Oh double you oh

oh double you oh

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Today needs to end.

hope it ends you first!



wht time is it

only 3 minutes i see

talk about trump bb

know what's mean?
being OP and not posting porn


eliza why

I dunno dems import migrants for votes, repubs dumb em down idsee the problem

because dom is goin to turn this into another hitler thread, and we just can't have that


im not hitler poster

i just have funny political memes that we can all enjoy

We've gone past porn at this point.

pic of the guy who doesn't know how healthcare works why?

wow its almost like most of them voted not out of racism but economics

ah yes more reganomics, excellent

im just a meme poster fellas, hjere to have a good time


middle class was gutted by removal of industrial and construction jobs, then libs tell them they have white privilege and that they're also racist while sitting in their mobile homes on government assistance.

Trump and friends are such a strange confliction.
On one hand I dislike him for his stupidity and arrogance in his doctrine, yet he makes life worse and denies happiness for the people who make my life worse and deny me happiness.


OwO, guybutt

for who is that?


you don't have a choice because those jobs are wrecking the environment and our entire race would be dead within a few centuries if we continued supporting those fields. it does not matter what you think about this, because humanity's impact on climate change is not up for debate anymore.

luckily high end tech is investing heavily in renewable energies, which is beginning to provide an enormous surge in work for the same people displaced by the loss of old industry.

you're mislabeling all liberals as neoliberals, in the same way that most liberals have mislabeled all conservatives as neo nazis.

Gays, SJWs, Women, Niggers, Mexiniggers, Mudslimes.

this one's funny

Fuck humanity, faster it dies the better.
Women have already ruined and diluted the parts worth saving along with the jews who have desecrated the rest
And now the vermin (shitskins) pick at the corpse.
Let a tidal wave of extinction wash over the corpse-feast and let eternal silence beget at least some dignity.

You can say that other industries will take over at some point in the future for the blue collar middle class at some indeterminate point in the future, but while they've been shrinking, you cant deny the left in general has demonized the working class or frankly anybody not with a 4 year degree as ignorant hicks.
in essence demonizing their largest voting base while actively promoting economic policies that go directly against their interest.
Trump would not have won without rust belt and PA support.
One was a direct consequence of the other.

I don't know if I should, or if anyone does, take you seriously.

basically this.

shut up nibi you fucking mgtow

>"Bend over and let our new slaves fuck your ass and fuck your women, Goy, Heh heh" *Rubs hands schemeingly*

the working class is going to disappear either way due to automation. the policies you should actually be focusing on are forcing the extremely wealthy to divest money for the soon-useless bourgeoisie. gates and musk have already begun talking about "robot taxes"

essentially this election means nothing; trump is going to weakly bandage a waterfall of blood, and in the process will allow bannon to attempt to destabilize american governmental agencies with his atrocious selections, and push for less corporate regulation such as seen in cuts to the EPA.

proposed cuts

So the state should seize the wealth of what, CEOs and anybody that makes over how much?
Are football players and celebrities that make over 100m a year included in the seizure of their money?
And for what, so the government can still be a financially useless shithole?

i don't know why you are arguing for the destruction of your class, considering you voted for a person like trump "economically"

capitalism will always lead to an extreme concentration of wealth/power whose sole goal is accumulating more wealth/power.

and yes, those are called taxes.

This graph is completely useless. It doesn't show how much the income of the "bottom 90%" has grown in percent. Even if their income had increased by 1,000% you woudn't see it.

>i dont know why you're voting for the destruction of your class by exporting blue collar jobs and making CEOs pay for my jobs economic deficit while I jack off in a trailer park and do meth
>this is a long term solution because we can always just raise taxes for the ever increasing health/medicare/foodstamp costs while waves of migrants pour into our open borders to take jobs americans still do so more americans are unemployed and are on health/medicare/foodstamps but its ok cause we can vote to raise taxes again so more people can jack off in a trailer park doing meth

Yes, I don't know why I thought not voting for this would be beneficial to the white and black working classes.

You saying im not serious about disliking people?

Do you gravitate to communism because your ass has been widened for it from all the times you've been fucked. Or were you loured into it and it's "Bend over" policy widened your ass to be fucked?

I'm just here for the g/fur :(

also, EVERYBODYs goal is accumulating more wealth or power.
this is not something confined to the evil rich man.

Oh no, I genuinely believe that you harbor some serious resentment towards plenty of people. I just feel like you're overeager in letting people know.

As if everyone isnt eager to share their sexual conquests CONSTANTLY.

>pic of the guy who doesn't know how healthcare works
Here he is!

Wow, people seeking validation for what they perceive to be accomplishments! Who would have thought social creatures like us would want that?


They already get enough validation from the act itself, its not that anymore. It's the maximum dick waving contest and the losers get their dicks cut off.


This is why I can't take you seriously. You're upset that someone has what you don't. That is understandable, we function that way.
What is overkill is your absolute distaste of people to take it one step further in what is completely natural behavior and seeking praise for what, again, they see as an accomplishment. You feel left out, and you're lashing out like a child instead of trying to improve as an adult.

i'm back, don't sweat

the blue collar jobs were leaving within a generation anyway. are you reading what i'm saying? robots are going to replace an enormous fraction of the labor force. new low-socioeconomic jobs are not likely to crop up to replace them, excluding some drastic, unforeseen change in the labor market post-automation. your proposed solutions are not likely to last even 10 years, should trump proclaim himself god emperor and enact every executive order his constituency wants. already freight personnel are in immediate danger of being replaced by self-driving vehicles.

immigration and offshoring have nothing to do with this; they are essentially short-sighted non-issues that trumps team has been using as leverage against the unemployed and scared.


i gravitate away from capitalism because it is inherently non-altruistic and would logically leave a lot of people valueless/dead.

that is very obviously not everyone's goal, and it's stupid of you to presume it is.
it is, however, the goal of capitalist societies.



legalizing marijuana federally would provide a lot of domestic jobs, however

even though i will always stand by the idea that marijuana should be a state's rights issue, regardless of how objectively stupid it is to criminalize it

You and your ilk just want me to kill myself because the space I inhabit makes it that ever so lightly inconvenient for your fucking self-validation and virtue signaling.
You people who fuck like a super orgy think you're so superior, why dont you come prove it and come kill me.
Fate will decide, and if you fail, what was your twenty-fucks-a-week meant for?


if bannon was the republican nominee this election, would you have voted for him?

Communism and Capitalism are two sides the same coin. One cannot exist without the other. The communists are the slaves, and the Capitalists are the hidden in plane sight benefactors.


thank you dom


kisses zaryss

i've been thinking about this recently, how a simple majority of american laborers wouldn't notice any change if their government shifted overnight to communism. they'd be doing the same jobs for the same pay, likely

>You and your ilk
I don't know who you mean, but I suspect you mean people who have sex on a regular basis. The last time I had sex was about half a year ago, and I can count the times I've had sex with one hand.
>Virtue signalling
U wot m8?
>You people who fuck like a super orgy
Yeah, no. See above.

You're doing a splendid job of reinforcing whatever it is I thought about you. If you want sex, do something for yourself and strive to be more appealing to whatever sex you want instead of being upset and hoping for the best.
If you don't want sex, I don't understand the purpose of your rants.


Didnt know presidents werent allowed to sleep

AND, assuming it was not a totalitarian communism, they would HAVE MORE BENEFITS

denmark and sweden are great examples of this idea; i'm not sure what sort of economic structure they follow technically, only that the income tax rates are much higher, but /everything is fucking free./ healthcare, higher education, all shit most low end american laborers cannot afford, would be provided for.

maybe it only works for small countries; maybe such a schema wouldn't work with a country as big as the united states. all i know is that what's going on now is ultra regressionist and will fuck a lot of people.

moving goalposts

but that is also the reason open border immigration does not work very well for them

Its long and boring.

Is it thick too?

tfw American dream is to fight tooth and nail to become rich and powerful against all odds

>nah guys lets get rid of that and make EVERYONE middle class

man there's either about to be a bigass post i don't respond to, or i'm going to go to dinner

that is correct, because the huge majority of people /are/ middle class or lower. bringing them up to parity is basically just an expression of belief in innate human value.

I recognise that bulge!

>you cant have rich people if you make everyone equally poor
this can only end happily for everyone and with a functioning economy.

I dont want sex, I cant have sex anymore.
I want to see the people who made it like this to be in despair

so you want yourself to be in despair?


Not sure what you meant there but presenting a graph where the guy does nothing for 11hours a day without mentioning that his sleep time is included in there is completely irrelevant and if you assume he sleeps 8 to 10 hours that leaves him between 1 and 3 hours of free time

>implying the skinhead next to the nigger wouldn't just shoot the nigger

I care about the middle class that's why I must go against their economic interest and forcibly take money from the evil rich to support the dumb pesants lives.


he's going to go eat ASS


eat ass



lick taint

okay liberty prime, we gotta shut you back down now


alright im gon play video games bye

well that's about as good as this thread is going to get