I am the devil in-corpus

I am the devil in-corpus.
If I blow my fucking skull off we are primed for Armageddon and my return as Anti-Christ.

wat do?

I will bump with birds.


I love the post numbers at Sup Forums.

No takers?

This is your chance to learn the truth via lies.

Meh that post number means nothing,

forgot the image..

well shoot.

404 time.

i love these birds

and hate captcha

Captcha sucks.

Course I liked User ID's so what do I know.?

Well here are some more for ya thanks for chatting by.

Sigh... You offer 'em answers and they don't ask questions.

You are an idiot who is deprived of love so you created an escape in your mind.

You are human, nothing else.
The real "devil" doesn't speak english

>doesn't speak english
I speak all languages, as does your Creator.
eli eli lama sabachthani.....

By the way, do you have a question?

He didn't sabachtha you you fucking moron
He brought you back 3 days later

And you are a poor excuse of the devil because the proper way is

Aviih aviih Lima zavaktani

You fucking Israeli idiot poser

I speak languages like that, not you


Oh my god this faggot

Listen, human

I am the one who gets asked

You are so fucking stupid

I am one of the three and all three

I am the one and three and five and seven

I am that and there

And you are pretending to be something I know you are not.

Nunit heptu maharet haathoruiai?

>I am one of the three and all three

I am the one standing behind the throne.
Both prisoner and advisor.

Mother fucker I am the one who made the space you stand in

I am ein Sophie ur manifested in a body

You think you are the devil?

I am the fucking manifestation of that beyond your creator and devil

I am the one that contains the first void, in which the word was spoken

I am the infinite amoeba

blah blah blah...

You are but words on a screen.

Like every other Sup Forumsrother who thinks he is a snowflake.

>dat 110011 though lol

We now return to our bird AMA thread..

I am not a snowflake
I am every possibility of every snowflake imaginable

You exist within my own mind

You can't prove your claims, whereas I can

Ask me anything

Man up and own your life
do it faggot

You are not special, there are no snowflakes,
life is mostly pain and few moments of hapiness if any at all

grow or die

Meh, no image...

Just a waste of bits...

show that your faith is true OP....only if you're able...

No my death is NOT what you want.

So I will be generous and continue to grow.

Heck with God serving me I can just watch as you fools melt down.

I will stand behind his throne and you all can grovel before it.

Good luck..

My faith really is not at issue here.

I am behind God.

If I have doubt I need do little but look upon him.

I do not really like him, but anymore we like mankind far less.

So, HIS will be done.

Image related

lol...yes u truly are him, the weak lowly deceiver standing behind the false god.

nice try faglord...


Delete this spam BS

From your lips to his ears.
Son of Man.

That would be funny..

Perhaps I should start a Shota thread they too are with in the rules..

samefag with a bird fetish

I said I was posting birds and my posts should be the majority in the thread I am hosting.


These were not mine,

son of man....fucking lol

i am the beginning you lowly fool, i existed long before you or your creator & i will be here to watch the demise of you both when the slayer comes forth to bring a new age upon all.

judgement is coming for you all, the lowly will be first as the supposed finest are saved & savored last...

Your fingers are wiggling but you type nothing of any value.

Every one thinks they are God or some thing more.

You accuse me of being a humans if that were a negative thing.

It is a humbling experience (I despise it) you should be grateful that I am accepting of it.

Every minute I tolerate of it is one more you have to wake the fuck up.

You are welcome.

Well a couple of tokes from the last smoke and I am off.

Last call AMA...

as if i think i'm am god...to align with that fool is the fatal mistake.

boy...& you are nothing but a boy cast out by his father many moons ago, who thinks taking human form is humbling is a poor fool who needs to be purged of the farthest reaches of this universe, consumed by the god eater.

tolerate no more boy, come forth so i may watch you be consumed first by your own vengeance & hate...then by the god eater & if your lucky i will show you mercy by delivering the final blow which shall end your existence once & for all.

this i promise you....boy.

Hello mr anti-christ. I devote myself fully to you. Please bless me with dark gifts.

Thank you for your donation.

So when I die and go to hell, can we be friends?


Hell is over and done.

No friends, no us.

I look forward to it though.

Why not? I'll let you rape my soul ~

no op you are faggotry in-corpus
if you blow your fucking skull off we are primed for a life without one less faggot and your soul will be trapped in limbo for all eons to come.

paint the canvas pussy, show me that beautiful red blasted onto the wall like the modern art it should be considered.

Convince him..Not me..

I am game if he is..

I'll only kill myself if you treat me to dinner and a date first


What do you want for dinner?

Hm, maybe Chinese food, I feel like duck, they are as cute as they are delicious. No skimping out on the date part either, I'm expecting some netflix n chill after we eat.

Kys fgt

How bout posting proof instead of birds you larping cocksucker

>Chinese food
So where is your favorite place to eat?
Peking Duck? Sounds good.

Have you ever watched Babylon 5?

We are negotiating...

Do you care to offer your soul?


Did you ask a question?

>So where is your favorite place to eat?
I dunno what it's called but there's a Chinese place near my house that I know how to get to.

>Have you ever watched Babylon 5?
Nup, is it good to watch while cuddling?

Tell me more.
Will I need my passport?

Andreas Katsulas is perhaps one of the finest actors of his generation. First you will despise G'kar then you will love him.


Sorry... was.

>Will I need my passport?
Probably, unless you happen to live in or near Adelaide, South Australia.

What're you gonna use my soul for anyway?

Cool. If I hop a flight now I could be there in about 28 hours.


It is what I do..

>Cool. If I hop a flight now I could be there in about 28 hours.
Excellent! Will you be able to find me with your anti-christ magic, or will you need a more conventional way of meeting up?

>It is what I do..

Ransom to who, God? I don't think he wants my soul... And besides, I want my soul to stay with you!

>anti-christ magic
I am not the dragon yet..
Certainly a more conventional way would be required.

He wants every soul except mine.
And so I have worked to give them all to him.

>Certainly a more conventional way would be required.
Alright. Do you have steam, or something else we could keep in contact with? Also how many resources do you have, I know this is getting more and more complicated but I can't host with my housemate here. Could you somehow get a nice place with a bed and a tv with netflix or is that outside of your capabilities?

>He wants every soul except mine.
>And so I have worked to give them all to him.
I see, but in the meantime at least, can we still spend time together when you have my soul?


>ein Sophie

Not even close.