There is no reason not to tip your server

There is no reason not to tip your server.

shitty service
checkmate motherfucker

server here, confirmed checkmate
dubs checked

>I never get stiffed cause I give good service
>even to niggers


Not an argument

i only tip asians

minimum server wage is closer to $7 varying by state, not 2-3

this is a tumblr meme, you don't have to tip your server, theres no obligation to do it

if you serve and get mad at people who dont tip then get a steady job.

>but waiters/waitresses should be able to make a living wage

no they shouldn't, an adult shouldnt be in a an entry level position making enough to live off of. go learn to type

Who would willingly become a server?
>shit hourly pay
>shit bosses
>shit hours
>shit locale
Tipping is an idiotic practice created so Amerifag consumers can pay the wages of workers since restaurant employers are too cheap to do so.

You must live in a well off area, when people are pinching pennies they love any excuse to stiff their server. As a server you should understand too that even if you don't give good service, you should be paid for your work. A lot of people consider their food being poorly prepared "bad service"; should the server be stiffed for that?

The tipping system is fucked up, but there are ways to take a stand against it without ripping off poor service industry employees.

You know what would be cool?
If I could say "I'm not giving tips" and I would still get good service.
You know, service, the thing they are paid to give me by their boss in the first place.

anyone who thinks tips are mandatory should get their head checked. you do good, you get a tip. its always servers whining about tips fuck you the cook deserves the tip most times more than you do.

Fuck off back to tumblr. You are literally replaced with a person getting our of a chair for 15 steps. Your job is neither skilled nor demanding.
And in the us you're required to make minimum wage if tips and wage do not match that. Stop demanding money for doing the minimum job requirements. You're in the only profession where it's expected to give money in addition to the bill for minimum effort.

>if you serve and get mad at people who dont tip then get a steady job
>if you're poor it's your fault, just get a better job
Yeah because 27 year old Nancy with no college degree can easily find something "steady" to support her. It's her fault for "choosing" that service industry job! ONLY teenagers should ever work service industry jobs, and they should ALWAYS have parents to supplement their income; that's how the world works for everyone, right?

Your employer is required to pay at least min wage. So the stand against Tipping is to not tip and make the business pay you a fair wage. It's not society's responsibility to get you a decent wage. Go on strike like everyone else.

Hey man I don't build the system, if they want more money they should get a better job or petition their politicians to increase the minimum wage.

If you said that you'd never see your waiter again and that's the shitty thing. Servers give absolutely horrid service as soon as they know you don't tip.

The worst are the fucking servers who write the recommended tip on the reciept. Got to have some fucking entitled balls to do that shit.

It's her fault for being uneducated with no marketable skills. Maybe going to trade school or a community college would help. But hey that's personal responsibility and that doesn't exist anymore.

>28 years old
>No college degree
>full stack web engineer
>upper middle class income.

>no college degree
Being 1000% serious here: anyone in that position should honestly kill themselves and hope for reincarnation

some people have to work two jobs, dumbfuck

I tip at Starbucks, Subway and Sonic at least 30% because they're so happy & surprised I tipped them and stiff restaurant servers because they never say thank you like they mean it and feel entitled. Fuck them.

Where the hell do you live that the minimum server wage is close to 7 dollars?
Back when I first served it was only 3.85 and now it's up to 4.05 in ohio. The most I've gotten paid as a server w/out tips is 5 dollars.
I know you said varying by state but Ohio is up there in the higher minimum wage range.

>waitress/waiter "not demanding".

seems you've never been a waiter

Don't bother. Hell just respond with some cliché line about how you're privileged or that it's easy for you etc etc.

Nobody wants to work anymore.

If this said 'Nancy' hasn't found a good job by 27 then she deserves a shitty job.

>bad b8/10

I have been at an olive garden. And it's irritating work but not demanding. Being a cook or a construction worker is demanding. Walking around asking if people need a second iced tea is fucking easy.

i know right? some people won't even take responsibility for bilking a waitress out of $5 because they think they're john galt or some stupid fucking bullshit. honest to god, you are a terrible, selfish person.

Sad part about this is that Sonic (at least when I used to work there, i think they still do) attempts to only pay their carhops on a server minimum wage. They get excited when you tip them more than a dollar.

you're standing all day, having to deal with shitty customers, in a hot ass building walking back and forth.

The Asians wooped her ass and got all the available scholarships, her family couldn't afford schooling for her. She was demoralized and didn't want to risk going into debt, so she chose something she was good at, waiting tables and being friendly to people. Oh someone's food got burnt and now she's only made 15$ for 5 hours of work....electric bill's not gonna get paid this month?
Nancy couldn't figure out the intricacies of web engineering, so she went for a full time service job to pay the bills. But that's her fault, she doesn't deserve a living wage

I'm terrible for not giving charity to a working person who is too lazy to bargain for a decent wages?

How the fuck does that work? Is this one of those "how dare you have money when I don't " situations.

I'd be fine tipping the cook since you know he actually dis something. Hell if they let me order my own food you'd be out of a job.

If you honestly have time to complain then you're not working hard enough.
You're standing for 8 hours. You don't deserve the customer's respect. Heat happens.

>you dont work for me, you work for your boss. pay grievance? take it up with him.
>the establishment you represent sets prices for meals which include service. dont like it? talk to your boss.
>on-the-fly extortion just so a patron can walk away from his fully paid meal without being browbeaten into guilt or subsequently abused is not part of the job description nor is that a valid form of employment.
eat shit

You think that's demanding? Try doing firefighting or construction . Which neither one gets tips.

i dont tip shit. im broke every day of the week if i went to a resteraunt id probly have just enough to cover it

Don't ever tell me how to spend my money.
If telling porch monkeys how to spend their welfare is wrong i.e.
>"how do you know she didn't need that new purse or trip to the salon to get ahead in life??"
>"maybe he's buying 40s cause he can't cope"
then I'm not gonna sit here and be lectured by the kids that laughed and said high school didn't matter. Fuck that bullshit. This line of discussion inspires no sympathy from me and certainly doesn't inspire generosity.
WORK for what you want and earn it.
TAKE what you want and accept the consequences
But don't you ever fucking try to pretend you're in a position to demand my dollars. If you're begging have some goddam humility about you. Don't be an entitled beggar. At that point you're life's joke.

tips are often pooled and shared with the many people who make a restaurant work, so in many cases, yes you're screwing the kitchen staff as well.

the point is, the labor system is what it is. you know that when you walk into a restaurant. you're being a selfish fuck and delude yourself into thinking that you're taking some sort of principled stand in doing so.

but the absolute inarguable fact is that you were provided with a service and decided not to pay for that service. in some countries they chop your hand off for that kind of thievery.

It's her choice. How is that so fucking hard to grasp. She chose a shit job with a shit wage. But noooooo it's never nancy's fault. It's society. It's everyone but nancy.

Got damn. Maybe nancy should suck it up and have a few shit years to get a better life. Go to school. Get loans. Eat shit food. The next 5 years will suck but it's a long term game.

I LOVE to tip. Since I go back to restaurants that I like, I leave great tips and get to know the waitresses/waiters. Whenever I come back, I get treated like a king. Free drinks, extra portions, etc etc etc. They KNOW the ones who tip well and they take care of them. If you stiff them on the tip and come back? You WILL be remembered. Enjoy the spit on your food.

>which include service
So long as you're cool with 2$/hr worth of service then you're logic is flawless.

its a myth that servers are paid 2-3 an hour always

maybe in new york i think yeah, but here in california you still get paid minimum wage without tips


Fucking this.

>you're screwing the kitchen staff as well.

How about living in a country where waiters get a decent wage?

>being this mad about an extra five dollars
This thread is amazing.

Out here in the real world, a good waiter makes more than the restaurant management. Because they go the extra mile and earn the tip. Don't like it? Feel free to go to McDonalds. Enjoy!

You do know if their tips don't add up to minimum wage their boss has to pay them the balance.....

Is it written anywhere that tips are manditory? No? Then fuck off with your self righteous bullshit.
It's not thievery if it's not required so nice strawman.

I'm a tech in a hospital and in addition to doing manual labor and running back and forth (often literally running) I spend 85% of my day literally cleaning shit, piss, puke and blood. So because I make shit money should I refuse to adequately clean someone's dying relative in the ICU because the family didn't slip me $5? Fuck your extortionist bullshit.

You go into the establishment knowing that tipping is expected and what the expected percentage is. If you dont want to tip, do t go to the restuarant. Punish the owners who pay shit, not your server.

*citation needed

>NY does not do that.

Unionize and demand a decent living, or shut the fuck up.
don't make me fucking laugh, cumbucket

>Go to Hibachi bar
>Hibachi-man entertains the fuck outta me
>Tip him $20.00
>server refills my drink once, asks me how is everything, gives me bill and smiles
>give server nothing

>not having a job through teenage life
>not saving for college
>expecting parents to pay for schooling

Jesus, this Nancy character is pathetic. She needs to take a second job. Oh, but it's not her fault for not being responsible. I'm sure she also blames capitalism and big government for her issues.

If you want to be successful then do what needs to he done. Take out a loan. Get another job.

I hate this lazy Nancy cunt now.

>It's just 5 dollars bro what r u poor
So that's your case? "It's just 5 bucks". Well, I turn that around to you.... it's just 5 dollars you entitled millennial parasite... MY 5 dollars that my EMPLOYER PAID ME that you have ZERO rights to.

Then how is that a myth?

It's not about the money. It's about the message.

It's about entitled people who think that they should get tips regardless of service levels. It's about servers who spit I. Food if they don't get tipped. Tips are a reward for excellent service not a hand out because your boss is shit.

No, this is the wrong thing to do.

1) they bitch about you being a cheap POS.
2) they think you forgot

What you do is inform the manager and then leave like 27¢ as a tip. I have only done this twice in 35 years. One time my food came before I got silverware, incorrect of course. Then I had to ask twice to get the bimbo to give me a spoon. Pretty sure she was snorting booger sugar in back. She was pretty talkative. The other time is when I had to send my lobster back 3 times for being overcooked. I finally asked to see the kitchen manager to ask if I needed to show them how to do it. Server should have ensured after the second screw up that someone in charge baby say that shit. God knows I'm not paying 35 bucks for rubber.

Utah reporting in. Jobs that include tips aren't subject to minimum wage here. I've got a few friends that worked as servers and the pay ranged from 2-5$/hr. The higher end of that was for jobs that received less in tip like the sushi bar.

i make minimum wage and i'll follow you around the store, show you where things are, give you good recommendations and stand there and listen to idiots talk all day.. i dont get tips

I tip because its custom, but I fucking hate it. It's basically ownership realizing they can pay servers less and expect the customer to pick up the slack. It's bullshit.

But I don't punish the server for this, or the poor Indian man delivering me pizza. They have enough problems.

A tip is for exceptional service, not the basics of: take order, deliver food, keep glasses full. Basic pay for basic service.

Guess what? Go back to that restaurant after stiffing the server and you learn you have ZERO RIGHTS to great service. Again, enjoy the spit.

>Delivery Driver
>MFW DeQuan places an order
>MFW i know i'm not getting tipped

Seriously though why are black people such awful tippers?
I get stiffed by 80% of black people.

Expected =/= required

Just because you think it's expected regardless of service speaks volumes about your entitled mentality.

>homeless bum maliciously attacks the man that walked by yesterday and gave no change
This is you. An entitled BUM!

Are you mad because you are poor and cant afford it? Im sorry your life sucks so bad that you cant pay what is expected of you. Maybe ask your mom for a raise in your allowance? I mean a 30 year old needs some walking around money.

okay so some other states do that too but i know for a fact servers in california make minimum wage before tips. should we not tip in california then?

A) you're white (assuming)
B) black people dont have a lot of money
C) you're white

The funny thing is;
If you said "i'm not going to tip you" and they do something like spit in your meal you can report them to the manager, the authorities and possibly just take them to court over it.

Watch them cry about it.

Tipping by default is a shit practice that needs to change and the change ain't going to be pretty, the industry needs to stop tipping completely, people need to leave those jobs to find a proper living wage, leave the restaurants without workers and force them to up the wage to attract workers.

Sad thing is; it's not going to change because it's fiercely upheld by the regular citizens who quite happily tip everyone who carries a plate to them without a second thought.

>what is expected of you.
lmao fuck off you piece of shit. THAT IS WHAT I EXPECT OF YOU SO DO IT NAO

You realize of course that if the employer pays their wait staff a living wage your $7 plate special now becomes $24. Its not like the owner's going to take a cut in pay. Don't believe me,, look at how much more expensive eating out is in countries that have high minimum wage. Hey, Ausies how much in U.S. $ is that Subway sandwich?

Not everyone can make a living being bloggers and web designers. Cutting on people because they have to try and manage on low end jobs is a really snot thing to do.

I always tip if the service is at least OK. Greater percentage at low end than high end. Never understood why a $40 meal being brought to your table should be worth more than a $10 meal. Its not as if its heavier.

Also don't understand why people don't tip at buffets. Yes you have to go get your own food, but the waitress is bussing off 20x as many dirty dishes.

5 cents tip is alright

I follow a sliding scale with 15% being the middle ground. GREAT service, it's usually around 20%. So-so service, 10%, shitty service- zilch.

>ALWAYS tell the server if there's a problem. GIVE them a chance to make it right. DON'T blame the server if it's a problem out of their control (like the cook burned your steak).

Some people are less intelligent than others, and barely get their high school diploma. They chose to not be smart enough to make more? Any complaint about not making living wages is null? The "poor people are poor because they don't try hard enough" argument is great. Minimum wage, wealth inequality, average work hours, union numbers, and many other statistics are fucked to shit right now in the U.S.

But ignore it all and believe the "just work harder" meme. Just like how more guns will lower gun violence. I'm outttt

That's called extortion. You little peice of shit. And it's illegal to spit in food. No wonder everyone hates servers

>spitting in peoples food
Entitled sack of shit. God I just want to kill you humans.

Not my job to supplement your employers payroll. If you dont feel you get paid enough get a better job. Can't? Not my problem buddy.

No, your refusal to pay what you should reeks of entitlement. If you get shitty service dont tip. But if you dont, dont be a cheap asshole.

>Maybe ask your mom for a raise in your allowance?
Maybe ask your employer for a raise in wage.

Who do you think profits more from those tips? The boss who sold you a 2$ plate of food for 15$+ and barely had to pay for their employees, or the wait staff that actually receives the money?

even with shitty service I prefer to tip a penny. It's more of a slap in the face that way.

It's an understood social contract that you agree to when you enter a restaurant. Playing stupid doesn't absolve you of that fact and you're more than welcome to stay home or go to McDonalds for dinner or, hell, even get carry-out from the same restaurant. You're purposely going into the situation looking to stiff a kid so you're not even beginning your experience from an objective stand-point, but you expect them to still give you stellar service when they have 4 other tables that aren't cheap jew assholes?

One day you'll grow up.

I generally top very well. Starting at 25%. The more I hear NO or umm let me check the more I reduce the tip. The best servers ANTICIPATE your needs and either ask or fulfill them. Sadly professional waiters are a relic of a bygone time and table side service is a lost art. It's easy really, get me my order accurately, deliver the courses as I finish them and be attentive to my needs. I hate when they are gung ho to prebus my table but I get this is mainly the managements fault.

you need citations? why don't you fucking google is it legal to make less than minimum wage?

I'm not a waitress. But, nice try. I'm the guy taht tips well, returns often and gets treated like royalty.

>As a server you should understand too that even if you don't give good service, you should be paid for your work
Uh, the 'service' is part of the job. If the service is bad, then the server (HINT: IT IS IN THE FUCKING NAME) is not doing his job properly.
Fail to do the job then fail to get a decent tip (and possibly a manager complaint)

I don't care what your opinion is. I'm just laughing at how butthurt you are.

>over five dollars

I'm not that guy, but in some places it is. I've been to one place that had a sign saying "we give our 100%, we expect your 20%." Oh yeah, it's somehow become standard to tip 20% now days.

My buddy forgot to tip and they 'reminded' him that he forgot. I haven't been back since. The food was pretty good but that put me in a sour mood.

If the service is decent, I give 20%. If it's amazing I'll give more (sometimes a lot more). If the service is absolute shit, I will give 0-1 dollar. I don't care if make a shitty base pay. Work hard and I'll tip you well. You're not entitled to shit.

No defence to his point so you start personal attacks. Looks like someone ran out of made up bullshit.

But if i was white why would that matter?

I never get my food spit on. The places I go to love me and treat me like royalty. Because I tip. Well.

I pay the restaurant. The restaurant pay the staff. You want me to pay you? Suck my dick and there's $5 in it for you.

>i have to pay people at restaurants to feel wanted
so people treat you well when you toss free money at them? you don't say!
you know who you don't have to pay for companionship? real friends and family.

niggers probly tip other niggers

Hit a bit close to home huh? Maybe stick to the hot pockets in your room. Maybe going out like to eat like a big boy is to triggering for you. Baby steps buddy, baby steps.

There's no reason to go out and eat then.

>tells me I am welcome to refuse to tip
>tells me I must also tell my intent to refuse to tip, revealing my hand so I can pay my hard earned money for food that a profession carry-food-to-a-tabler has spat into to spite me
>pay your i-wont-spit-in-your food bribe

Here's a reason to not tip your server: bad service.

I'm laughing at you having to panhandle for money. But so is everyone else.