These are the girls going to the Hooters pageant, in South Africa. Will post them all. Also, xray request...

These are the girls going to the Hooters pageant, in South Africa. Will post them all. Also, xray request, want to see them puppies :)

















fuck captcha









Short shit this one. With muscular legs and a butt to match

Do you understand how xraying works? Non of these are xrayable

I'm sorry, clearly I don't then. Why aren't they?

They all have bras on

Ok I get it. Thats a pity. Anyway enjoy the girls!

Yea with material like that you would clearly see nipples if they didnt have bras on

takes the cake for sure

>Going to Hooters
>Why? To make the girls who were rejects for porn or playboy feel good about not really being that hot, but being sort of attractive?


Well local porn and playboy not that big here.
Girls too stuck up.

Yeah theyre hot. But not hot enough for me to get over that godawful accent and the fact that they were raised in a dead country.
T. Ex south african

Wish I could get out too.

Ive still got family trapped there and my most recent holiday there was beyond fucking depressing. Best of luck man.

The only thing Hookers is good for is fried pickles, wings and condoned public drunkenness.

Love them wings!

How did you escape?

Thankfully I was a young'un when my family escaped (2 yrs) and the country by all accounts was still alive and well. I never quite got to experience it obviously but hearing what relatives say and seeing what I did during visits just destroyed my familys perception of it. My dad is a tough motherfucker but that whole time I could see he was fucking depressed at the state the country is in. Currently living in New Zealand which is rather expensive but it sure as fuck beats that place. Im sorry you gotta live there my nigga, Truly.

Everybody still celebrates the end of apartheid and what Mandela did. But everybody turns a blind eye of what is happening currently.

The ANC Mandela is no longer. It is now a corrupt entity and our president literally laughs and dances in parliament. Nothing phases him.

Last year there were atleast 70 farm murders, where victim get raped, tortured and killed in barbaric ways. Most of the time nothing gets stolen or taken. So what does that tell you. It is a message and a wiping out of white people.

They want land, without compensation to current owners. That is opposed so they kill the owners. Usually elderly white people.

They burn institutions to protest for those very institutions they burn. It baffles me honestly.

They kill each other in mob justice events and "necklacing" (google it)... Xenophobia etc.

The list goes on and on.

>Hooters pageant
>South Africa

They are going to all get raped by blacks.

hahaha, no black women.

The political system is fucking retarded.
I remember sitting at some diner chain in durban (I forgot the name) and a car full of niggers rolled up shouting support for one of the political parties. They were blasting music and yelling at people and literally insulting white passers by. All this got all the other black people hyped up and they applauded or cheered etc.

About 10 minutes later another car rolls up full of blacks (not niggers) who are talking through a megaphone to people nearby. They are discussing policies and actual important shit. Not one fucking person supported them and I even heard a couple laughs.

You sound like youre joking but its sadly true.


They crave anarchy and destruction. They are a people that wont ever rise up because they pull themselves down with their actions.

Like you said, they applaud unruliness and chaos. Film it, laugh about it. No morals, no regrets, no fear of punishment etc.

No all of them are like this. But most of them are like this. They have a hate and lust for anarchy in them that cannot be described.

They are the majority in this country. So a majority that craves violence. How can this be good. All that hate is turned on other people. Whites, even black people from neighboring countries.

The government has created this vision that they are all entitled. They get what they want without working for it. Everything is free for them or subsidized and if it isn't, they protest, burn and plunder to their point across. They in turn get their way and this in turn worsens the situation and breeds further want for free stuff. Because they are entitled and "previously disadvantaged".

Everything gets blamed on racism and white people's opinion does not matter or gets swept under the rug.

It is hopeless.

>It is hopeless.

This is happening all over the world. More evolved races are being pressured by having to live in close proximity to more savage ones. This is natural and will eventually result in the extermination of the primitive strains.

If you don't believe that then look at the fossil record of hominid evolution, it's all there.

What is the point if they dont get along? Murder one another. This country is bleeding skilled workforce. Look what happened to Rhodesia after it became Zimbabwe. The currency is fuct. The farms that were "taken" lie derelict because they don't have the know how. The county is facing a food crisis because of this. Yet they breed like rabbits.

They don't hire hot negroes in South Africa? Only Afrikaans chick?

They do have non whites too.