So i'm doing a power ranking on Horror's Iconic bad-men and women, no armies...

so i'm doing a power ranking on Horror's Iconic bad-men and women, no armies, just the singular force (with one exception)

I find there are 3 real power ranks for these men of evil..

first rank, threat level, local.

epitomized by Jason Voorhee's, while, he is super-human, he has no aspirations for anything, and left alone, would sit in the woods doing nothing forever.

however.. he has exceptional strength and cannot die, at least to local resistance.

still you could just drive away.

Other urls found in this thread:

the second rank is Threat Level regional.

a bad guy who you can't run from or in the least, has phenomal powers that makes escape very difficult.

this is epitomized in Freddy, you simply cannot escape him, he sets his own limitations, and is essentially, master of them, but his killing aspirations are simply moderate, he has no greater scope than fucking with kids in one town.

being able to kill you in dreams, something your forced to have, is quite the ability.

the final rank is Threat level "Worldwide" (or beyond)

a horror baddy that can/has ended worlds.

this is epitomized by the terrifying and unknowable Tall Man.

nothing can stop him, nothing can kill him, his plans are too vast for the hero's to understand, and his plan is unstoppable, he WILL go town to town until every last person on earth is dead, and then he will (has?) conquer ENTIRE OTHER DIMENSIONS with his army of zombie/alchemical/mechanical beings.

killing him means nothing, he has mastered time and space and merely steps out of the past/future and picks up where he left off.

nothing the hero's can do can ever matter to the Tall Man.

other threats on this level, though not as bad, are the Cenobites and The Thing, Cenobites not being as bad because they don't want to do it and follow strict rules, and The Thing.. is well somewhat mindless when not using a human mind.

The Tall Man stands alone as the most powerful "horror" film baddie of all time.

I will concede one major thing about the Cenobites/Hellraiser1/2.

it has by far one of the best sound tracks of all time

cool thread op. We need more horror movie talk around here.


nigga the word's global

Easy to kill Jason.
Drown him and then bury the body in concrete and then dump the concrete into the bottom of the ocean or the top of mount everest.

If his soul escapes and begins killing people like in that piece of shit part 9, then all bets are off - so in order to kill him, we either exercise him with a priest, pray to god to get rid of him, or call the ghostbusters to trap him.

the best part about the Tall Man and the Phantasm series is..

if it were any other series, the hero's would BEAT the Tall Man somehow.

but in Phantasm, they do not, they learn of him, and about him to as much knowledge as they can, but it is meaningless.

learning his origins as a 19th century doctor who went through the gate and came back wrong means nothing, they can't stop it.

in a way, he is like Death Itself, you can study it and fight it all you want, it is meaningless.... BOOOOOOYYY.

the best thing to do with Jason is leave him alone, he sits at Crystal Lake and does nothing, concede that area to him and you are gold.

>most powerful

More than Death? More than God? More than Satan?

he says it himself "You think you go to heaven when you die?" "You Come to ME".

The Tall Man's world/pocket dimension is sort of terrifying in its simplicity.

this is his plan for the world, a hellish nothing where everyone is a dead slave.

seen only twice, briefly both times, its an endless nothing where his minions do god knows what.

Anyone could say that, really. I'm not convinced. Unless his powers are omniscience, omnipotence, etc then he's probably not more powerful than God/Death/Satan.

he has conquered dimensions, and is in the very least somewhat Omnipresent.

Why does he have trouble capturing someone if he's all powerful/omnipresent?
Why does he have trouble capturing someone if he has conquered entire 'dimensions'?

He ended up in Manhattan tho.

he doesn't? he lets Mike and Co. run around because it amuses him.

he even calls it a Game himself.

the man can be anywhere, he has no trouble doing anything, chasing Mike was simply a diversion.

in the 4th movie he effortlessly kills Mike and takes the gold Orb out of his head.

Where does Hillary Clinton rank?

he has no trouble whatsoever, none of the hero's Actions ever mattered to him and he allows them to live to a certain point out of sheer humor.

still not convinced that he's better than a character whose superpower is to be infinitely better than anything ever (God).

I didnt say he was better than God, just the most powerful villian in film.

few villians sucessfully kill everyone on the planet.

our whole discussion was about whether he's more powerful than god/satan/death and i said he wasn't.
god is the mostpowerful horror villain.

Idk, I think The Blob could takeasily out Jason pretty easily.

I dunno, once Jason is the Dark Hero fighting the bigger thing he always wins, its the underdog affect.

once Jason is accidentally doing a heroic thing he's unstoppable.

Keter are boring, that's why most horror villains are euclid or "safe", safe of course meaning it can be perfectly contained more than being actually safe.

he's certainly stronger than Lucifer, as he gets to actively wipe out humanity, and Lucifer cannot.

Is a stronger entity ever even mentioned? He's just a ruthless overlord tyrant that seeks to make people miserable?

This interdimentional "tall man" monster is no more powerful than godzilla. I saw the first phantasm movie and it was boring as fuck. Couldnt even get through it. Just cause the writers made him OP as fuck in the span of five films means nothing. TALL MAN has plot armor out the ass in a boring franchise that hardly anyone watched...

no, its simply him, or many hims, or he controls his own casuality and his own reference of time and space as to be unbeatable.

he was killed a few times and simply steps out of a dimensional gate immediately.
VERY LITTLE is known about his motive, his Other Realm, what happened to Jebidiah Morningside to turn him into the Tall man (it happened in about 20 seconds real time, he steps through his makeshift Gate and comes back the Tall Man) or anything else, because the Hero's are out of their depth because the threat is so far above normal slasher film threat as to be cosmic.

Godzilla is all spectacle, powerful sure, but still spectacle.

The Tall Man is the slow inexorable death of everything, by the time of the 4th film, we see a near future in which the entire world is barren of all life.

Currently, regional.
Come November, Global.

So basically its a super villain vs normal people and no super hero to save anyone. Seems kind of unfair.

Usually there is a counter balance to make a film interesting. They might as well have just had a black hole open up next to earth and suck everyone in and call it a horror movie. Then you would be like "black hole is the most badass villain ever" when its just not known cause theres nothing to measure its power against.

thats why it was scary, it was just a bunch of small town bumpkins (the 2nd lead is an Icecream man, the main lead was some 15 year old kid who spends his entire life being chased by the Tall Man) trying to stop the unstoppable.

the main theme of the series is Death and the unstoppable nature of it, the Tall Man is seemingly Death itself.

It wasnt scary it was boring. "The Gate" was scarier and had basically the same premise. The Tall Man's universe was full of pussies. If he tried to pull that shit in any other fictional universe he would get beat down by superman or the Flash or The Goonies