Another genderbent character
When will Hollywood stop?
Another genderbent character
Is that real? Fucking kek.
Embarrassing and pathetic.
She's playing the female Marvel character Captain Marvel, not Shazam you dolts
what's the difference?
I thought the marvel one was Ms Marvel and the DC one was Captain Marvel and shazam was just his transformation phrase
Everyone who posted in this thread before you was aware of that.
>Marvel Comics
Holy shit I'm fucking T R I G G E R E D
Yes, "SHAZAM!" is DC's Captain Marvel's (William Batson's) magic word.
Both characters are named "Captain Marvel". The DC one was created first. What does that tell you about MARVEL's imagination?
>solo release
That's some confidence in comic book movies not being completely overtaken by this new wave of animation
poltard OP vomiting his schizo word salad on other boards
Bitch looks at least 40
Yeah, I'm laughing at CNN's reporting dipshit. Where do you think you are?
kek is this real?
Where does Ms Marvel fit in or is that the same character as Captain Marvel and who did Psylocke body jack
>Confusing Shazam with some random Marvel bitch
And Sup Forums actually acts like they unironically enjoy DC
i just want them to turn cia into a waifu
Do normies really know who captain marvel is? I read a lot of comic and follow capeshit only cursorily, when Grant Morrison or Frank Miller write it - never heard of the bitch.
Is it an experiment at this point, trotting all this shit actors and "heroes" because it's a fucking goldmine?
Christ, that forehead.
>gender bent
>yo, stupid fucking person, Captan Marvel was a woman in the comics
>don't get that one confused with Captain Mar-Vell, a different character altogether
>stupid fucking people will the death of us all
ms marvel was captain marvels previous name. the old captain marvel was this alien dude who died. so she took his name. the dc captain marvel is FAR more popularly known as shazam, which is his transformation word. they dont even really call him captain marvel anymore. they just stick with shazam
>this new wave of animation
Avatar was 9 years ago and we're still waiting for the next flick...
more like marvel got the on up on copyright or something so they had to change his name to shazam.
>don't know anything about capeshit and capeshit comics
>google captain marvel
>it's a woman
Are you capeshitfags really this dumb?
to be fair captain marvels only been a woman for a few years and dc's captain marvel has always been a man
they dont, i see this as a reaction to the mcu having a stable of awful female heroines and dc coming out with wonder woman possibly the most iconic female heroine of all time
as someone who never read wonder woman comics i think catwoman is far more famous
>marvel are the bad guys here
come on. they just switched to shazam. im sure partly to stop confusion between the characters but mostly because its a better name and people called him that already
next thing you know you're gonna say that DC just didn't want to lose money going up against cap3 in that may opening.
they keep getting muscled out