People here say this movie is not made for women, why?

people here say this movie is not made for women, why?

Because that scenario could virtually never happen to a woman. Men have their own kind of sexism they have to deal with, and most women will never understand it.

Brilliant movie btw, almost terrifying at times.

what about female teachers that do thing with boys?

who shot at him at the end?

and who killed his dog

I'm not saying women can't be pedos, but they'll never be viewed in that discriminating, damning stereotype, especially by a child's mother, or most specifically, by other men.

Hence even at the end, it's made clear he'll be holding that stigma for the rest of his life.

Women just aren't automatically viewed as predators in western society.

hi pleb!

It's made vague for a reason - because who it was is unimportant. It highlights that he'll be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life.

Looks like the rock in a wig
> D R O P P E D

My mum watched it and wasn't sure whether he did it or not. That tells you all you need to know

your mum is an idiot

James Bond

It doesn't matter who shot him. The point of the ending was to show that he will never be accepted, even though those around him had put on a facade acting like they believed he was innocent and were no longer against him, and that the only way to escape it was to move and start over.

Women would never be falsely accused of rape. And even if we theoretically assume that something like that would happen, the repercursions to a woman wouldn't come even close to what happened with Milk's character.

Watched this film with my girlfriend. She's the one who actually had to explain the ending to me. #notallwomen

Someone had to explain the ending to you? Is it because you're mentally challenged?


They wouldn't (and don't) face the same kind of scrutiny and hate.

Look at Lena Dunham. She openly admitted to molesting a little girl and she's got a solid Hollywood career going.

Oh, I'm sorry. I was just kidding. I feel bad now.

i hated this movie

>accused of being a pedophile
>still goes around that little girl

no wonder people thought he was a pedo

He lost everyone. She told them, or at least was essentially manipulated into, that he did something to her. He was confused as to how this could even happen and was more so perturbed being that she had told him and others that it wasn't true. To top it off, his ex wouldn't let him see his son, even before shit went down, and therefore because she was his best friends daughter it was the closest he could get to a child of his own; in a sense, he was making up for the lack of his own by caring for her as though she was his own.

All in all, there's an extreme feeling of denial when something like this happens. You're completely aware of the truth and continue living like everything is the same, when everyone else around you is acting differently.

wtf i hate kids now(really do)

I advise you all to lurk more before showing off your pleb power levels