What is the secret to happiness Sup Forums?

What is the secret to happiness Sup Forums?

a loving gf

How does one aquire such a thing?



and not giving a fuck

Vidja games

happiness is fickle and like anything else must be worked at, unfortunately we as a society have driven ourselves into madness in the very concept of everlasting happiness

work the problem user, not let the problem work you

I don't know


2/3 isn't bad user


pic related

i had sex 10minutes ago. i can still taste her pussy on my cock. this is true hapiness.

Why are you tasting your cock?

If anyone knew it, then that person wouldn't be on Sup Forums.

Being happy

Accepting whatever is in your present moment. Accepting is not the same thing as like or enjoy a thing. It's simply being able to accept what is currently. Also makes change easier to come.

Try it, you'll like it. Good times will be good, and bad times will also be kind of good, in a way that they do not bother you as intensely as previously when judging them as "good and bad", but simply seeing them for what they are and finding a way to learn and grow from it.


some deep ass shit bruh.
FEELS too many too few or just enough.



Thank god i'm not the only one. 80% of people are fucking normie retards because they don't follow this. Life sucks no matter who you are or what you do just accept the suck and realise it will pass sooner or later.

I had money and zero fucks and I wasnt happy, maybe it works for you. Now I have 3/3 and im happy :)

Cause he wanrs to taste the pussy.

Kill yourself




I dunno, but one shouldn't confuse happiness with contentment. You can be content without being actively happy

by being happy.



Determine what would truly make you happy, figure out how to achieve it, and work towards that goal.

Learn to be happy with things for what they are, not disappointed with what they aren't.

Just lower your expectations.

Take your pick. Any of the above.

nice food
sex here and there
internet connection


the only true answer

in dualistic nature universe (yin yang, dark light, up down etc...) you will enjoy equal amount of bad times as good. also a nice little thing to understannd in really hard times.

Secret to happiness? Stop with this anime shit and you might get happy again. It is scientifically proven that people who come into contact with anime(and other similar subjects) are less happy then others.

not being sad


Realizing that happiness is a construct in which is created by your own mind
You can literally be happy screaming dhurr for 20 hours a day and your mind wouldnt know the difference between that and whatever you understand to make you happy


this is true

all my problems go away when I shitpost

