
In may I'm finishing high school.
My grades are fine, I won't fuck up the finals, I have a great girlfriend who loves me and he'll, I love her too. I'm a rather smart guy, not a Mensa type genius but still. I have a nice voice, I have the gab, good communication skills, pretty handsome face and everyone tells me that I'm the type of a guy who's gonna "always get by in life", a go-getter

Then why the fuck do I feel like the whole world is going to eat me alive, like I'm gonna die in a fucking pregame? Why don't I have the slightest idea what the fuck to do with myself and the sheer thought of the future scares me shitless

>Why don't I have the slightest idea what the fuck to do with myself and the sheer thought of the future scares me shitless

Congratulations!! You are 100% NORMAL!!!!!!

Take it step by step.

Fix what can be fixed right now. Set loose plans and be prepared to change them.

One day, if you work hard. You will feel different.

You're white and the world isn't interested in you succeeding anymore.

Haha dude life is so easy just make sure youre smart with money and dont get in over your head with more expenses than you can handle and everything else will fall into place dont sweat it

Oh c'mon...

Live is pointless. There is no "future". It's only "now".
And stop worrying, because all of this it's only game, nothing importang. In 2200, nobody will even know that you existed - seriously no one, so just do what do you like, and there is nothing to be afraid of. People just pretending that all of this is really important - you dont have to.

U are not so smart as u think btw.

nigga you prolly fat as fuck irl

Das it mang

have you thought about depression, at least a little one? because that's how it starts.

bitch you prolly fat as fuck irl

Dude, I'm think I'm a moron. It's the other people who tell me I'm not. Only recently I startd to believe them

oh baby, I'm off my meds. I just have a depressive personality type and no amount of pills is ever gonna change that. I just have to roll with it


nigga you prolly fat as fuck irl

typos, geez

>I'm think I'm a moron

*Typos, geez!

nigga you prolly fat as fuck irl



Have you tried applying at Taco Bell or Pizza Hut yet?

It doesn't really matter that i tell you this now, because you've heard it a fuckton of times, and didn't care, no one did until it happened to them.

You will fail. You will see all those opportunities you've missed. You'll feel hopeless. etc.
Then someone who's been through it walks up to you and tells you to knock it off, it's no big deal.
Then you can start living, working for the sake of progress, and a few years after that, you'll be happy, even if you're not finished.

yea 0/10 sandwiches left on the tablem you fat piece of shit

Dude. It's like that for pretty much everyone.

Everyone who's a fag, anyway.

>it's only game
why you have to be mad

Are you one of those guys who gets told he's smart all the time because he lives in a smaller city with no intellectual competition to speak of, and secretly feels that, even though he's top tier for where he grew up, he will probably come off as barely average when immersed into a new, larger, higher-competition setting, so he gets all spooked because constant possibly-undeserved praise growing up has conditioned him to have really expectations of himself and an occasionally-paralyzing fear of failure of any kind, and now he fears he will have to struggle through an unknown new environment just be meet a disappointing bare minimum of expectations?