Flynn gone

>Flynn gone
>Sessions resigning

Are Trump's active supporters Domestic Terrorists, knowing that Trump's committing Treason and espionage for Russia?

Should they be punished?

Other urls found in this thread:



Sessions won't resign

>You're fake news.

One by one they fall, until the only people left are anti drumpf, its not like he has a deep bench lawl

Sessions committed perjury, son.

He's out.

Just like Flynn.

yeah, no trump's going to prison. most of them are.

even old pence is out.

President Paul Ryan until 2020.


This will end with Donald in jail hahahahahahaha


>alternative facts

Foreign intervention thread already in progress

Fake News! Move along there is nothing to see! Fake News! Move along there is nothing to see! Fake News! Move along there is nothing to see! Fake News! Move along there is nothing to see! Fake News! Move along there is nothing to see! Fake News! Move along there is nothing to see!




my god, an entire administration prosecuted

we let the retards pick another one, and they chose an orange reality tv host, and a Russian spy.

KEK this is amazing.

Fake news! Please don't read!


Fake News!

Alternative Facts!

Buy Ivanka's wares!

We never talk to no Russia!

they bend the truth to make trump appear saying wrong. Just check it out.


>someone made an image macro, it's got to be true!

Would you say it qualifies as Fake News™?

sure kid


Your English is passable.

>Fake News

>a politician who was not confirmed or in the campaign talked to foreign politicians

It's nothing.


It's FAKE NEWS!!!!!!





Your country is a plastic faggot nation, collaborate with Russia.

You have been brainwashed by Hollywood jew faggots!


>Meets with 25 foreign ambassadors as part of his job during the year.


>overload the swamp with all the biggest crooks
>everyone quits while serving Trump
>swamp is now drained
Is there anything this madman can't do?

It's BS. He had contact with over 45 ambassadors during the campaign because he is a member of the Armed Service Committee.

Him meeting with the Russian ambassador was public, and Congress already knew about it. You can even read the transcript of their meeting if you want, it has nothing to do with Trump.

Also, context matters. His testimony before the Senate was about him being involved with Trump (as they knew he had met with the Russian ambassador publicly during the campaign).

It's a non story. Nothing will happen because nothing happened.

Liberals are getting desperate.

you sound nervous



Source, fag

This is an actual screenshot. No photoshop at all.

>There once was a lil rabbit
>And all he could say was 'dagnabbit'
>Then along came trump
>Whose pants grew a lump
>As he said:
>"There goes a pussy! Let's grab it!"

Coming soon!

Well, for starters Sessions has NOT announced his resignation but Trump should make him.

He did lie under oath and constantly talks of very strict punishment for those that do, just removing him from his job is a walk in the park compared to what others would get for such high level perjury.

I personally don't give a rat's ass that he met with Russia, THAT doesn't concern me.

But what does concern me is that he's like a 1980s-style Dare propagandist who constantly mentions things like weed causing violent disputes (when it's only the illegality of it that does this, and even then ultra-fucking-rare) and the opioid epidemic.

Sessions was gearing up on a major crackdown of weed all across the nation, about the same time Trump reversed Obama's executive orders to phase out private prisons.... the private prison stock shot through the roof because they know they have plenty of weed offenders coming to do their slave labor.

Trump always claims to be about state's rights but apparently *not* when it comes to the legality of pot despite his campaign promises to let states decide the legality of weed without interference.

Sessions was gearing up for a major war on pot. Trump apparently doesn't realize how much pot his electorate smokes. Every alt-right Trump supporter I've ever met smokes pot and they're now quickly changing their mind on Trump (me included), the establishment Republicans overwhelmingly hate Trump.

He may gain a few points with old senile Republicans but he's losing the support of the people that voted for him in this decision.

This is an opportune time to pump the breaks on a poor decision of Attorney General and remove this nonsensical war on pot before it happens....

Well the statement is true. Just look at what Obama did with the Un-Affordable Care Act. He basically held everyone at gunpoint, and now huge companies like Humana are jumping ship and BCBS refuses to work with certain states because of it



Trump supporters waving Russian flags


> Buy Ivanka's wares!

Yeah look at what he did. What he actually did. He FORCED republicans to actually do something about healthcare after completely ignoring the issue for 50 years. If it wasn't for Obama, they would still be ignoring it. But now they are faced with a situation where they absolutely have to do something because everybody is watching and everybody cares. I've watched him go from "repeal and replace" to "well maybe we'll just tweak it" but whatever happens, they've got to do something. You can thank Obama for that.

Thanks Obama

>Had to do something

Are you referring to giving all the illegal wetbacks coverage? Because that didn't need to happen. We need privatization of health care.

Also I'll thank Obama for one thing, raising my fucking premiums from $75/mo to $125/mo when I don't go to the doctor but maybe twice a year. THANKS OBAMA

I have a silver level plan and pay $43 a month

I bet you're an unemployed basement dweller too

Unless someone has a recording of Session's conversations with Kislyak, Sessions can skate on this.

He was asked if he had a conversation about the Trump Campaign with any Russian Agents, and he said 'No'.

If it cannot be proved that the discussions related to the Trump Campaign, then Sessions was not lying, however evasive and stupid he was.

After all, the GOP had to votes to confirm him, even if he handed Trump a loaded gun in Times Square, ifunowatimean.....

And, they were not in a hurry, since his vote was necessary for DeVos' confirmation.

I bet you're wrong. I actually own a townhouse and it's paid off, no mortgage.
( I did inherit it though)

which is why a single payer national health service is the best option - fuck the insurance guys who just want to make a buck and don't care about patients.

go like the Uk - the best health care in the world, not like US coming 11th out of 11 in the commonwealth trust survey

>when I don't go to the doctor but maybe twice a year. THANKS OBAMA

and when you catch something serious, or just grow old, will you have the same attitude.?

nope, think not.

because you are a selfish greedy leeching bastard, who does not understand the nature of society and the notion of social care. I hope you don't die in a ditch somewhere waiting for your private ambulance to come, realizing that you forgot to pay your premium because you got fired from your job after Trump fucked the economy and you got downsized.

Wow I feel sorry for the left.
They literally have nothing else to attack.
This is the death throws folks.
The left is done for. Enjoy the salty tears.

Not the dude you're talking to, but it either needs to be fully free market or fully single payer. Any combo of the two has the worst features of both and the best features of neither.

But we're always gonna get a hybrid, no matter how they re-design it. For the reason that healthcare companies make up a huge portion of the lobbyists and donate barrels of money to the campaigns of both political parties. And on the other hand, both parties MUST buy the votes of the poor so they do this by giving them free/subsidized healthcare at the expense of middle class and working poor.

Trump so far does not have any concrete plan to replace Obamacare but what they're envisioning does not inspire confidence. The Republican replacement will keep the individual mandate forcing people that don't have or don't want healthcare to buy or face penalties if they don't, the worst feature of Obamacare. Also Republicans are planning to subsidize by age subsidizing the young the least so they they can grant huge subsidies to the elderly. This will make young peoples' insurance astronomically high, people just entering the work force, the people *least* likely to be able to afford it and least likely to use it in order for the old people's insurance to be cheaper, you know the people who grew up when the economy was decent and actually CAN afford healthcare....

if these things are passed Trump's replacement plan may be even worse.

So far the prototype plan that they've released includes those key features. If it must be subsidized it's far better to subsidize by income than age.... and the individual mandate is fucked and should be repealed altogether.


Source nigger.

Share blue and ctr are really going all out today, huh?

Humana did nothing but shit on everything because they didn't get their merger.


His resignation is being forced you dope. He perjured himself.

More and more evidence is coming to light showing that the Russians stole the election from Hillary and got Trump elected.

Wake up idiot. Trump was installed by a foreign government. Is that really what you want for the United States? Foreign governments choosing our presidents?

The democrats are also no assembling a special committee and hiring a special prosecutor to look into the Trump/Russia ties. We all know that they exist, and more evidence surfaces with each passing day. Trump will be impeached by the end of April I am guessing.

It has also come to light this past week that many governor seats may have also been compromised by Russian hackers. This appears to run deep in the GOP. People who continue to support him should be ashamed, and possibly even charged with some form of Treason.

This right here. Everything you've stated. I'm in one of the legal states that have already said they will tell the admin to fuck off, just like they did with the immigration deal.

The cat is out of the bag with the whole marijuana thing. As for Sessions?
>"good people don't smoke marijuana"

Yeah. And good people also don't commit perjury.

>blame hillary for staying out of the perjury and imbroglio engulfing trump and his lieutenants
>more and more hysterically as the damning evidence mounts

Ugh, do you believe everything on CNN and NBC? Flynn shouldn't have been fired, because from what I hear it was over a policy disagreement. Sessions isn't resigning, as far as I know.

No, because labeling half the country as traitors isn't healthy debate topics.

Pot has health risks. Keep in mind, Democrats want to ban cigs and alcohol, but legalize pot, which has been shown to lead to heart attacks a few hours after smoking.

Can't control what your supporters do. Look at Omar Mateen, he was a registered democrat. Would have voted Clinton.

So we should thank the guy who invented guns so democrats would have something to ban? No. Obama done fucked up.

Yes, let's become socialists who call a "fuck Isis" flag a hate crime.

And Middle Eastern governments trying to get HRC into office wasn't foreign government intervention? Because they donated quite massively to her campaign

Yes but he lied about it, would have been fine had he not lied about it. Really he should know better he is not new to this stuff

If he hadn't lied, you'd be crying for his resignation.

HRC lied about her emails, democrats brushed it under the rug. Sessions lies about one meeting and now he has to resign and is being basically lynched in the court of public opinion.

>HRC lied

1. We're not talking about Hillary you shill
2. That was never proven, nor were any charges ever filed, so it's only your opinion.

>KEK still talking about Hillary

but no, Republicans are now calling on Sessions to Resign.

It's over trumpkins. the investigation will lead to Trump conspiring with Russia, to influence the election.

and he'll spend the rest of his life in prison with Flynn, sessions, bannon and maybe even poor pence and Conway.

Let me make this clear: If you support Trump, you're a Domestic Enemy of the United States of America.

Full Stop.

It's a direct connection. Lies about private email server multiple times, including to congress and the senate, gets nominated for president.

It's common knowledge. Just because nobody has gotten an official indictment makes her any less guilty.

You seem to have a double standard. I'll bet you were a "Trump is racist, sexist, etc." and ran with the "grab 'em by the pussy" thing and the rape allegations (never proven) but Hillary Clinton deserves a fair trial, not the judgment of the other party!


I don't deny he should resign, but the idea of his possible ties to Russia and him being impeached is detrimental. Grab some real information that can be proven, then we'll talk.

lel you bet it is!


geez, you still going on about russia.....i thought the election wasnt rigged and now that you lost its all russia russia one of hillarys supporters said before the election "the election isnt riggged, your just losing" haha paybacks a bitch.

shit's getting real, quick

BOOM flynn... then BOOM sessions... who's next?

and when will it all lead to the orange retard?

>this is why red state filth should never. ever. ever. be allowed to vote.

So, calling someone who doesn't agree with you a terrorist is acceptable now?

I support policies that would ensure that this great nation survives to see another election. I want restricted access. I don't like refugees in this country. I say we clean up their countries and plop them back. Islam opposes our principals and they have no place in a civilization such as ours, not until an Islamic Reformation.

I support restricted borders because I don't want an illegal to kill my family and then get a sanctuary city and then no death penalty.

So, wanting to limit welfare to those who need it makes us welfare bums? No. If welfare fucks would vote, those results would be different.

First they said "the polls show there is no way trump can win"
Then they said "russia rigged the election"
Now they are saying "he will be impeached"
None of these have come to pass or even any evidence towards it. Why are we still listening to these liberal sheep? They have no fucking clue about anything.

True that.

>or even any evidence towards it

wrong. there is tons of evidence pointing at the russian connection and the trump admin. more evidence shows up with each passing day to. people who are in denial about this are complete idiots, because the evidence is overwhelming.

CNN plz stop

>responding to a twelvie trump troll

Why is that a problem?
Should we Cold War it again?

Right! Just like there was tons of evidence of treasonous handling of government data by the Clintons and evidence of attempted election fraud. Those who deny it and focus on Trump's supposed connection that isn't confirmed, are unworthy of breathing.

only there was no credible evidence against HRC. they tried and tried, wasting millions in taxpayer dollars to get even one little piece of evidence, but it simply didn't exist.

also, we're not talking about Hillary, so why bring her up.



this election was an attack on America's sovereignty, by an overly-hostile Russia

we must retaliate. MASSIVELY.

>unless you like being cucked by other nations? you fucking cuckold snowflake.

lol when trump's impeached, imagine the sanctions on Russia by the DNC and GOP. this is going to be awesome

yeah so much evidence that even obama said there was none and the house intelligence chairman and the fbi but cnn told me....blah blah blah shut up hippie.

So russia made people vote for i voted trump and the russians had nothing to do with it and hillary had everything to do with it.

Thos eRussian hackers sure are hacking from russia those things they hacked what did they hack again oh the hacks from the russians of the hackers that hacked the hacks Drumpf hacks for russian hacks about my 13 genders with Russia and equality of the sexes so Trump is a liar.

you do know the line of concession. The next 5 in line are hardcore conservatives you fucking idiot