Prove time exists

Prove time exists

It is commonly accepted that it does, the burden of proof that it does not is on you friend.

What does your clock say right now?
When you're ready for something, do you say "it's time for...".
Does the sun work on a 24 hour continuous rota for you?

yeah but prove it

prove yesterday happened

No it doesn't actually "exist". It exists the same way love does. It's a concept of our perception.

Prove time exists

It was 7pm earlier. Now it's 2:44am. I win.

Not entirely true, time is a constant which can be measured (for example with a stopwatch). Love cannot be measured scientifically.

Time is a concept.
Concepts exist because we think about them.

Time is a function of entropy. Once entropy has run its course and the universe has achieved thermal equilibrium, time will also cease.

OP, were you a faggot before? yes Are you a faggot now? yes. That space in between is time.


Love is measured in Swayzes

Time is just some shit some dude made up to represent a 'time' to which we can all relate to for the purpose of doing shit.
Hard to get shit done when the concept of I'll meet you at 2 pm doesn't exist, or is vauge hand gestures as to where the sun is in the sky.

Yeah my comparison was stupid but you get what I mean.


Prove time exists

Yeah but there were no changes so how do I know if time really happened or not?

Look at a clock

Love can be measured scientifically

It's the way human beings percieve the world and built knowledge about it. It has no existence outside ourselves ---> "Critique of Pure Reason" Kant
It's only a social construct of modern times. It has no exsitence outside certain types of societies ---> "an essay about Time", Norbert Elias

At this moment I'm anticipating your original, which you've yet to share and thinking you're a faggot, ergo tempus est.

Things decay, you dumb motherfuckers. Do you not know what a half-life is? If a radioactive material decays to half of what it was yesterday, it's because of time. Get the fuck out with your middle school metaphysics.

maybe the perception of "time" is a sense like touch or taste HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM really makes you think. Maybe there's some species out there who can scan through time like a radio dial.

Velocity exists. I hope we can all agree on that.
v=(d/t), or velocity equals change in position divided by the change in time for whatever you're measuring. All three variables are observable, and we can confirm that they have a set, formulaic relationship with each other.
Without change in position, you don't have velocity. Without change in time, you don't have velocity. Therefore, since velocity exists, so does time.
Time might not be tangible, but it exists

The thinking that time is a tool created by our minds to help us string together moments is already a pretty common premise for the majority of physicists. There's a great book called "Beyond Biocentrism" that goes over the concept of time not existing.



u got rekt OP

First, prove i exist. Until then, i cant help ya

Nobody has been wrecked. Prove it was anything at all that was in between that.

you made this thread, have been lurking in this thread, and now i'm responding to this thread

do you know what happened between, during, and now after all of those events?


without time, they would have all happened at once, and you would have no specific memory of them being separate occasions.


Circular logic. You are defining the answer by using the answer.

Q: What is the definition of "big"?
A: Something that is bigger than small.
Result: FAIL

because CPU GHZ duh.

So where am I wrong? Either velocity, position, and time exist, or they don't. You find out by observing the world, not by having metaphysical circlejerks on Sup Forums.
For example, if I want to break your nose, I would throw my fist right at your nose. Position, velocity, and time are all measurable.

it doesn't faggot

it's an illusion

You're a fucking idiot. There's nothing circular about defining a variable using two measurable quantities.

>Love cannot be measured scientifically.

But my boner can. Kind of similar, isn't it?

I already didn't.

As far as I know, they haven't discovered time particles yet, making the whole thing moot.

>Prove time exists

It doesn't, the brain creates experience of time through the relative motion of particles in the brain.


> Implying you could actually hit me
> Implying you have the strength to break a nose
> Implying you wouldn't think twice when you realized I would vaporize you if you got a shot in.

Circular logic (part 2)
you say that: V = D/T
I have D and V, therefore I have T.

So what if time doesn't exist? Why should anybody give a fuck what you think?

there is this thing we call the "past" . The past are events that have occured before now. Time is everything that will eventually become the past.

OP here best comment sf

unless that variable is defined by using the unknown variable in question. refer back to what I posted re: definition.

Wait a sec...

...there you go.


what is the definition of "past", without using the concept of time?

they haven' t discovered dark matter particles either, yet its commonly accepted in the scientific community that it comprises 85% of the universe

It isn't exactly constant. Gravity and speed both change the perception of time

Dark matter isn't matter it's gravity.

Apparently time can be observed by noticing how matter has a tendency to move from a state of disorder (a sandcastle) to a state of order (sand grains evenly dispersed on a beach) On a larger scale, the universe can be observed to be expanding outwards, to a point that galaxies, stars, atoms and finally sub-atomic particles are ripped apart until the universe is a finely and uniformly dispersed soup of the basest constituents of matter. A sandcastle cannot build itself, you can't uncut your hair, the Sun will eventually use up its fuel and collapse, and the universe will dissolve into pure energy. This all happens in a linear direction, suggesting there is such a thing as time, and it only travels in one direction.

see? now we're getting somewhere

now next step, prove gravity exists

we're almost there!

Lol, right?

"Vaporize"? Lolnope.
And I'm not *saying* that V=D/T. I'm *observing* that V=D/T. Observation isn't circular.
We can argue about how substantial that "really" is, whatever "reality" is anyway, but the point is we perceive a constant formulaic relationship between the three variables. It. Doesn't. Change. For all practical intents and purposes, time exists.

Just matter in a different state

You became a bigger faggot.. voila.. change

I cannot. I just know that time has to be explained in order to move to gravity because gravity has more power than time.

Space/Time is caused by the speed of light.

>Well kinda, it's too complicated to explain.

so are you saying that you can go to a drag race, drink a beer, eat a pretzel and prove time exists?

doesn't explain time just the OP is a fag constant, which isn't related to spacetime.

this happened.

And while THIS happened,

you didn't know that THIS happened.

And while THIS happened,

you didn't know that THIS happened.

Dark matter is a difference in vacuum energy.

And boned chicks.

newfags everywhere, i cant prove time exists, but i heard somewhere that if an astronaut were to travel to pluto and back, their days would have been weeks to us.

>failing for this bait
Op is a faggot he will keep ignoring and dismissing your proof and I doubt he could understand actual scientific proof like the second law of thermodynamics

You guys are just wasting time with this faggot

Is that not enough to /thread?

Hes just a stoner kid trying to sound smart on my side!

>Answers OP

just for clarification, the farther we get from the center of the universe, the more time we have in a day, which leads me to believe... what if we were able to travel to the farthest place of our universe, would time almost be forever? would we live almost forever?

I mean, I'd rather have a nice shot of whiskey than a beer. Other than that, practically speaking, yeah.
Logic, science, and math are based on things that we observe first, and think about and write down later. You want to prove time exists? Watch a drag race. Calculate the velocity of that car that took first place if it makes you feel better. It's more effective and prudent than this conversation, that's for damn sure.
I'm too tired for this, I'm heading to bed. Maybe I'll never wake up, since you know, no time exists to pass between falling asleep and waking up. Cheers!

but are we really wasting TIME?

I understand everything in this thread

OP is in the spirit world, devout of time and space.

That's what happens when you fuck with time and question it.

I've got like three threads going and I only like the wacky responses. Sorry man I'm really bad at managing my time.

It doesn't nice work. someone pays attention in class. faggot. also WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT PICTURE?! JESUS FUCK! SHIT! SAVED.

faggot you gave up too soon. You achieved victory.

I made you prove a very important concept about science, and you did it. Well done.

BTW, the term "never" is a time related concept. FYI.

but has it felt like that long?

TLDR: Entropy proves time is linear and moves in one direction


prove it doesnt exist

actually, when I made the screen shot, initially I though it was a 2 minute gap. when I made it turned into 9 mins. BOOM!

WTF happened to those 7 mins?? Options:
> Aliens (ass feels OK tho)
> I was in a Japanese Porno (ass feels OK tho)
> Time is a lie
> passed out or had a brain fart
> Mandela Effect, hyper compressed

Burden of proof is on the person making such ridiculous claims as time existing

religiontard detected. too much thinking in this thread for you I'm afraid. Best get out before you start to use the old noggin.

actually i'm an atheist however i believe in order to discover the truth the absolute true truth you must always question yourself

anyway things constantly change i suppose if time didn't exist then nothing would change everything would be still how about that?

The only time you can measure is the past. There is no future time because the future is uncertain.

let me introduce you to my friends, the comma ",", the period ".", and the semi-colon ";".

change alone isn't enough to imply time (or thats all it does is imply). In quantum mechanics we've learned that an entity can be in both states at the same time - something which seems to happen without respect to time.

I think to prove time we need something else, something deeper.

however what you stated in post implies basically that this uncertainty is future time which does not necessarily exist and/or is not measurable from the present however all of this evidence seems to point out that there is a future uncertainty that is defined by/at the present and can be recorded before it moves into the past i believe that this concept is time and thus time exists

Time as a concept or a unit of measurement?
>as a unit of measurment
Your post proves this one. You posted at
Which indicates a moment down to the second intime in which you uploaded your post
>as a concept
Your post
and this post
occured at
there is just over 30 minutes in between these posts. The passage of that time is only able to be understood through the concept of time passing. Which is all time is. A concept of ether we move though in a direction that is best understood when compared to distances and physical locations. forward through time.

>being this retarded


you're using evidence you don't even know for sure is real

PS i know i sort of fucked up with the explanation but i think my point is within grasp from my statement

wake up


shows over boys pack it up

He's using circular logic dude don't trust him

at first I was going to comment about how those links were not both me. Then the meat of your post gave my brain a hernia.

after a recovery period:
1 - refer to the comment on punctuation pls.
2 - as weird as it sounds, be careful with "evidence" Evidence is an interpretation of what happens based on our understanding, view point/models of the world and bias. We filter data, distort it and call it evidence. re: damned near any scientific stuff out of Greece in the olden days.
3- the word "believe" and the word "proof" are opposites.

I'm at my limit dude. May you dream of large women.

The wave harmonic theory of historical perception, in its simplest form, states that history is an illusion caused by the passage of time, and that time is an illusion caused by the passage of history.

time is a flat circel..