Question. Is it possible to log into a laptop that is on your wireless router...

Question. Is it possible to log into a laptop that is on your wireless router? My sisters friends are over this weeking from college and i want to see if i can access their nudes on their laptops that just connected onto our home wifi. Any info will be appreciated. Here is a pic of one of them.

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No it isn't possible

well that super sucks.

guess i will have to just stick to sniffing their panties when they go out later tonight.

nope not possible at all but if they are mac and you can get a hold of them its possible to bypass the passwords

well there are ways... just depends on either how dumb you or they are in order to pull it off

Scan for some open ports. Nmap is your friend. PS which one is the the friend.

More info please. They will go out later tonight and leave their laptops but i'm sure they have passwords.

both, but the one on the right is the one that's over for the weekend.

take pics and dump here pls

Use a RAT

i'm sure thread will be dead by the time they go but will snap some and start another thread later. i like shooting loads into their thongs then putting them back soaked in juice.

If you got physical access to the laptop

more info please

What OS is it op?


hurr durr, google rat. narrow it down a bit more retard.

Well theres your problem


Since other user is a smartass, RAT stands for Remote Access Technology.

op listen very carefully

>> u cant log into another computer from a shared network unless the other computer allows u to. most personal pc dont have the option active
>>u can put a keylogger on it and take her passwords and stuff.

search google for keylogger and download a pendrive version they work really well.

you can also download ipcam from google play and take videos of her with ur phone. just leave it plugged on an outlet charging, and run the program on ur phone.

next post vid here

thank you for the only useful info posted. will look into it.