all you have to be proud of is your blissful ignorance

And food chain * autocorrect....

Yes. The collection of plants for vegans cause animals to die.
Ever heard of the food chain?

Honestly I wouldn't eat animals if mass produced lab grown meat was a thing. All I really care about is the taste.

I don't consider myself an animal lover, but I do love the animals I don't eat. I think the reason we don't love animals that we eat is because we don't want to feel guilt while eating them.

Just my 2 cents

>My roommate, who is a vegetarian, says that meat eaters cannot call themselves "animal lovers" because thats hypocritical.

I'm not a vegetarian, and he's 100% right. Before you blow the "so edgy" horn, I fall under the mediocre brand above all else. You being triggered by something this trivial and true tells me you don't understand this world and need more time maturing. And yes! I'm telling you this on Sup Forums while lurking Sup Forums, so get angry and dish out whatever insult you can fathom about me, it's fine. Just be clever enough that it makes me consider using it someone else and move on.

ever heard of hypocrite

I love animals and I eat meat. I love chickens, and that doesn't stop me from eating them deliciously fried. Loving an animal is not the same as wanting all animals to reach a natural death, even the ones we care for. Loving an animal is ensuring that it has a purpose and that it is not dealt unnecessary pain.

Vegans are fucking mongoloids. They don't understand how nature works.

Tough life makes the meat tender and delicious due to a constant barrage from the endocrine system of stress hormones. Completely harmless to the meal, in fact multiple studies prove the animals actually seek out and enjoy the experience.

Everyone is a hypocrite in a sense

Here you go op

>If god didn't intend for us to eat meat
>>Why did he make them so damn delicious and tasty

Check and mate faggot vegans

enjoy your 9 bowls of broccoli to obtain the 9grams of protein


I eat veal because I enjoy the taste of sadness.

Say he cant love a person since he doesnt love guys and doesnt love hitler or whoever

Then we'd be back to this (pic related).

We've gotten where we are and we'll continue to advance as a species, and in our wake we'll kill and maim animals. There's no avoiding that.

If you want to live in a cave eating berries and taking your chances when pneumonia hits, then go ahead. For the rest of us, we're okay with the trade-off between civilization and killing creatures.

Edible... there are many mistakes. 10 points for the attempt.

You can say that to a cow who just gave birth after keeping the baby in its womb for 9 months exactly like humans, and witnessing the calf being dragged and taken away from it almost immediately. You can see the fear in their eyes.. And they do this repeatedly all thru their life until they become weak after which they are killed for meat again. The entire process is worse than the human description of hell. All this just to satisfy your taste buds.. When there are huge variety of tasty veggies which can be consumed by us. Atleast to know how all these industries are linked and promoting cruelty though they how exactly how harmful meat is to human when compared to vegetables, you need to watch these documentary.. Conspiracy and fork over knives. Its a great informative documentary. I suggest you watch it once.

We are the only species on earth who cook the meal before eating. Especially meat you just cannot eat them raw, can you? And if you do you will die due to the infection and disease the animals might be carrying along. Also only with the help of spices, oil and veggies you can make them taste.. So you cannot just tell its tasty on its own. We made it that way.

Yea that's true. Just like in Africa those same calves get picked and torn apart by tigers, hyenas, etc. Suffering and death are part of the cycle of life. That's why we have pets we love, to ensure they are spared this fate. Vegetarians can't seem to understand this

I wasn't going to say shit but i just cant hold back.
you claim that the the way we treat animals is inhumane... do you even know what that word means? because you wouldn't use it if you did.
let me ask you a simple question. what is the order of priority for being "humane" ? do you think that we should go out of our way to treat animals better than we treat humans? if you say yes, you are an enemy of mankind. you put another species before your own.
if you say no, then i invite you to stop looking at slaughterhouse videos, and pick up a fucking history book.
when was the last time we treated each other in a humane manner?
fucking never. as we speak, people are being tortured, raped, murdered, forced to work in conditions that guarantee they will not live past their 30's.
now how do you expect a species that treats it's own like that, that rapes it's own children, burns each other alive, etc., how do you expect such a species to treat OTHER species to a higher moral standard? that's insane.
you said that those animals live in conditions worse than "our description of Hell". that sentence alone means you are a fucking idiot. you obviously have not read anything about Hell. hell is a domain of mental torture. there are no animals on earth capable of feeling despair and anguish at the level of a human being. so no, they do not live in conditions " worse than hell" because they are fucking primitive animals.
if you care so much, why don't you go and do something for your own race? why don't you help some innocent children being forced to mine lithium salts to make cell phone batteries for your spoiled ass? oh that's right, its too hard. booo hooo you fucking pussy. all talk no action. poor animals... forget about the animals. the end of our civilization is nigh.

Autocorrect is a bitch. I actually write stories and pass English classes with A' s. I'm not on a computer so I don't double check.