Take too much LSD

>take too much LSD
>black out
>wake up at home
>Somehow I ended up with more weed
>I ain't complaining

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did you check your bank account tho?
Maybe you pulled out a shit ton of money and overpaid for a dub

you probably stole it asshole

Did u check ur asshole ?

What the fuck is that? crumbs?

LSD? Is this the bloody 70s?

Probably sucked dick for weed. Happens to me all the time. I turned gay wen high.

I've done that before so many times.
Left a house party in a mess, and got home with 3 bags of weed, 3 grinders, and 3 bottles of booze that I didn't own before the start of the night.
I do this a lot when drunk and about to go home though... I grab everything near me thinking it's mine then deal with it in the morning/afternoon.

do you grab a mans DICK thinking it's yours?FAGGOT

The first thing you think of, hm? Fag

Ok. How do you black out on acid you faggot? Also are yo using a speaker as a camera because those look like shrooms not weed

looks like pieces of cardboard to me

honestly was
>I lol'd

Yeah curious as to how you blacked out on LSD of all substances

This. If you blacked out it was probably research chemicals.

Did it taste Sweet or Bitter OP??

you fucking tard that is clearly weed

it tasted like a good man's ass

> Has never seen actual bud

Nah. I have done ALAD and 1P plenty of times. This guy is just retarded

You don't black out from taking any volume of LSD faggit.

I hate guys like you.
You show up to good partys and ruin them because you are a child.
selfish and inconsiderate, makes hanging out and partying with people like you impossible.
>remembering when snorting cocaine with my cousins band and using a 20 bill and getting it back after the lines where gone.
partying like you is fun but eventually you are alone.
no one likes a ganker, you fucking lame wanker.

Well LSD is tasteless and odorless soooooooooo

No, I don't just flat out steal shit.
I'll put shit in my bag thinking it's mine because I'm a fucking mess, then I'll return everything that isn't mine when I realise my mistake the next day.
You're just one of those people that's really quick to try insult someone anonymously on the internet to try make yourself look big.
You're not big.

took my biggest dose ever at 200ug a bit ago. paranoid as fuck and it's definitely gonna be a horrible trip

No this is Sup Forums nigger.
We call each-other nigger and faggot in one thread and nice in other over games/porn.
>then I'll return everything that isn't mine when I realise my mistake the next day
If you said this in your last post then I wouldnt have said dick.
Fucking hell, wanna cry and call me a big meany and im not so big

Think positive, drink lots of water, deep breaths, stay occupied, No one has ever died from LSD.

ALso listen to some Doors

gg fag

you can black out on acid? how many ug you take?







my past 4 trips haven't been euphoric, any idea why?

You have bad shit.

but my dealer told me it was fire!

It's probably Nbome

Any time a dealer tells me its fire I instantly doubt him and find another dealer.
Fucking hated highschool.

You have to let go and let yourself see whats been draggin you down man. Just stay humble and ride the waaaaveeeeeeee

it didn't have a taste
time to learn how to deep web
solid advice, thank you

Life is unfair...

Try 1p it's good. Or some 2c-X if it's still legal in your country

no its reality

Nah I got good friends where I from.
And I am currently learning to make shake and bake.
Growing pot is easy as fuck if you know what to do with some down payment in equipment.
A fucking dry pound from some methods I found, sea of green for one.

you're good fam
remember that the universe is really just a 3-dimensional matrix of whatever smallest unit there is (string theory is a good contender but who really knows)


was looking at buying hawaiian rosewood seeds, they're legal and cheap af

>spaghetti monster.

They're hard to get down. And make you pretty nauseous.

Try psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Simple_LSA_extraction

Use the green text >
To point out which part confuses you.
Shake and bake is homemade meth made from soda bottles and other types of chemicals like lye.
Moot even got busted for doing it.
Drug making threads used to be a stable here.

Have you ever robotripped? If your stomach was at all bothered by that I wouldn't even bother. You'll spend the entire trip in bed with stomach cramps trying not to dry heave.

>Moot even got busted for doing it.

[hearty laugh]

u fuck! i lost it!

Shit was big in the 90's too

Bro DXM is my favorite drug by far. Such an awesome time. Now instead of Liquor if I'm going out ill down like 400mg and be good for the night

Lsd is tasteless

You can order pureee DXM online or if u know a plug

I know

Oh. If you can go out after slamming a few ounces of syrup then go for the woodrose seeds. It definitely won't feel great, but you seem like you have a strong stomach.


Yea Alibaba seems a pretty good source. Really cheap kilos. Like 500USD on some sellers. I'm just scared of it getting seized for some gay reason and me not getting it.

I thought that was the chinese dude?

IS not true moot

I used to have a guy that would make his own potions of DXM and one dude had a seizure

Who the fuck is moot dude?
Hiroyuki Nishimura owns Sup Forums.

Well mixing shit with DXM isn't a good idea. And the syrup may not have only had DXM in it.

Mixing weed with DXM is an incredible idea, though. You ever tried it? Legitimately blanked out of reality and had visions based on the song I was listening to on 300mg with some edibles. Felt like gravity was shifted a few times as well.

If you're prone to seizures you probably shouldn't be taking anything harder than weed on principle.

Yea I more meant like mixing with shit like Alchol benzos all that shit.

And yea I have with 5g's of shooms and was in space.

Oh yeah, that's fair. I wouldn't mix alcohol or benzoes with a lot of stuff to be honest. It's either super dangerous or they just negate effects of whatever they're mixed with and it's a waste.