Is Ireland a first, second or third world country?

Is Ireland a first, second or third world country?

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all of the above

Posts ivory coast flag, ok.

In real term's 1st word on the Brit's minds 3rd world.

1st. 3rd is reserved for shitholes with almost no economy, and 2nd is for developing countries.

world first third-word-country

Ireland in general is a shithole, but it has great music.

>1st. 3rd is reserved for shitholes with almost no economy, and 2nd is for developing countries.

This is wrong you retard. First world is the US and it's allies, second world was the USSR and its allies and third world were unalligned countries.
It just so happens that mostly shitholes were unalligned so the term 3rd world stuck to refer to shitholes

How exactly?

This is now polska thread, kurwa !



Old definition, yes. New definition, no.

There is no new definition there's just a wrong misused definition.
The new terms are Developed/industrialized, developing, and undeveloped

Wait, turkey is a first world country?

It's in NATO

Who is this Ireland?

Language had changed in the past 30 years, Jew boy. It's dependent on standard of living, life expectancy, and infant mortality rates.

Islands are small bodies of land surrounded by water.

And it's spelt island by the way, not ireland, you dense motherfucker.

Consider suicide you massive retard
The definition of first second and third world hasnt changed. They've been replaced by tbe aforementioned terms.

Call them what you want, coon fucker. Words change definitions and everyone knows what you mean to say. Like when people call you a faggot, it's only partially cause they think you're gay.


haha good one

Definitions change to how words are used, if everyone in the world misuses a word then it is the definition that is wrong for being different to how the word is used

Polish OUT