Why are white bois such cucks

Why are white bois such cucks

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They can't even compete

post more white cucks please

Not white boys but western boys.
Come to east europe or russia and well show you cucks a good time in the woods.


When taking a picture with your gf.

jew bait

Cause gay


i will knock u off your bike and smash ur face in w/ a hammer u piece of shit


They aren't. The image of white men as cucks is a political ploy.

Keep going
Saw this girls pics a while ago but never saved

Please post cringey pictures of beta white guys being humiliated like OPs pic
That gives me a huge hard on, not these whores

Wonder if he's gunna tap that
>she sounds keen.


Lemme see what I got.

Kek this guy knows how to party

Because we like it, so fucking what?

Cucks aren't hurting anybody

A myth perpetrated by sHillary supporters to slow the march of the aryan boots on her misandric cunt.

You're confusing cuckdom with being nice to women, must be the lack of a father in the picture

Fuck eurotrash like you makes me want to scorch the fucking planet with jewnukes

actually being a cuck is good so you are saying white bois are good as heck thanks



is that gibiasmr?
And I think thats a wetback/arab


I agree, cucks are the best

Can you catch anything from them?
>does it cross species ?

The problem with cuck/beta/cringe/White Knight threads is that the posters assume that the cultural norm is for men to treat women as objects. They believe that the only reason men should be spending any time with women is for sex and if they aren't having sex with those women then they are living their lives wrong. In the real world, normal people have friends of both genders and value more than just physical attraction in a relationship. Your internet ideologies do not translate to the real world and it is the reason you don't have girlfriends.


Tell you what.
You should tell me your card numbers and let me fuck your girlfriend?
>thought u was cuck,


all this shit is soo try hard hahah. u would think if white men were such cucks it wouldnt take this much propaganda. seeing this shit always makes me cringe.

That guy is queer

Lol proof of alpha status?
You're one of us

Why are you defending being a pansy cuck

despite your dubs, fagget, let me tell you i've fucked more women than you had birthdays

Friend used too many times, clearly fake jewbait

Thanks best FRIEND! You're the greatest FRIEND a girl could ask for. So thankful for our FRIENDSHIP translation for you sire
>I'm using this guy Jim here for all I can get out of him, this post makes it ok though.
>better not let people so us too close because potential alternate social media sex partner Grahame might not be pleased...
>play her cards right and rolls dubs to use both of them

Classic female game :)


Source on the video this is from

That's only like 20 something bitches.
>u rookie?

Spread em for chad

Specially if a gang of niggers is offering me dick, do t mind if I do
>best vacation that hospital-bound kid ever had


Can white bois even compete?

Fuckin' LOLlll

just another cringe thread


WHAT is HAPPENING with this world.

Damn I hate white ppl now


Why is cuckolding such a joke these days? When I was a kid it was perfectly normal.

Who would fuck that?

in your nigger murricunt neighbourhood maybe


Shut the fuck up. It has always been a joke

what the flying fuck is that image from

Looks like naruto