Hey Sup Forumsros. I've lurked for a good 6 years now. I've decided it's time to make a thread

Hey Sup Forumsros. I've lurked for a good 6 years now. I've decided it's time to make a thread.
I am an Indian, feather not dot. And I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
In-tune with my culture and ways, I have been at Standing Rock, very involved with my people and our matters. shoot away

>shoot away

Why is there no Indian girl Pron?

I mean if you wanna haircut, shoot like that lol

Where in India are you from? I hear India is over populated. Is that true? What's your favorite curry?

I spoken to one of cherokees before.. I am asian, pasific islander. I asked her what would be my spirit animal, and she replied a crow.

How do you guys determine that and what does having a crow spirit animal means?

I know i can google it but man, google ain't always accurate..

Indian huh. Are you thinking of native american?

I heard there are lots of tigers in India, have you ever had to slay a tiger that was attacking your rice farms? that would be pretty badass tbh

Yes, i figured this was coming lol. It exists, not much though. Our women are raised differently, kinda with a "my body my temple" kinda thing you know. We are told to walk like we have 3000 ancestors behind us. we represent their name and reputation. We will not make them weep by tarnishing our own name.

He said feather, not dot. Dipshit.

Wrong indian lol.

Do you let your hair grow out to show that you are a warrior

Well, maybe she saw something on your aura. May have been a medicine woman you spoke to. My spirit animal is my own choice, it is whatever animal I feel closest to and share the same traits with. I am coyote. He initiates change.

Thats like going up to a nigger and saying hey, dont call other niggers, niggers.


>He said feather, not dot.
What is that supposed to mean? Is his name feather? Dot is a girl's name.

Partly, any degenerates I feel as if they do not deserve the hair they sometimes decide to wear like a warrior.
To my people, it is our direct connection to our mother, earth. 3 strands. body, mind and spirit intertwined. It is a physical manifestation of our thoughts and knowledge. Our hair is our pride.I wear my hair in braids, and the only people allowed to touch my hair are my woman and my mother. I will throw hands if my hair is grabbed.

I refuse to believe you are that stupid.

idk if i'm taking bait. but we are the kind of indian that wears feathers in our hair. not the kind that wear dots on our forehead.

Thats is a pretty good way of raising kids. Have respect towards yourself and others will respect you.

Feather Indian - Native American
Dot Indian - Text support Indian

How many feathers do you wear at one time? Do the feathers indicate your marital status?

Does the braid usually mean body, mind, and spirit with most tribes or is it pretty much mostly just yours?

I always wear the whole chicken, mostly. Sometimes.

sapwi anh te toy catoone,hono pari mai happay.
what tribe?
grandfather or ggrandfather in big war?

I like curry but why that much? Also Indians are fugly and dirty also treat women like shit, go away...

Eagle feathers are earned, you cannot just buy an eagle feather and throw it up in your hair. I received an eagle feather for being on the front lines of standing rock recently. I got it when I came home. however, at a powwow. Marital status may be distinguished by how many braids are in. 2 for single. 1 for taken.

Typical with many tribes. but each has its own teachings behind the braid. I am only familiar with my own. For instance, my woman. I have to say a particular prayer in her language everytime i braid it for her.

Wrong Indians

Do you resent me for being a descendant of people who your ancestors lost their homes too? Honest question.

way' xast sxelxalt, n'chaa ees queest Hoksida.
Grandfather at wounded knee, great great grandfather in big wars.

No I do not resent you for that. However, you are a strange people. I just don't get along with them a whole lot man. Also, yes there is many good hearted white people, but also many assholes who make you look bad. and in turn, make white people less approachable.

My great great grandmother was N8iv but the rest of my blood is European ancestry. I still count as a paleface right or do I get a special word?

Well played, sir

Well, i would call you white. I acknowledge your indian blood though. If you look indian, i would call you apple. red on outside, white on inside.
I have white people in my life i consider indians though, not a drop of indian blood. just. grew up on rez you know.

It means that your heritage was based on rape, maybe you should do the same.

Do you enjoy watching the white mans money flow out of them like diarrhea from the buffalo in your casinos?

Tell me the secrets of your native magic.

Are you saying:
"That means your heritage was based on rape, you should rape?"

not going to lie my sides are in orbit
but yes, i'm sure the fortunate tribes with casinos are very happy with their earnings.

I will not. For this I apologize.
That medicine is very strong when in bad hands.

Just wanted to see. Not as if its that straightforward anyway. I hope i find some guidance.


Were you the only kid in the tard class on the rez or were there others too?

Are skinwalkers real?

Yes.but do not believe stuff you see on here. Half of my family is Navajo and have spoken with me about those people. Well, what used to be people. The stories I heard and kinda experienced from and with old navajo elders do not correlate with anything you would find on /x/. I have only heard one person on there speak accurately of them.

Wasn't going to reply, but you know that made me think. I've only ever seen 2-3 indians tards in my life. A midget too, he's got a big name in indian country tho.

Wow, that's a low number. Also, congrats on learning to read.

Why do people like you think refusing to evolve past the hunter gatherer social mark is noble?

Could I buy your house for a handful of beads?

We never planned on moving on, it was forced upon us. and 80% of that knowledge is gone now, we are striving to rebuild still. If North America hadn't had contact yet, it would still look the same as the day Columbus showed his face here. These lost stories and everything, they are what we live off of. Our way of life, our teachings. we never wrote anything down really. if we had it wouldn't be so hard to rebuild.

Nah dude a handful of beads goes for about $10-15 now. I do beadwork.

it is slowly happening still. More and more indians going to school and making something of themselves. Money is important now. one of the biggest elements in the world around us.
I say this strongly because in my profession and position as my nations only lawyer. I am at the top already, watching and encouraging our youth to come join me. no better way to do this but lead a clean, cultural life and you know. make sure to say hello when im driving past in my caddy. so they can start thinking "Damn, i want a car like that. whats it gonna take me"


Text support

King willy ask me to take yur life n yur soul fukn voodoo magic mun let mi tell ya watt I baleev. Shit appins


>Would you like to know more
Yes sir.

When I die i won't go down afraid. I will go down like a warrior returning home.

Anything in particular you wanted to ask? It is a broad topic.

Then what's with all the meth and booze? I grew up an hour away from the Crow/Cheyenne rez. Indians suck.

Some stories you were told about anything paranormal. I do like listening to older people tell stories about strange things that happened, my grandparents on both sides have plenty and I heard them all.

I guess start with the skinwalker thing, I don't go to /x/ so I don't have the slightest clue

Generational damage still in effect. Their parents were more than likely in residential school and are alcoholics or drug addicts as a result. In turn, their children thought this was regular behavior. It's the only way they knew. I remember when I was 6 me and my twin brother drove the truck (me on wheel, him on pedals) because we had to go pick up our drunk father from the bar.
Him and I are the first generation in the family to pursue the route of education and our children will grow up strong and good because of it.

however this is not to say I was not once an alcoholic and drug addict. i smoked rocks and drank my life away and it took the full force of my culture to bring me back to where i needed to be.

Namaste fellow believer. Tell me more about rain dances. On the two occasions I stomped my feet and turned around in circles it rained 10-15min later.

Did I anger your elders, was it a coincidence, can i weaponize this and fight evil/crime?

Well, we live peacefully with the other side. We acknowledge that not all energies and spirits are good. In the off chance they hang around us, we simply ask them to leave. I'm not sure if it's the same for white people but for the most part, we feel them in the room like a presence. Always. I let them hang around usually unless it is something that is bad. There is 2 spirits in my house, one is my grandmother, she just watches over us. And the other is my cuzzin Rose's father. He wanders the house looking for Rose because she lived here when he passed. I haven't seen him in a good year or two though, so maybe he finally found his way.

More than likely a coincidence in the shitty chance you are being serious. My people don't have a rain dance. The rain to us means mother earth and father sky are arguing and it is time to go up into the mountains until the argument is over.

How do you distinguish between good and bad. The only occassions I feel a presence it's almost always bad. Like knowing someone's there but not who or what the intentions are.
Then I can't sleep unless a light is on, I feel like a hueg faggot doing this at 30.

Unfortunately it's true and I was listening to dance of death by iron maiden at the time so it kinda felt necessary. Won't happen again.

As for the skinwalkers. They were people who have done a ceremony on their own in search of power. I know the ceremony but i will not repeat the steps to it. The most important part of said ceremony is killing your dearest friend. And grinding their bones into dust for use in the ceremony. The skinwalkers are shapeshifters. They keep a piece of different animals on them, and they transform into the animal they choose to with them. Say.. having a coyote pelt to become a coyote. And these people are very bad. They will come after you in you are unlucky enough to find yourself out on the navajo rez at night. Their weapon of choice is human bone dust, they come out of nowhere and blow it in your face like an airborne attack. You go unconcious and what they do to you is their own choice. They may take your hair, or clothes and use bad medicine on you. making you sick or worse. Or maybe they may kill you for the medicine in your body. The best way i could think of to prove their existence to yourself is finding a place to stay on rez with dogs around. even the biggest meanest dogs you will find on the earth, will start crying and whining like a little puppy during the night.

>In-tune with my culture and ways
As a native myself, I know you're just one of those fake-ass "muh culture" Indians that's a drunk/addict at home and and fucking cartoon in public.

Never met one that wasn't an insufferable degenerate faggot.

I suggest you ask it to leave, yes out loud with words. even if it makes you feel like a douche.
If this does not work, burn sage in your room. say a prayer.

Actually, i'm quite a prominent grassdancer from BC Canada. sing with a group called Birch Creek. I hunt, i fish. I go into ceremony, sweats, medicine meetings. you know.
My freetime consists of working, beading, drum practice and hunting.

It's wild that you say you haven't met a good hearted indian. I just thought of 25 off the top of my head.

I don't know how to distinguish the two. I kinda just know. a certain feeling i get inside. you know like. a gross, sickly feeling or it will feel like just another person in the room.

>Insufferable faggot
Well looks like this pot is a nigger kettle

Ah, a powwow circuit Indian (from Canada!)... even worse.

I hope you find yourself one day, user.
xixane washtii.

you brought a lot of negativity into this thread. you seem like a really tough guy

Thanks homie will try sage

So that is just a metaphor for, "it's about to storm, we should seek refuge in a more safe environment, probably those mountains over there."
>points north 100ft.

Here I will tell you of an encounter with a skinwalker I had a long time ago.
>be 16
>out in rez near flagstaff AZ
>dinner time, getting darker
>hanging with niece all day because her friend left her
>nali(grandma) calls us down for dinner
>tells me to go grab some corn husks out of the shed which was 75 yds from the house.
>i tell niece to come with me, she does
>while we walk back she points at our sheep
>fucking god damn coyotes man
>I grab a rock that was at my feet, and throw it hard as i can right at the coyote
>wtf lol i actually hit it
>what the shit was that
>coyote ducks into knee height grass
>see it kinda walking through the bush
>ducks realllllly close to the ground for a moment
>emerges from where its standing
>takes flight
>flew off as a crow with a hurt left wing
>stared back at me with eyes that wanted to remember my face until out of sight.
>tell niece what she just saw
>go back inside, dont say a word. eat.
>go on with life.

What was there to hide from? rain doesn't really bring danger where we live.

I just started watching that show "Hell on Wheels". You tree niggers were pretty fierce warriors, respect.

Indians melt in water.

Not a bad series I checked it out too.
Yeah man, gotta at least give us credit for giving you the biggest fight out of anyone else lol. took loooong time to take us out.

Cause Mother Earth and Father Time are arguing, we must go, seek refuge. Sky make big swirling creature when mom and dad fight.

My people are from a large valley, tornadoes are impossible here. We seeked refuge from nothing but opposing tribes.

Well as a "white" man I agree. You did give us one hell of a fight. I still think it's not fair what happened, but that's life. I just hope sometime in the future we can all get along.

lightning bruh watch out

i heard that native american women are the most common rape victims.is this true? If yes then by whom and why?

Being pragmatic about the whole thing, and putting my values and character aside.
It's just the way evolution works. The white man came to us, and conquered us in the end.

>I am an Indian

Stopped reading there you dumb motherfucker.

Lol what are the odds of getting struck by lightning. and it still wouldn't make sense to seek refuge somewhere higher in the air.

Yeah it's our nature. We're basically a human form of the diseases we carry. We destroy, pillage until there's nothing left and move on. Nothing personal.

Any cool old stories you got?

To give a example there is a old tale here from the middle ages about a small giant family who lived in the caves til they caved in during a heavy storm. As the story goes they were about twice the size of normal people but everyone among them was as stupid as the village idiot, however they were friendly enough to trade and so people visited, after the storm that destroyed their cave they couldn't find them anymore.

You really tryna take away the word indian from us too? damn you people are greedy.
Might as well try and get niggers to stop saying nigger.

We're Indigenous peoples of this land, not some east Indian. You're just a no good slave to the white man, do some research brother, the truth is out there.

I wanna hear Indian stories of bigfoot..

Sure I can tell a part of my peoples chaptilxw
A long time ago, the animals resented their brother the goose. The geese were very unorganized, no order, they did as they pleased in their own way. Nobody liked this because they were the only ones like this. So the creator came down one day and gave Senklip (coyote) the task of organizing the geese.
So coyote comes to the geese and asks them if they will be organized from there on out. They laugh and turn away.Coyote does some thinking and finally comes up with a way to keep them organized and not hogging the skies. he will tie their feet together.
So the goose he talked to earlier, was the biggest and strongest of all the geese. fastest too. coyote waits until all of them are asleep on the lake. he goes underwater ad ties all their feet together while they sleep. in the morning, the geese all go to take off into the air. but find they are all tied together at the ankles. withthe biggest, cockiest one right in the middle. so him being in the middle, he leads the whole group while they fly.
and this is why Geese fly in a V shape when they fly. (well the chaptilxw behind it at least)